Cities: Skylines II

  • Thread starter PJTierney
Yeah, I've ordered the Ultimate edition and I don't feel great about it, but ultimately whether its done before or after release I was pretty much going to buy the content anyway, the fact it's a bundle saves a few quid.

I'll be more disappointed if none of the game mechanics from the DLCs in the first game are included in the base game, and we have to wait to buy it all again. I've racked up over 2000 hours in the first game, so it's not about the money - it's still good value - I just don't want to have to wait years for it, especially as I guess they'll have to start from scratch with Workshop assets again - there's a good chance the game will look good, but feel very empty.
I know what you mean, some games release past content or features as DLC which is even worse.

I have no doubt I would get my moneys worth from all the content but it still bugs me enough not to order the ultimate version.

Still massively looking forward to the game and hope this runs well on PS5 🤞
Looks like road building in mountains will be more fun 🤩


Also, traffic accidents is a thing in Cities Skylines 2.
Urban roads carrying power and water is a early-game game changer 👍

I'm sure there are already PC mods for them for the original game, but i hope they add services and fuel stations as well. Car parks instead of vehicles that magically appear from shops and train or ferry stations is another thing to look forward to. For us console users anyway.
I'm really excited for this. Seems like a lot of the substantial expansion packs for the first game are built into this one in terms of functionality, which is great. I never felt that CO did a fantastic job really implementing the expansion pack improvements into the game after After Dark, so to see them implemented from the start seems like it should be a banger.
Waypoints for bus lines is confirmed. No more fiddling around with the stop location to try to force the bus to take the roads you want it to take.
One thing I'd like to see is some sort of HoV-only lane functionality. I had something that did that in SimCity 4 and I was never able to find one that worked the same way.
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It seems like we might be able to set the external transportation lines manually. If that’s the case, it should be much easier to avoid train congestion.

I’m also curious about how the two-way single track railroad works. Is the game smart enough to have a train wait at a signal until the track ahead is clear?
I'm hoping it runs well on the £2500 PC I bought for playing the first game!

edit: Just for context I only mention it because the first game can end-up running like dog poo with mods turned on, hopefully the optimisation in II allows the game to better utilise PC performance.
My 3080 machine I bought a year or so ago for triple screen sim racing, struggles to run Planet Zoo at a stable 60fps 1440p on one screen :boggled:

I'm terrified for Cities Skyline 2
The latest dev diary includes some thumbnails of maps. At least two of them are from real locations: San Francisco and Tampere. I did a quick comparison with Google Maps, and, assuming these are at scale 1:1, it seems like the map size is the same or very similar as in Cities Skylines 1, 17.28 x 17.28 km.


Edit: It also looks like we can build farm fields in whatever shape we want.
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I like that the electricity is more realistic now, with high and low voltage, bottlenecks and import/export. The power plants look pretty good too, both in style and in scale.
A bunch a gameplay will be released at 17:00 BST today, when the embargo ends for the content creators who were given early access. I guess I know how I’ll spend my weekend 😅
A bunch a gameplay will be released at 17:00 BST today, when the embargo ends for the content creators who were given early access. I guess I know how I’ll spend my weekend 😅
Oh man no it's way too far from launch still for that, I wouldn't sleep!
My impressions:

  • Road building tools look great!
  • The terrain resolution has improved a lot.
  • I’m not a fan of the auto-generated buildings that spawn in the specialised industry areas, especially the animal farm industry. Makes no sense to have a bunch of big buildings in the middle of a field, without any road access.
  • The tree growth looks interesting. On the plus side, I like that it acts as an indicator to whether a neighbourhood is old or new. On the minus side, it could be hard to get a feeling for how the trees will look when they are fully grown.
  • I really like that tree lined roads, grass, wide sidewalks, tram tracks and bus lanes are now part of road upgrades, and that you can upgrade each sidewalk independently. No more scrolling up and down the road menu to try to find the kind of road you’re looking for.
  • Service buildings in general look a lot better than in CS1. I do wish there were some different styles to choose from though.
  • Still waiting for someone to show what the two-way single track railroad can do.

Wow you can adjust the sensor size, focal length, aperture, and anamorphism?? As a photographer, this is amazing


Being able to set keyframes and interpolate between them for cinematic pans is also great. They've added so many really great tools for creative people

Wow you can adjust the sensor size, focal length, aperture, and anamorphism?? As a photographer, this is amazing

View attachment 1286619 View attachment 1286620

Being able to set keyframes and interpolate between them for cinematic pans is also great. They've added so many really great tools for creative people

This is flipping awesome. I haven't played CS-1 for years now, did they add something similar to this, at all?
The new S-curve tool has been flying below the radar. I have only seen it being used once, and then just as a quick demonstration, but it looked pretty good, like there is some sort of transition curve applied to it.
Console release delayed until 2024, going to be a long winter watching all the PC players having fun with this while us console users can't :(
I wasn’t sure if I should get it for PC or PS5, I guess that issue has been resolved now…