[CLOSED] WHaT's Drivers Club

  • Thread starter ProjectWHaT
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I'm goin' to put this out here on the thread for everyone to see:

"Stop driving like a fag" By @TheJess656
"You drive like a fag" By @TheJess656
"Your an IDIOT" By @TheJess656

I'm so sick of this ^
I want to just 🤬 him.
This is all he does, 24/7, every lobby.
I'm not the issue (I understand my driving isn't that good [I'm not fully in control of my car with no aids])
I usually ignore these messages but, when it happens over and over again I get tired of it.
I put this on the thread so everyone knows this happens because I usually get told "He didn't say that" ^That makes me as mad as him calling me a "fag".

And ameer this is important so don't complain

A PM would not do justice
For one thing, TheJess shouldn't be calling people fags as it isn't nice (I take offense to that) and it's a bit hypocritical when people at his school use to call him that.

However on another thing, your name has been hovering in the moderator's discussion quite often. It usually is for bad driving or doing a poor job being a officer. It isn't in anybody's power to control your car but you. So your driving is your issue. I find it hard to believe that it's hard to be in control of the car you're driving without aids (I have to drive with ABS) because unless you're driving like a hooligan (or hoonigan like Katiegan) or really stupidly, keeping control of the car isn't hard. Just my two cents.
But I don't think you understand. I can drive, but when you have your lobby in a "Drag Mode" its hard to drive normally (TCS is required by the US Gov.) I believe you need to rethink your lobby settings because (I'm gonna say it) they suck. When you can't keep control after you touch the grass or make a turn, somethings off.
Those are just club rules. What does having TCS on have to do with the US laws? :lol: Anyway, end this arguing and get back on topic. And remove that f-word from your post.
I'm goin' to put this out here on the thread for everyone to see:

"Stop driving like a fag" By @TheJess656
"You drive like a fag" By @TheJess656
"Your an IDIOT" By @TheJess656

I'm so sick of this ^
I want to just 🤬 him.
This is all he does, 24/7, every lobby.

I'm not the issue (I understand my driving isn't that good [I'm not fully in control of my car with no aids])
I usually ignore these messages but, when it happens over and over again I get tired of it.
I put this on the thread so everyone knows this happens because I usually get told "He didn't say that" <That makes me as mad as him calling me a "fag".

If this is not addressed I will have to leave this club. The fire in me is overwhelming and I can not take this much longer.
First of all, lower your font. Jess never called you a "fag", so you to wrongly address that because we were all mad because you can't really drive, but you're mad because he was the one to speak up first. So first of all, don't lie, second of all, Jess isn't a member. He tags along a lot. So this pretty much is impossible to address and you're gonna have to deal with it. But I personally think that turning on traction control would really soothe things up with a lot of the cruises. I only drive bmws which are rear wheel drive, which are a pain in the 🤬 to handle.
First of all, lower your font. Jess never called you a "fag", so you to wrongly address that because we were all mad because you can't really drive, but you're mad because he was the one to speak up first. So first of all, don't lie, second of all, Jess isn't a member. He tags along a lot. So this pretty much is impossible to address and you're gonna have to deal with it. But I personally think that turning on traction control would really soothe things up with a lot of the cruises. I only drive bmws which are rear wheel drive, which are a pain in the 🤬 to handle.

Throttle Control ;)
See your the one I had lots of trouble with.... about the "He didn't say it"
He didn't say it! I watched the threads. You're simply mad at him because he pointed you out. Just forget it man! Accept the fact that your driving sucks! What I do is I push the throttle halfway, and shift at 2500-3000. I have no problems with that. Besides the fact that I start from gear 2, which I highly recommend you doing in the next lobby you participate in, because I feel like that will help you a lot.

EDIT: Anyways, back on topic. That was a great cruise. I really had fun, after we kicked EF, it was really good. Thanks Ameer for coming in at the perfect time.
First of all, lower your font. Jess never called you a "fag", so you to wrongly address that because we were all mad because you can't really drive, but you're mad because he was the one to speak up first. So first of all, don't lie, second of all, Jess isn't a member. He tags along a lot. So this pretty much is impossible to address and you're gonna have to deal with it. But I personally think that turning on traction control would really soothe things up with a lot of the cruises. I only drive bmws which are rear wheel drive, which are a pain in the 🤬 to handle.
I drive a 262 mph Lexus GS 300 Vertex Edition and Supra which are rear wheel drive, which THOSE are a pain in the ba-dunka-dunk to handle (beat that). No, I drive high powered cars from both RWD to AWD and I can handle them without TC.

No thank you. I don't need you arguing with me starting tension within a PM. Please stop the senseless arguing. Thank you. I feel like you're creating the same drama that started in the last club. Which is the reason why we made this club. Stop the senseless arguing, EF. Or you'll probably be getting banned. I made that mistake a couple months ago, just stop, you're not gonna get anywhere with arguing man.

EDIT: @EF. Nobody is trying to argue with you within PM. Just end it.
Let's all enjoy this pic of what I think of most of you! C:
I'm sorry. I would just like y'all to accept that I know the words I read. (BTW I told him several times to stop, but the rudeness kept coming)
I'm done and y'all should be too.
EF. Don't reply after this message. He didn't say anything. I for one, accept your apology. Just please work on the advice I gave you in one of my post above.
Next one to bring it up gets a 1-week ban, how 'bout dem apples ?

Moderators, keep an eye on the convo, my conspiracy-senses are tingling and I'll be bringing something up I've noticed the last few pages.
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