Classic JDM COMPETITION | Signups open!! |

  • Thread starter marbel69
Thanks for getting the section up 👍

I'll be honest, I was hoping for the reverse of that section (has much better flow, and feels more like a comp section IMO), but, the man has spoken, so forwards it is :)
LOL sorry for being a noob just want to know the green is the start line and the red is the stop line..... :s
PSN: monsterGAUZ
CAR: Mazda RX7 FC3S
G25 + 350mm wheel

ill put you in reserve mate , in case iff people do not show up:)

..if there is still room.

GTP: DriftAsator
PSN: Redsuns-Asa
Car: NeXen RX8
Team: Redsuns
Wheel or DS3: DS3

you are now fully in the comp , someone left so you took his spot
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Hey bro you might wanna change what team your in on the OP. Anyway I expect good results from this since you have put a lot of work into it.
CAR: Honda NSX 02'
TEAM: Major League Drift
Wheel: DFGT

Sorry couldn't get a pic can't find my flash drive.
Hey bro you might wanna change what team your in on the OP. Anyway I expect good results from this since you have put a lot of work into it.

ohh yea sorry bro

CAR: Honda NSX 02'
TEAM: Major League Drift
Wheel: DFGT

Sorry couldn't get a pic can't find my flash drive.

okeyy ill put you in reserve m8
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ok guys , its time to do a test lobby, so i would say that evrytbody needs to add me, and when most off the people added me ill make a lobby, time and date will be up later
no shame iff you dont make it but at least try, iff you dont letme know so i can tell reserve people to be there
Once Marbel has confirmed a time.... I can also confirm whether i'll make it or not...
Car: NISMO 380RS Super Leggera
Team: N/A
DS3 or Wheel : DS3
Us Aussies gonna need some red bull!!

Marbel can you please give a enough time from when you announce practice lobby time to opening lobby, cheers. Your 6 pm is 2 am here, so excited.
Us Aussies gonna need some red bull!!

Marbel can you please give a enough time from when you announce practice lobby time to opening lobby, cheers. Your 6 pm is 2 am here, so excited.

kk m8

Car: NISMO 380RS Super Leggera
Team: N/A
DS3 or Wheel : DS3

in reserve
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