CLOSED: The Photomode Competition: Week 20

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
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The way I do it...grab a car and take a lap. On a longer course it can help to have a faster car to get through the replay but anything will do. If on a time/weather change course use the My Lounge under community to fix the settings if you know what you are going for. Then load up your replay, pause with the car well out of range of what you want to shoot and wander down the track.

There may be better ways but I hope that helps give you a start.

Ahh ok I figure it was like that, but I thought you guys were doing it different cool thanks man.👍
Is that really at the Bergwerk? I never noticed that despite driving through there probably a thousand times...

yeah it is i never noticed either... like i never realized there was anything at all there. im walking and saw and said whats this look down and i rofl'ed. there were some really funny other ones like theres a dead body outline and theres one where theres some writing and you can tell that there was supposed to be more but instead theres a bunch splatered paint blobs lol there were some other ones but i cant remeber any at the moment
Slightly unrelated to the actual competition, but instead, to do with the actual forums; I'm going to take the time to remind members that the AUP applies to all sections of the board, including the Photomode sub-forum. Proper grammar, capitalization, and lack of text speak, specifically. Also, while it's not specifically mentioned... try to avoid double posts unless a good chunk of time has passed; make use of that multi-quote feature! :)

And, as for the regularly scheduled program; you've got about a dozen hours before I ask for the Top 15 per side, and the Top 20 for 2.0, so hop to it 👍
Settled on Ze Schleife. Wasn't too sure what to shoot, So I did a lap and figured things out along the way. Wanted to avoid shooting the karousel but, I ended up doing exactly that! Hoping you guys like this shot. I checked the posts before me and it seems no one else did anything similar to mine.

Final Entry

Click on the little image to make it big.
Effects Used: Extreme Monochrome
Fur Weicheier I think means something similiar to the expression "For Pussies/Wimps/etc"​
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