[CLOSED] WHaT's Cops and Cruise Club [CLOSED]]

  • Thread starter ProjectWHaT
PSN ID: imRioter
First Name (Optional): Dom
Age: 19
Favorite car: Evo X
Where are you from? (Optional): Derby
Laid back, serious, or both at all times?: Both most of the time ;)
Are you a Cop, Civilian, Street Racer, or all? Why?: All - dependent on mood
Have you read all of the rules?: Yes :)
How often will you attend lobbies?: Whenever possible, but a large percentage will either be GTA or GT.
Why should we accept you?: I was in DBeav's Club, and I'm a good cruiser :D
How did you discover this thread?: Browsing through the threads on GTP
Were you ever a member of Dbeav's club? Yaaa
Anything else you want to share?: Hi Der :D
Hmm... I don't know if I want to get back into a cruise club. But maybe... If I could join on as a GTPD adviser?
I think since this club is just starting out trusted members of dbeavs club should be aloud to make lobbies as there are not administrators or moderators as of yet. I would like to be a moderator but I don't think I would be active enough to hold that position, that's what happened to my moderator position at dbeavs club.
There will be a "Cars 'n Coffee" on Saturday morning (11 pm maybe?) OR evening (7pm)

(All times in EST)

Can't join on weekends.... it's okay though. I can wait until this club settles in properly and gets everything sorted out.
PSN ID: imRioter
First Name (Optional): Dom
Age: 19
Favorite car: Evo X
Where are you from? (Optional): Derby
Laid back, serious, or both at all times?: Both most of the time ;)
Are you a Cop, Civilian, Street Racer, or all? Why?: All - dependent on mood
Have you read all of the rules?: Yes :)
How often will you attend lobbies?: Whenever possible, but a large percentage will either be GTA or GT.
Why should we accept you?: I was in DBeav's Club, and I'm a good cruiser :D
How did you discover this thread?: Browsing through the threads on GTP
Were you ever a member of Dbeav's club? Yaaa
Anything else you want to share?: Hi Der :D


There'll be a regular cruise lobby on Friday night.
Will you be able to make it slightly early, so that it is compatible with GMT members? Not necessarily this Friday, as I can't attend anyway, but for Friday's in the future.
Will you be able to make it slightly early, so that it is compatible with GMT members? Not necessarily this Friday, as I can't attend anyway, but for Friday's in the future.

The only day I'll be able to make a lobby that is GMT friendly is on Saturdays. But the majority of the people wanted one in the evening for this Saturday.
First Name (Optional):
Favorite car:Subaru Impreza STI (My first car)
Where are you from? (Optional):Vancouver
Laid back, serious, or both at all times?:Both at all times
Are you a Cop, Civilian, Street Racer, or all? Why?:I'm a bit of all i don't like perks
Have you read all of the rules?:Yup, an will respect them
How often will you attend lobbies?:embarrassed:ftenly in the evening of every day but htere will be days that i can't go.
Why should we accept you?:I'm a great addition to the group
How did you discover this thread?:You sent me a PM and since i heard Dbeav's club was done so i wanna still play
Were you ever a member of Dbeav's club?Yes,i feel so bad it ended
Anything else you want to share?:I'm cool
The only day I'll be able to make a lobby that is GMT friendly is on Saturdays. But the majority of the people wanted one in the evening for this Saturday.

Saturday's are probably the worst day for me, so I'll just join lounges on Friday's, when I can if that's ok?
Proper excited for this club to be honest. I know it's a bit off-topic, but maybe make it a multi-game club too? For example, sometimes host lobbies on GTAV for those who have it, and then alternately people who haven't got it could host a lobby if they have privileges to do so. Obviously something to work on, best that we all get settled first :D
This, let's prove the club will work in GT5 as it was meant before biting-off more than we can chew.

I agree. This club has had one lobby in the week its been up. There's no point in running before you can walk.
PSN ID: Vantage7825
Favorite car: That's the hardest question known to man.
Where are you from? (Optional): The South
Laid back, serious, or both at all times?: It all depends on the day, but I just show up to have fun.
Are you a Cop, Civilian, Street Racer, or all: It depends Why?: Because of the day lol
Have you read all of the rules?: Yes, good job btw..
How often will you attend lobbies?: Mainly the weekends.. Please excuse me if I have work..
Why should we accept you?: I am a respectful, mature member and will not cause unnecessary issues... And I'm fun!!
How did you discover this thread?: gtplanet
Were you ever a member of Dbeav's club?Yes
Anything else you want to share?: Vehicles and aircraft have been a passion for 90% of my life.
Would anyone be interested in a GTA V cruising rooms (PS3 sorry) once GTA Online begins?

I like that idea, cops can use cop cars, street racers can use guns if they get cornered, and innocent by standers can get caught in the cross fire. Got a feeling lobby's would get out of control real quick though.