Everyone great job no matter what the votes say. Ant, great job. The creativity, techniques, and the tiniest of details in these 15 is what caught my eye. If Ant had used a different car I'm not sure it would've won or even made my list. Ironically the photo of the Ford Mark IV wins the Corvette Bonus
Raphaele- The shot was breathtaking and got an instant wow out of me. The lighting highlighting the car the shadowing from the top of the hill to the drop.
BMXmitch- Great use of surroundings, It may have voted better if it had been a tighter shot?
Ferrari_458- Very cool shot and very well done.
Rods-Excellent usage of lighting and depth.
Zambuca- Went out on a limb, the reflection in the visors sold the shot.
Jus1029- I don't think a lot of people paid as much attention but great shot. The tight focus really made the car look like it was jumping out at me. Great job!
Ijkhk4- This looks like it should be hanging in the gallery at the Red Bull Hangar.
Big Zeppelin- Best usage of the Black and white to color filter I've seen. Usually it has weird contrast and mix matches, not this shot.
Boabdulrahman- A very clean night shot. The sky in the background, the lights catching only a corner of the car, the details were amazing.
ZEROX- Nice shot, very mean angle with the lighting.
ZachAttack1991- This almost didn't make it until I did my last reorder and then it shot into poll. The reflections, the look of the X2010 being on display in a museum.
ThaSyn- Again, nicely done. A great feel to racing through the night.
FishyJuice- We both didn't think much of it at first
But this shot is why using x2 is a must. Blown up to full size this shot is very good, very crisp, and the lighting, the highlights and shadows, and usage of the tracks curvature really made a nice shot.
Beccosinho- Great tight shot. It had the right amount of everything. The soft highlighting around the wheels. the way the lights strike the car.
Again, congrats Ant! Friend me on the PSN and I will send you your matching Corvettes when I get back into town.