Yes, but it's not showing -_-
I believe I found a
loophole for this issue
(TAKE THAT PD), from my attempts last night after getting hit with lag
What you have to do,
is completely ignore the Friends-only option. (it's pretty much still a broken search 'feature')
When in the lobby-search menu, in the options on the left-hand side of the screen, first make sure to have "Practice/Qualify" mode selected, and not "Racing", then find out what track the lobby is at (for example, last night I knew,
at the time of searching, it was SSR7), and then under 'course selection' - select that track & refresh the list (triangle).
It should bring up a list of rooms held at that track, Friend-only or not, that are not full & not in race-mode, you'll have to search through that list, maybe 2 or 3 times, but the club-lobby should pop-up under those search settings. That is how I managed to find DB's lobby again after having the same "nothing showing up" issue.
And, every member officially has the permission to send me a friend request.
... Copy-Cat