Clyde's Photo Corner [21/8 - Aracnhophobic - Alfa Romeo 4C]


One can imagine that when the engineers at McLaren set about creating a replacement for the F1, they knew it wasn't going to be easy to surpass, both in outrageousness and in performance, McLaren's first foray in the world of road-going supercars. As a matter of fact, the F1 is by many believed to be a significant turning point in the history of high-performance automobiles: the first of the hypercars, masterpieces of automotive design that can rival a jet fighter in sophistication, performance, and prize. And yet, somehow, they managed to raise the bar a little bit higher.

In many regards, the F1 an the P1 are very different cars; in many others, they follow the same rationale and ethos. Allow me to explain: both are designed to go fast, mind-numbingly fast. In both cars design, form follows function, and you can be sure every detail - even the most insignificant one, has been obsessed over by the engineering wizards at McLaren.
But where the F1 looked flamboyant and extravagant, the P1 brims with intent and purposefulness. The F1 was about sending a message; the P1 is simply about crushing the now-present and very fierce competition into a pulp with superior handling. What is unnecessary is simply not there: the naked carbon fiber sides, for example, are left unpainted to save the weight of the paint.
And then there's the big difference in what pushes the car forward - in the F1 it was a somewhat-ordinary BMW V12 naturally-aspired engine. But here, it's a twin-turbocharged engine that once powered Nissan's Group C Le Mans cars, coupled with an hybrid system. This makes the P1 the first road-going McLaren hybrid, and part of a very exclusive club of dual-engined performance cars that is destined to grow as batteries become cheaper and lighter and engines become more efficient.

And as you approach a tight corner at speeds that are dangerously near the magic 300kph barrier, the brakes and active aero doing their job at slowing the car down and the huge Pirelli tires keeping it steady, the engine snarling and the single exhaust spitting flames, it is hard to argue that the P1 is not an excellent car, really. From a purely technical standpoint, it's perfect. Maybe too much.
I can't help but feel the P1 is lacking in the flair and flamboyance its predecessor had in spades, and that was sacrificed on the altar of performance. The P1 is a game-changer... Yet it doesn't feel like one. The innovation is there, but it works in the background to chew away seconds in a laptime rather than to make the ride more involving, more adrenalinic. It always feels like you're going very fast, but through the senses of someone else.
And that makes the controversial choice made by McLaren to keep the P1's Nurburgring laptime under wraps all the more puzzling. Perhaps they understood, too - but it is too late to regain the innocence lost.

This is not to say the P1 isn't a marvelous machine - far from it.
But it makes you think: has McLaren perhaps realized something I can't wrap my head around? Hypercars are no more a dreamer's folly, but a rational product designed with one and one only goal in mind: to go faster than the competition. And I can't help but feel that in the transition from the purpose of awe to the purpose of speed, something that made cars such as the F1 turn heads around was lost.


2013 McLaren P1 - Color: McLaren Papaya Orange

[ Full set - 49 photos ]
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Nice series Clyde. SO...are you saying that given a choice, you would walk past the P1 and drive off in the F1?

For me, the Enzo and LaFerrari causes similar thoughts. :) May be time for series on those two.
Nice series Clyde. SO...are you saying that given a choice, you would walk past the P1 and drive off in the F1?

Oh, no - I don't have a deathwish, so that automatically disqualifies the F1. :lol: But in all seriousness, it's not about how the car performs or handles or feels. It's about its drive and purpose. The F1 was dressed to impress, while the P1 has put on its serious business suit and talks about laptimes and efficiency and things I'd care were I trying to estabilish the fastest company car fleet in the world, but not when I'm talking about a car I can only own in my dreams (hence the term "dream car", I suppose). Under that regard, the P1 is quite the opposite of the Pagani Huayra, which in my opinion represents better than any other car currently in production the very idea of outrageousness.

Anyways, time for a new drop of random photos! I was originally supposed to just drop here ten or maybe fifteen shots, but then... The NAPA car pack happened and so many cars to shoot argh.


NAPA VALLEY - December DLC Picspam

What makes a good car? There are so many things that come into play. There's always an economy in designing and engineering an automobile, and different choices will speak differently to different persons. That is, after all, what makes our culture so alive and diverse. But if there's one thing most car enthusiast will agree on, is that V8s are great. And that's why this pack, despite being overshadowed by the November DLC, may be the greatest to hit Horizon 2 yet: because it has five cars which have only one thing in common: they're given motivation by an eight-cylinder engine, be it aspirated, supercharged, or turbocharged: mounted at the front or the rear; in a carbon fiber tub, a massive road behemoth or a venerable, but not for its performance, A-body.

The Audi RS6, with its quattro transmission, will stick to the tarmac and eat F50s for lunch and dinner; the 650S is so fast its scary, and improves upon its predecessor in every possible way; the Esprit is a last ember of the exuberance of the 80s, and it shows in its dynamic handling that will leave you gasping for air; the GSX and the Monte Carlo represent two very different eras of muscle cars, the first cherfully optimistic, the second almost defeatist in its absymal power output. Finally, the Range Rover is posh comfort propelled at speed on any surface - not many cars can vaunt such a propensity for offroad and for keeping you cozy.
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Been awhile since my last update... But rest assured, I am not a zombie coming back from the dead only to lust for your brains. I've been sitting on some of the Storm Island shots since the DLC's been released - I originally intended to release them earlier, but the Christmas/New Year festivities came, and right after them, the January car pack. What do a 500 Mondial, a Ford Bronco and a Subaru Brat in common? Well, they all made me overjoyed when they were added to the game.

A more solid update should be coming soon. In the meanwhile, I hope you'll enjoy this random assortment of uninspired shots.


Oh, and in case you're wondering, the paint on the '05 Impreza is by SCS Skreamies, while the liveries on the 6R4s and R5 Maxis are my work - as a matter of fact, I'd originally taken these shots only to showcase the liveries, but, well, I kinda like them (and this is not a shameless plug for my work as a painter).
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A quick micro-update before I disappear for a couple of weeks ('cause you know... Finals). Toying around with new settings, seems like maybe I finally got the hang of this - well, better late than never, right?

The GT-R is incredibly photogenic in my opinion. It is also quite fun to drive, despite being a 1700 kilos Japanese robot-car. Maybe it's time for another set?
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Yeah, definitely got the settings where I like them - all I have to do to get decent realistic shots in any lighting condition is adjust the exposure. However, getting the right aperture still troubles me - I'm always afraid to over-do it and I end up with shots that lack in depth. Oh, well.

The Huayra shots were supposed to be part of set, but I lost inspiration and decided to upload them instead of sitting on them forever.
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Some of my favorite shots of the ones I've taken of the new car pack (with one of the Cortina missing because I forgot to upload it to - it will be added later on). The Jag and Speciale are especially photogenic, but there's no car here that's not fun to shoot. And they also drive very nicely, which is a nice bonus, I guess.

P.S. If you're following me on Flickr you may know what's coming next...
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Another large salad... Some old shots, some new shots; some panoramas, and some close-ups; some static shots, and some action shots. That's the way I like it! Variety is truly the spice of life.

Bonus: I'd already found the Siptel manhole cover (which only appears in Italy, as it should), now this. I wonder how many other such textures are hidden in the most remote corners of the map?

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No, I'm not dead. Just taking my time (read as: being as lazy as humanly possible).

P.S: guess who's been busy watching Initial D as of lately.
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The Answer

Interval: Planes

The Filtered and the Furious


I wish we had filters in Horizon 2 proper. But nooo, they can't give us filters. We have to make our owns.
Think it's a picture-heavy upgrade? Wait 'til you see what I'll drop on my forums gallery: it will be this update plus the last one (which yeah, I still have to show 'round there).
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I just realized I haven't updated my gallery in a month. I am really thinking of adopting the same model as my GT6 gallery - frequent monothematic 5-shots updateds - instead of dumping a bazillion of pictures everytime a DLC comes out and then disappearing forever.

Changed a bit my base settings, and dropped the "never enough aperture" approach that's popular over the forums. That, too, is a decision that's inspired by my rekindled interest in GT photography.

Anyways, really digging this month's car pack. Not my favorite, perhaps (and that may be shocking!), but still a nice and varied selection of cars that fit well the nature of the game, one way or another.
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Can you explain the "never enough aperture" approach you've been using? And what are your other base settings?
Orange and Blue Morality

2015 Chevrolet Corvette Z07
2015 McLaren 650S Coupe

Sweet looking Miata! Love those rims on it. I also dig the Road Runner shot in your older updates. :)

Overall this gallery is full of solid shots! 👍

4-spoke wheels only work on a small number of cars, but they look great on that NA.

Glad to see you guys like how those Works look on the NA!
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