[CLOSED] WHaT's Drivers Club

  • Thread starter ProjectWHaT
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Sorry I haven't been on this whole week. I've been having a really hard time with school lately. I'm able to get online now though so I'll be joining soon.
Kind of off topic, but the shadows on this area @ Matterhorn are pretty weird.

Yeah, it's called PD scatter-focus, where their trying to do too much and neglecting other vital parts of the GT experience. :lol:

/ #GT6dissatisfaction rant. :rolleyes:

If I make it online tonight, I'll host a friend/club-only cruise room (don't need to be dealing with randoms, after the week I've had), It'll be sometime after 8pm EST at earliest. New-ish members: Be sure to send me a FR on PSN if you've been accepted to the club recently, otherwise you won't be able to get it ! :scared:
Ahh I was having dinner and left my PS3 on and everyone left the room. I just left so it's closed now.
Bleh. I was looking forward to joining, but I'm still finishing up an essay and a reading log, so I probably wouldn't have made it anyways. -__-
Cruise lobby is up !, Friends/Members only (if added previously)

Starting @ SSR5 for some night-time atmosphere.
Cruise lobby is up !, Friends/Members only (if added previously)

Starting @ SSR5 for some night-time atmosphere.
I just friended Kurei but of course I get the "Room Is Full" error :mad:
I saw it coming :banghead:
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I most likely won't be able to attend any lobbies tonight. I'll be busy all day.
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