Well said FK. I'm glad you're on my mass-debating team. 👍
Now if I would just quit typing "teh" instead of "the" when I am in a hurry.
you make it sound as if rather just hailed a cab and visited his friend saddam at home...
do you think saddam really trusted rather?
thats how it works and thats why dan rather is of no real use to the military.
So switching a few cars will fool the CIA but they can tell me every phone call I made my entire life and the topics of each discussion or they can show me a picture of my VIN taken from space?
and as for the embedded reporter telling what is really going on. yes, they do that. but of course only in places where the military wants them and thus its far from an unbiased view.
Well, I am sure the military would be happy to send them in with the Ghost units or a few other places but it might hurt the mission. The reporters are allowed to pretty much move about the country from what I can see. At least when Nightline went in they drove around without government escorts, bought illegal gas, had their injectors get clogged, and asked a barber about the lack of electricity while he used an electric razor. They even got caught up in battles when they were where they shouldn't have been.
thats not their job. they're there to report, not to save lifes. i wouldn't trust a journalist who takes an active part in the war.
Showing propaganda video, intended to recruit new members, isn't an active role?
you might imprison someone for not revealing a security leal, but not for meeting someone who knows a terrorist.
No, but we tap their phones and gather what information we can.
but the media does cover military press conferenes, or not?
And when Iraq still was under Saddam we saw every press conference Baghdad Bob gave with US tanks rolling by in the background.
The difference is that these are not people working under a sovereign government, but are equivelant to a criminal. If this were someone like the unibomber or Timothy McVey (sp?) before Oklahoma City the reporter would be served with a subpoena and put in jail if they refused to reveal the source. What is the difference between a homegrown terrorist and a foreign terrorist that allows this to be legal?
the propaganda films are made to certain lenghts by embedded reporters all by themselves, you don't even need to force them to report propaganda because its really everything they can to from that position.
So, why is it news when it is produced by insurgents or terrorists (you don't need to see the video to report that a soldier died) but it is propaganda when it is a news story made by an embedded reporter?
how do you know it was purposely?
Because when other news sources called them out on it a few executives got fired for allowing it.
i know...so whats left, then?
The issue at hand is about CNN and not Fox News and your comment sounded almost like you were saying, "Yeah, but look at what Fox News does," which would be a distractionary tactic. I could have been mistaken.
erm, thats what i said. i said that the forces do not need to drag reporters around with them...
While I agree, that's not what I was saying. I was saying that just because the military offered them a courtesy that they had been asking for for decades it does not mean they get to reject all sensibility and put the soldiers in danger. Doing so can either be attributed to idiocy or treason.