I love this pic. The way the reflections in the building are mirrored by the car is a great touch that shows some wonderful subtlety. Good job.
Thanks, tonilleshusband - I knew I wanted to bring more light to the Sony building and draw out the reflections in both it and the car... just had to do some carefully-masked curves layers and a bit of sharpening. It'll be interesting to see how it does, if I manage to make the poll.
In the meantime, I'm digging the moody look you've created with the filtered version of your original entry. Makes it a little more... menacing. 👍
I love the feel of this shot, makes it seem like Bruce Wayne speeding through the shadows of Gotham.
Because losing THREE ways isn't enough, I've decided to give this CCCL competition a go...
Tokyo's definitely not my favorite track; at most of the interesting locations, the car is in the shadows, and tonilleshusband clearly found the unique spot this go 'round. Still, I think I managed to capture a bit of the intimidating look of "Godzilla in Tokyo" in my...
Sorry stupid question...
Why is it C.C.C.L. competition?