Cigarette Smoking Ban

  • Thread starter Danoff
Sure, I can agree with a smoking ban on public places as you've been suggesting. I just don't like the idea of private businesses being forced to go smoke free.

I can see an argument for smoke free restaurants though. I mean, if you consider that second smoke could honestly kill you, the smokers could actually be doing a lot of harm to the non-smokers. But we take risks every day, and I don't think we need to have that cushy a society.

So yea, public parks and stadiums - no smoking. Restaurants and clubs - let 'em do what they want.
The Phoenix Zoo does a thing called Zoolights around the holidays. My wife and I took our son on Saturday night. It was a nice time. But I couldn't help noticing all the people who insist on smoking in crowds. The zoo was very crowded, and every few minutes I got a big, gross whiff of cigarette smoke.

I smoke. But I am more of a "closet smoker". (I do this for two reasons: 1. It bothers people and I try to be considerate; it is rude and unfair to subject other's to it. 2. It's trashy; cigarette smoking is so trailer park and I'm embarassed by it). I never smoke around other people or in my house. Most people have no idea I smoke. For this reason I feel totally justified in biching about these inconsiderate assholes who who can't wait to have a smoke and have to stand there in a crowd of people puffing away. There was a time when such a scene seemed normal, but now it thoroughly offends me. People standing in line to buy food, smoking. Standing in line to take a shuttle to the parking lot, smoking. Standing in a crowd to watch some light show, smoking. Teenagers smoking (so pathetic and sad). It's so rude and trashy. And I was surprised it was allowed at the zoo.

So what do you think? Is it constitutional to ban smoking at a zoo? It's outside. It's public. It's crowded.
So what do you think? Is it constitutional to ban smoking at a zoo? It's outside. It's public. It's crowded.

The zoo should be able to do whatever they want about smoking even though it is public. If they want to ban smoking to try to increase attendance, great, if not, that's ok too. Would it be constitutional for the government to pass a ban on smoking in all zoos? I suppose if they are publicly funded then that is ok also.

My beef is really with over regulation of privately owned businesses.
Originally posted by neon_duke
We're not so far off the same point, after all.

I've agreed that there should be smoking restaurants permitted, but they should have signs posting that they are "smoking" establishments. A simple reversal of the default from what it was before the actual ban, where non-smoking restaurants would have a sign saying "smoke-free".

But I stand fast on public places such as parks, stadiums, etc. where there is no opportunity for consumer choice. They should be smoke free.

When I go nightclubs it pisses me off because of the smoke. I come out smelling of beer (nice) and cigartte smoke (not nice). Also when i wake in the morning i can feel my throat hurting because the smoke and my eyes sting really bad.

Also annoys me when people have to rush off because they have to "have a fag". Also these parents who smoke around there children. They know the damages smoke does to children yet they continue to do it.

How can they be so ignorant to there own kids?
Originally posted by pimpin_t
Also these parents who smoke around there children. They know the damages smoke does to children yet they continue to do it.

How can they be so ignorant to there own kids?

This kills me. When I was growing up my parents both smoked in the house and in the car with my sister and I. I remember being driven to swimming lessons, trapped in the backseat with my friend Tom, my mom driving and his mom as a passenger, both of them smoking with the air conditioning on full-blast, blowing all the smoke in our faces.

When I see adults smokng in a car with kids as passengers I get pretty mad. Even more so when it's an infant. Some people are just inimaginably ingorant and negligent. I feel bad for the kids. It's like when I see a dead animal on the road... I have to just try and forget it quickly or it ruins my day.
Also when i wake in the morning i can feel my throat hurting because the smoke and my eyes sting really bad.

I gather that it isn't bad enough to keep you from going back...
honestly...I think smoking should be banned in all public places. The walk from the train station to my school is 30 minutes in downtown toronto. At the foot of every fricking skyscraper, you'll find about 20-30 people all lighting up. I the end of the 4 years, i'll probably die of cancer from 2nd hand smoke. Not to mention that this only agitates my allergies even more than usual.

The worst bit is the fact that my brother smokes...I CAN'T BELIEVE HIM...He's one of 2 people I look up to and now...damnit...he smokes :S. At least he's courteous about it though. He only does it when nobody else is around and always outside and away from us...and he doesn't do it much for the time being.
no, smoking just makes my allergies worse. It's bad enough that I have to go through most days barely able to inhale because of them but then the makes my life worse. THAT'S why i'd like it gotten rid of. Yea it's selfish, but you don't have to spend 12 hours a day in a place where you are surrounded by people smoking.

I've got other breathing probs too. I've had surgery for a couple of them and that never helped. I've grown immune to all the allergy medications i've ever taken and the shots don't help anymore. My allergies are THAT ****ing bad. If they ban it, then good frickin riddance - it'll make things slightly easier for me.
i hate cigarettes

they really piss me off

plus, people look stupid as hell sitting there with a cigarette in theyre hand thinking theyre cool and stuff

Screw smoke

Ban it
I should have worded what I said differently. I meant outdoors...I hate when people do it outdoors where everyone else is. Restaurants/bars can do as they please. Most restaurants that do have smoking sections allow it only in a separated room so that's not a big deal for me...just can't STAND it when people smoke around me b/c of the breathing probs.

Originally posted by milefile
I am more of a "closet smoker". (I do this for two reasons: 1. It bothers people and I try to be considerate; it is rude and unfair to subject other's to it. I never smoke around other people or in my house. Most people have no idea I smoke.

Thank you man...there aren't too many considerate people like you - @ least not when i'm at school.
FACT #1 - I smoke cigs,... (even though I've been desperately tring to quit this year,.. I'll have it nicked by new years)

FACT #2 - I dont believe I should have the right to subject others to second hand smoke.... hence, I agree with "no smoking in public" laws.........
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
FACT #1 - I smoke cigs,... (even though I've been desperately tring to quit this year,.. I'll have it nicked by new years)

FACT #2 - I dont believe I should have the right to subject others to second hand smoke.... hence, I agree with "no smoking in public" laws.........

The reason you smoke in the first place?
I'd love a ban on smoking in public. I've never yet found a pub that had a no smoking policy, so my choice falls to either going out for a drink and coming home stinking of smoke with sore eyes and throat, or not going out.

To be honest I'm less worried about the health effects of second hand smoke than I am by the smell. It's disgusting. This adds an additional requirement to get home and throw my clothes straight into the washing machine and myself into the shower before I go to bed.

If people want to smoke in public they should have to do it in small metal boxes. :D

And before anyone else starts trying to draw parallels between smoking and drinking, that only applies if after I've drunk my beer I stand on the table and urinate over you.

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