[CLOSED] WHaT's Drivers Club

  • Thread starter ProjectWHaT
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Was doing the seasonals, and it froze... my PS3 has never frozen before.

I think @ameer67 has cursed my game, because I was beating him by 4 seconds on Mt.Panorama, and my PS3 froze JUST before crossing the finish line

....something is fishy. :odd:

THAT'S IT!!!!!! I'M DONE! Twice in a 🤬 row!?!?! You guys might as well kick me out of the club, because I am NOT touching this game again!!

FINALLY! I'm free to join a cruise lobby, and my PS3 starts giving me 🤬!!
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I don't get it. I can play other games just fine, but when I put this game in, it just freaks out. BF3 is a DEMANDING game in certain situations.... yet it's perfectly fine there.

Honestly, if it is YLOD, I'm trashing it.
My 40GB did fine with GT6, sure the fans would turn on at full blast, and then turn off again... but this one (160GB) is quiet and just dies with GT6 only...
Just FYI for Management & Members, my GT6 activity is going to be slightly 'down' for a while here, as I've personally grown tired of the same "wash, rinse, repeat" nuances I keep seeing, like being teased with new-content and then waiting past-due for it to arrive, and many more 'lackluster' things PD is doing that I personally can't stand.

I basically just need to 'step-away' from the game for a bit, to avoid 'burn-out' from playing it so often. I'll look to try a 'weekends-only' schedule, while playing other games to distract me from PD's slow-moving progress in the meantime.
Just FYI for Management & Members, my GT6 activity is going to be slightly 'down' for a while here, as I've personally grown tired of the same "wash, rinse, repeat" nuances I keep seeing, like being teased with new-content and then waiting past-due for it to arrive, and many more 'lackluster' things PD is doing that I personally can't stand.

I basically just need to 'step-away' from the game for a bit, to avoid 'burn-out' from playing it so often. I'll look to try a 'weekends-only' schedule, while playing other games to distract me from PD's slow-moving progress in the meantime.

I can understand that, repetition gets boring.. for anything
I can understand that, repetition gets boring.. for anything

Yep, just need a good healthy change of pace, I'll be back n' active just as before, after a few weeks or so of 'different' games (Mass Effect Trilogy & some other games I picked-up cheap)
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