*Massive facepalm.*
Now where to start..
So I know there trying to get me banned because I am annoying
No one said or did anything..
Also, you're admitting you're annoying?
Let me tell you in the work place there's going to be people you don't like or you think is annoying. And lots of people annoy me too.
This is a game, not a workplace.
Also, what have these 'lots of people' done to annoy you? I'm pretty sure they annoy you for a 'certain' reason.
But I try my best to be mature and have good grammar but us humans aren't perfect I am going to slip up
I'm not even going to answer or give you an explanation for this one.. By the way, how old are you?
And if you talk and treat me with respect I will be mature
So wait, for you to be 'mature', we have to give you respect? Despite the fact that the reason you were banned was because:
- You were being racist to ______(not mentioning name). NOT ALLOWED
- Keep driving childishly. NOT ALLOWED
- Not following directions. NOT ALLOWED
- And more.
Well that's mature isn't it..
Also, you mention that you were going to just going to go 'undercover' by using one of your billions of accounts. That's very mature, doing something that is wrong but not being able to face the consequences.
Well, I will be cheesy here by using the quote: 'To earn respect, you need to give it'. I don't see you giving any respect there..
I do like to talk about RL stuff but just because I'm not doesn't mean you can say on the GT5 comment wall I'm off topic, that's disrespect... Alright.
So what if you like to talk about 'real life' stuff, that doesn't mean we want to hear it whilst we are trying to cruise or doing something else. It also doesn't mean that you can talk about random 'crap' whilst we are trying to do something important. For example, last Saturday when we were doing the Cops thing, you pitched in with something that is COMPLETELY off topic. I can't remember what it was, but if I remember correctly, the chat was FLOODED with you talking 'crap' and everyone was telling you to stop.
Finally, how is writing on your GT5 wall that you're are off topic disrespectful? It's the truth.
Sorry for ranting on this page, WHaT.