Club 229

  • Thread starter Famine
I just got finished with my second Day 229, and this time with all gold. Yeah, me.

Here is a list of my results:

Complete 100%
Prize Totoal Cr. 11,292,500
Current Crs. 10,205,530
Crs. Used 1,086,970 (I bought several race cars on another saved game)
Wins 337 / Races 337 = 100% Win Ratio
Licenses Acquired S R (Gold) 48 (Silver) 0 (Bronze) 0
Cars Owned 105
Total Mileage 9708.6 Miles
Total Car Value Cr. 54,281,490
Bonus Cars Acquired 101
Trophies Acquired 398
Hi again! I'm a Gold Junkie!!! I just needed to finally provide "proof" of what I did...

Most of this video is me scrolling through the cars in my garage, and the Stats Screen is toward the end...

Sorry it took me so long to confirm this.. I don't, nor will I ever own any "cheating" devices, so all confirmations will have to be via youtube...

More videos to come, especially now that I'm about to get goin' on GT4!!!

Have A Great Drive!!