Civilization IV!

In about a week Civilization IV (number 4 for those who have trouble reading Roman numbers) will come out for the PC.


Are there any other Civilization enthusiasts on this website who are looking forward to this game? I have been playing it ever since I installed Civ2 onto my computer ages ago, and have been hooked ever since.

All the previous games weren't really HUGE improvements over the first game, which wasn't a bad thing, but there were enough points at which the game could have been improved... and also these days people expect to see some eye candy... so all of these problems have been eliminated by doing a lot of things over again... but apparently the game still has that Civilization feel.

The game received a good review from IGN already, so I can't wait to play this game!

IGN Review (9.4)


Looks like ye'olde Sim City :odd:
And aren't they Roman numerals rather than numbers? :P

I'm sure it looks better in motion than on the stills. By the way, these images were taken from an early version.

My first language isn't English, so I'm sure I said it wrong, but I don't care as long as you guys understand what I'm trying to say.
Looks really nice, i might consider buying it. Still got Civ 1 & 2 on my pc, never tried out 3, but a big fan of the series 👍 Civ 1 is in my top 5 best games ever.
It looks like Rome: Total War, gameplay wise. Which I never really liked much despite the high rating it got...

Nope... it doesn't look like Rome Total War. It looks like Civilization. :) Rome Total War looks like Civilization (except for the battles part).

Now sarcasm aside.... there are a few similarities, especially on the top level map of Rome Total War... but RTW is so much more limited in every way. In RTW it is only about warfare. In Civilization that is just one small aspect. It can't really be compared. The selling point of RTW is the huge realtime battles, the selling point of any Civilization is the depth and detail of the entire game.

RTW is a good game in what it does (with exception of a couple of bugs), but even though it's easy to draw a comparison based on presentation, it is a very different game.
I playef Civ2 on the PS and loved it.

It was great conquering other nations. And having stealth bombers in 1750AD was even funnier :D
I picked this up last night and just played my first game. Well, tried to play a game. All of the different icons and options are confusing..
Yeah, Civ4 is definitely a game you won't learn in an hour. Once you do, it is really rewarding though. I have been playing CivIII for years, and only recently I found out what "civil engineers" do.... doh. Helped me with a lot of problems I didn't know to solve before!

Just look at that phonebook sized manual (although that should only be used as a reference while playing):

I tried to play III before, but it was just so confusing, and didn't make any since. It looks really nice, but the learning part just seems to complicated for my taste.
I played Civ 3 as well, got to about 75% into it, just before all the nuclear stuff, but the turns took way tool ong for me to really enjoy it. Hopefully this is sorted out in Civ 4 ? Still turn based but not so damn slow !?
Yeah, I noticed that when you had finally stumbled acorss a few rival civilaisations you had to wait ages for them to do all their stuff. Hence why I was in such a rush to kill them all.
I played Civ 3 as well, got to about 75% into it, just before all the nuclear stuff, but the turns took way tool ong for me to really enjoy it. Hopefully this is sorted out in Civ 4 ? Still turn based but not so damn slow !?

Not if you use a trainer like me.

Imagine tanks VS axeman!!! 👍 :dopey:
Games in Civ4 are much quicker, especially if you automate your workers and don't go to war too often.

I really like this game, hours pass without me even noticing. Most of the annoying parts of previous civ games have been eliminated. There is a memory leak bug, which is about the only thing that annoys me, but that should be fixed within weeks.
The game is bugging me to death..its a great game with tons of options and the world builder and modding possibilitys are endless... but it way to buggy..slow on later maps to be almost unplayable . It shipped messed up could tell from the opening when the sound stuutered and the opening video didnt play right , that you were in for it..I actually unistalled and reinstalled a few time s before checking on the web to find out the game shipped with this sucks but what can you do except wait for a patch..and wait before buying the next one until its patched and WORKS .
Really good game, but the combat still needs improvement. I think in a battle between Knights and Infantry, the knights shouldn't be able to even kill off one soldier, unless the Knights have a massive advantage in numbers. This sort of thing was the one thing that annoyed me with Civ III, and it's still there in Civ IV to some extent (it's not so bad though; I haven't seen a tank get completely destroyed by a musketman yet).
I have when the musketman was defending a city . I have had a Knight beat a tank and a archer beat a mech infantry .
I think I'll wait until they release all the addons and then buy it. Civ III in my opinion is only now a decent sequel after all the addons/patches have been added to it. But even then the diplomacy and AI leaves alot to be desired.

Hence my walls of crap units to stop AI opponents from trampling across my territory :)
I haven't played a Civilization game since Civ II, but I just picked this one up tonight. I'll let you guys know what I think after I play it for a while. I loved Civ II, and have been playing it up until about a year ago, so hopefully I like this one just as much.
I got the demo of this on a disc with Computer Shopper magazine and it's reeeally good! I knew it was going to be special after reading all the reviews but damn it's something else. Gonna buy it very soon :)
I did the tutorial on the demo from some magazine..

It seems like a great game if you're into that...but I'm not into that..

All the clicking and waiting..then more clicking..then more waiting...
Straight away I'm put off by the fact that the units are bigger than the buildings. Might be a good game but what's the idea with tiny buildings and huge people.
It's not really a RTS.....Those units are pretty much there just to symbolize the "force" within that area, and how evolved they are.

EX: a city with 2 of those guys clubs isn't as tough to conq. as a city with 4 of those guys with rifes.....
I have tried it and totally hated the game. Not trying to ruine anything, but think before you buy it cause it's a style of game you just gotta love.
I personally hate it, its not rewarding at all, researching almost every damn invention in 50 minutes of playing time. Your constantly trying to do more and more research. I kinda felt forced to also.
Then you cant build cities. You can only settle down on a place and the city gets a life of it's own. Now thats far from rewarding is it.

The whole game seems focussed about researching and options. But all the researching doesn't seem to have a large effect. Changing your religion, just changes the name boedhism to...I dunno name a religion it can be replaced with. Changing the way your country is being controlled by you has no effect at all either, it might give you one more, or one less smilie when you click on the city stats but thats all.

I dont like it at all, and when I got it, it took me a week to swap it for COD2, wich was another mistake I kinda regret:banghead: I'm so bad in picking games...
I ended up buying Civ IV start of dec just because I thought it was a steal at £17. Glad I did, best Civ since Civ 2 I think.

Straight away I'm put off by the fact that the units are bigger than the buildings. Might be a good game but what's the idea with tiny buildings and huge people.

Yeah even for Civ games they look big, although too be honest I don't pay any attention to that anymore. The units have to be bigger anyway, if they were to scale they would be smaller than a pixel as would the buildings :)

I think its a great game although I stopped playing it after failing as England for the 3rd time on one of the massive custom earth maps on Noble difficulty. Was easy to be first when I played as the Americans unsuprisingly when I finally got my revenge on the miserable Aztecs :lol:

I'll win as England next time though, I hope...
I have tried it and totally hated the game. Not trying to ruine anything, but think before you buy it cause it's a style of game you just gotta love.
I personally hate it, its not rewarding at all, researching almost every damn invention in 50 minutes of playing time. Your constantly trying to do more and more research. I kinda felt forced to also.
Then you cant build cities. You can only settle down on a place and the city gets a life of it's own. Now thats far from rewarding is it.

The whole game seems focussed about researching and options. But all the researching doesn't seem to have a large effect. Changing your religion, just changes the name boedhism to...I dunno name a religion it can be replaced with. Changing the way your country is being controlled by you has no effect at all either, it might give you one more, or one less smilie when you click on the city stats but thats all.

I dont like it at all, and when I got it, it took me a week to swap it for COD2, wich was another mistake I kinda regret:banghead: I'm so bad in picking games...

Well i suppose it is just one of those marmite games. It's all about planning, making good decisions, negotiating etc. It's a thinkers game like the turn-based board games it's based on.

The cities are affected by what you chose to build inside them, that is how they grow. You can also build the cottages and farms etc. around the city to aid growth. It's no Sim City if that's what you were after.

The religions are all equal, they are purely names as you pointed out. Given all the religious wars that occur daily around the world it wouldn't really be fitting to say that Hinduism is a better religion that Christianity for instance or visa versa.

I think you're missing out on the subtleties in the game with respect to the changes in civic and government. It's not just about keeping your people happy (although that's important), but also how other civs percieve you and negotiate with you and how well food/production are produced/used.

It's a shame you didn't like COD2 either, bet you were a bit gutted after that :P I agree that i stopped playing COD2 after i'd completed it which only took a couple of days so i don't feel i got as much out of that as i could've done. Still a good game first time through i though.
It's a shame you didn't like COD2 either, bet you were a bit gutted after that :P I agree that i stopped playing COD2 after i'd completed it which only took a couple of days so i don't feel i got as much out of that as i could've done. Still a good game first time through i though.

Hehe you understand me.
Biggest frustration was that I had just bought myself a new PC wich was SUPPOSED to be very good for gaming.

But after I bought CoD2 and realised I had to put every detail level to low or normal for plain single player lag issues I was really disappointed.

CoD1 also has a far better story line wich is completely gone in CoD2 now I think...

I wish I had bought FEAR or NFS Most Wanted just for pure gameplay.

Does anyone else notice todays games keep getting worse in storylines:nervous: FEAR is an exception I think, but the simple looking single player games I was able to play on my pentium 2 have far better storylines than all the fancy crap, resource eating "beautifull games".

"Beautifull" because if you have a bit less expensive computer than the game testers ( who must have incredible PC's for those games), you will already experience lag and will be forced to minimize the detail of the game.

Wich end you up with no graphics improvement. The only thing you will notice is that the storyline got less attention this time around. I hate it.