Dude... Epic. 👍
whaa? That's the first feedback I've got in monnnttthhhsssss.
Thanks, I see you've used the same car and location. Good luck. 👍
Dude... Epic. 👍
whaa? That's the first feedback I've got in monnnttthhhsssss.
Thanks, I see you've used the same car and location. Good luck. 👍
That's hard to believe - you take great photos. Your F40 in this comp is definitely no exception - wonderful shot.
But it's too big, 500px maximum.
Not entirely happy with this so might change if I find that time.
Click to experience the glory of the almighty 3833 x 2146 full size!
I might change my entry...I've got something new to play with thanks to the Seasonals!
But this is a phototravel only competition?
I know. I bought a new car with the money earned from the Seasonal events. 👍
That "Maserati" is under the 250,000 budget I'm afraid Dolp.