- 60
- Derby
- imRioter
- imRioter
PSN ID: imRioter
First Name (Optional): Dom
Age: 19
Favorite car: Evo X
Where are you from? (Optional): Derby
Laid back, serious, or both at all times?: Both most of the time
Are you a Cop, Civilian, Street Racer, or all? Why?: All - dependent on mood
Have you read all of the rules?: Yes
How often will you attend lobbies?: Whenever possible, but a large percentage will either be GTA or GT.
Why should we accept you?: I was in DBeav's Club, and I'm a good cruiser
How did you discover this thread?: Browsing through the threads on GTP
Were you ever a member of Dbeav's club? Yaaa
Anything else you want to share?: Hi Der
First Name (Optional): Dom
Age: 19
Favorite car: Evo X
Where are you from? (Optional): Derby
Laid back, serious, or both at all times?: Both most of the time
Are you a Cop, Civilian, Street Racer, or all? Why?: All - dependent on mood
Have you read all of the rules?: Yes
How often will you attend lobbies?: Whenever possible, but a large percentage will either be GTA or GT.
Why should we accept you?: I was in DBeav's Club, and I'm a good cruiser
How did you discover this thread?: Browsing through the threads on GTP
Were you ever a member of Dbeav's club? Yaaa
Anything else you want to share?: Hi Der