CLOSED: 2.0 Advanced Competition 82

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
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The Picasa on google it's the picnik of flickr (used to be).
And Lightroom ? Can I get more info from you ? :)
The Picasa on google it's the picnik of flickr (used to be).
And Lightroom ? Can I get more info from you ? :)

I started out with Picasa and learned all the things I can from it. Lightroom is a step up from Picasa.

I went from (Picasa)

To this (Lightroom)
It's my dad :P

I'm going to give it another try.

If I post it on my gallery could you go there and tell me what you think ?

Because I think you can only change 3 times your entry :/

Once. :P

I mean like the website or soo.

Picasa does have a website. I'd say GIMP and Picasa are the only options for photo editing unless you want the horrible compression websites provide.

Theres no point saying 'I can't understand GIMP'. The only way to get better is if you keep on practicing! Try the tutorials for image editing. GIMP shares the same basic tools, so most of the tutorials should work. :)
I mean the english , the translation and sooo....

Also , since I can only change once , basiacly and as always .. I'm out.

You really need to let people know when your going premium, just realised who you are:lol:.

I need to be honest with you to give you proper advice, your pictures aren't great (improving though) they're generally over exposed or way too dark, the same with your angles you need to find a happy medium, your compositions are getting better. Its a similar situation with your editing, editing is all about subtlety, you need to edit the picture whilst making sure it doesn't look significantly edited, i can't comment much more on editing as ive just started but my 2 cents there.

Probably the single best piece of advice i could give would be look at others galleries, it helped me:)
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How many accounts do you have Diogo? i see werty as your PSN name, you had like three different werty accounts on here too. Wasn't there a whole heap of hassle not so long ago with werty accounts??
How many accounts do you have Diogo? i see werty as your PSN name, you had like three different werty accounts on here too. Wasn't there a whole heap of hassle not so long ago with werty accounts??

He's been banned once, and should probably be banned again, since multiple accounts aren't allowed, but it's been missed by the moderators despite that it's been reported...
Final Entry

It looks much better in big!​

Might I suggest that you use Flickr or some other site which doesn't compress this badly? It does kinda detract from the entry itself and there's still some visible compression artifacts in the full size...
Looks much like your winning entry before, only with a different car.
But it's still a great photo :)
Haha, i agree, i didn't realise untill i put it in my gallery! I've got no inspiration for GT5 lately. :indiff: It's crap though, All my pictures are the same anyway.
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It's certainly not crap but I'm sure I do see a lens flare/halo in there which is outside of the 2.0 rules. So an "Oh crap" may be appropriate. ;)

I didn't like it anyway, it's removed. also, I forgot about the lens flare rule! all in all this entry was a disaster.
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