Cizeta Fenice Spyder TTJ 2003

As the Cizeta has been one of my all time favourite supercars, I was beyond happy that Gran Turismo picked it up in GT4 and then made it premium in GT6. The convertible version is sexy enough to co-exist with its hard top sibling don't you think? Actually I can imagine this one looking beautiful at Tahiti (if it ever came back) in a grid full of other exotic convertibles like an early 90's Diablo or a Testarossa.

Yellow Front.jpg
Yeah. Full support on this one. If I could own any one car, it would be the V16T (prob the coupe version). No other piston engine car sounds anywhere near as good as the V16T IMO, like an old school V8 and an Italian V12 put together. :D pure road trip machine...

+I believe you can still order one of these, for about $800k...
I came to vote the V16, but I think I'd prefer this since we'd only get 1 if either