Civilization IV!

I think todays games...Are all about graphics and weapons and not about gameplay....

Fear did have a good story....The ending however was the lamest thing since lame went to lameville...

But everything else with "Cutting edge graphics" is one of the lamest plot lines's either..Monsters from hell, monsters from outer space, or monsters from fall out...
Lol yeah exactly, luckily I'm not the only one thinking this;)

I remember Mafia for the PS2 wich had the most amazing storyline I ever played together with Metal Gear Solid Substance.
The game wasn't beautifull at all, and it had long loading screens but you felt like really LIVING a mafia life there instead of playing in a game wich is supposed to have better graphics if you had a computer that could put the graphics detail up:rolleyes:
Mafia is one of the best games ever, especially when it came out it was so much more engaging than any other game, including the GTA games. But of course if you like games like that it doesn't automatically mean that CivIV is a game for you. I think both games are equally good, they're just completely different.

I still play CivIV regularly. I enjoy the game more on smaller maps than on the huge ones, since it doesn't take a millennium to destroy another civilization that way. The game is a lot more challenging on larger maps, though... the AI is very sneaky and like to create conspiracies against you when you do not constantly give them free stuff or have the same religion. So a bigger map means more players and more players that do not like you.
Am I the only one still playing the game? I usually play the Beyond the Sword expansion, although the spies are a bit annoying (they are more like terrorists sometimes).

Anyway, yesterday I finally reached 1 billion citizens! I've wanted to do that for a very long time, but in order to make it happen you need to play on such large maps that in the end each turn takes forever. It may also require a little bit of cheating to maximize the food resources of each city...
Edit: holy gravedig Batman! This has to be a near-record.

AMG bruh!!! U Civ IV?!?

No but for real, Civ IV BTS is the s***. My all-time favorite Civ-style game. I still play LAN games with two friends almost once a month.

How long do you have to let the game run to hit 1,000,000,000 citizens though? I've never even gotten close to that. Although to be fair, most games I play don't get too far into the modern ages. We always start in the stone age and have progression set very slow, so even 6+ hours in you're maybe seeing gunpowder...

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