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Ya i willmarbel69yea lexus is okay mate , just make sure its limited till 580bhp like evrybody
But i still dont know wich one ill take, fairlady z33 or isf
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Ya i willmarbel69yea lexus is okay mate , just make sure its limited till 580bhp like evrybody
But i still dont know wich one ill take, fairlady z33 or isf
PSN: monsterGAUZ
CAR: Mazda RX7 FC3S
G25 + 350mm wheel
..if there is still room.
GTP: DriftAsator
PSN: Redsuns-Asa
Car: NeXen RX8
Team: Redsuns
Wheel or DS3: DS3
you are now fully in the comp , someone left so you took his spot
Hey bro you might wanna change what team your in on the OP. Anyway I expect good results from this since you have put a lot of work into it.
CAR: Honda NSX 02'
TEAM: Major League Drift
Wheel: DFGT
Sorry couldn't get a pic can't find my flash drive.
PSN: Lspredator (Small L, not big i)
Car: Toyota Supra RZ '97
Team: Team DriftMonkey
Wheel: Wheel G27
What is your day/ time where you are?
Change my car to a Skyline GTS-T R32 please.
Us Aussies gonna need some red bull!!
Marbel can you please give a enough time from when you announce practice lobby time to opening lobby, cheers. Your 6 pm is 2 am here, so excited.
Car: NISMO 380RS Super Leggera
Team: N/A
DS3 or Wheel : DS3