CLOSED: CCCL Competition: Week 13

  • Thread starter atlop
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Final Entry

I keep thinking of the brazilian flag when I look at this, for some strange reason. To Ayrton, the greatest driver F1 ever will have seen.
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I have asked rpanico14 to pick the top 20. From now on new entries may not be considered for the poll.
I'm pulling my pics off my USB drive right now...
Guess I missed out this time around.
(That'll teach me to better manage my time.)
I have now sent my final 20 entries to Atlop. Great entries everyone as usual, if your entry didn't make the poll send me a PM and I'll explain my reason(s) why.
He said may not be considered, you may be able to make the deadline.

No worries - I hadn't picked which picture I was going to enter, and needed to get some work done. I just gotta except I wasn't prepared is all. I'll catch the next one.
Good luck to all those that make the poll!
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