The U.S. hates Canada!

  • Thread starter Diego440
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While political pundits that get paid because they are controversial is one thing, and they may have a larger audience but it really looks bad when you have a politician blaming America for problems, such as crime.

That was lame, can't argue with that. Then again, so were some comments about Canada being partially responsible for 9/11, made by some other officials...

As I said, idiocy is something easily found everywhere, and obviously doesn't keep some people from being elected. As long as we don't lump everyone in the same category because of them...
Fool, you are correct. Those politicians mentioned are distracting the public from the real problem - a rise in gang-violence and organized crime.

Whether or not the weapons came from America or not is not the issue that should be looked at, it's the fact that the city has a new problem - gang violence.

Carl. - the National Post is storngly anti-Quebec and Fed-Liberal, which aren't particularly local issues.
...Canadian Bacon...

I completely forgot about that movie. Maybe we should bring up South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut as well?
...Canadian Bacon...

I completely forgot about that movie. Maybe we should bring up South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut as well?
Well, with Canadian Bacon I was looking back 11 years to try and show that thsi is nothing new, but yes South Park does truly bash Canada. The movie was nothing compared to the episode where they had to meet the Canadian prime minister so that he would change his new law that all adopted Canadian children in the US had to go back to Canada. They did it like the Wizard of Oz where they had to follow "the only paved road" and the Evil French Canadian was the wicked witch. In the end the new prime minister was Saddam Hussein, spider hole beard and all.

And when I IMDB'd Canadian Bacon to get the date on it I found something disturbing:

Directed by
Michael Moore

Writing credits (WGA)
Michael Moore (written by)

I didn't know. :nervous:
I only hate Canadians when they drive 10mph under the speed limit; It's a common sight here. Seriously, it makes me wonder how someone like Gilles Villeneuve came from your country.

Otherwise, I pretty much think of it as East Alaska.
Surprise! Joke's on you for finding Michael Moore good! HA!

It was his only feature movie.
I was 15 and impressionable!!!

No seriously, I may want to rewatch it because I might have missed the satire or commentary. I just remember the idea of getting in a war with Canada because one guy said the beer sucked was hilarious. It was great when they decided to show Canada by spilling trash all over their neat little streets.
Not to throw this completely off-topic, but how do other Canadians feel about the folks in Quebec?

i hate people from quebec, there rude bastards who want to leave. i broke down in quebec and when i went into the gas station the guy who i heard speaking english pretended he couldnt speak english. i hate quebecers plain and simple ive met very few that i liked

Its like that in the eastern provinces also. A friend of mine who lived in New Brunswick told me about growing up out there and having to learn french in order to know when they were talking about you.

just new brunswick, my family is from cape breton island nova scotia and never went through that, but did have a lot of dick head americans visiting their treat them like garbage

and yes canada is bad in many way, a recent study shows we have 1 car for every 2 people, so thats about 25 million cars in canada. and about us using to much power, im sure las vegas makes up and surpaces the 35% you sapposidly do not use. i for one do not hate america or most americans. but i do hate george bush, and anyone who voted for him the second time around. I also hate Stephen Harper, because of him he have 30 soldiers dead in one month on a peace mission, and he is bushes little puppet just like bush is a puppet for his father and his fathers wealthy freinds.

canada is in no way a perfect country, we have many problems, we do have a lot of violence but very little of it is reported on the news, just yesterday in an apartment near my brothers house there was a crackhouse and a fight broke out and 3 men were shot, we have hells angels galore. and one of north americas biggest mafia war and burial happened in my town, a town of now 260 000 people.

canada also has a big drug problem, a lot of people call vancouver "vansterdam" because in vancouver cops are to worried about the massive ammounts of heroin addicts in the city they dont care about pot. and if you get caught in canada with less than 3 grams you just get it taken away since possesion of under 3 grams has been de-criminalized.

and i have only been to the states a few times and didnt really like it, there are no nice little towns, they all seem to have died.
i hate people from quebec, there rude bastards who want to leave. i broke down in quebec and when i went into the gas station the guy who i heard speaking english pretended he couldnt speak english. i hate quebecers plain and simple ive met very few that i liked

Yeah... a girlfriend of mine in college was living in a poor neighborhood, which had a majority of black people. One day a gang bullied her and one of them put a knife up her throat... to get her stupid bus pass.

I hate black people so much. They only come here to sell booze, start gang fights and being on welfare.

thats incredibly racist.i have many black canadian freinds and hardly any do crimes, my only black freinds that do crimes are graffiti related.
and i have only been to the states a few times and didnt really like it, there are no nice little towns, they all seem to have died.
You have to go more than two miles across the border. I can think of 10 "nice little towns" off the top of my head....all within 50 miles of here.

Seriously, where did you actually go?

BTW, this is the only pundit anyone should listen to ;)
...Canadian Bacon...

I completely forgot about that movie. Maybe we should bring up South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut as well?

South Park was just a silly arsed movie. It only made fun of the Canadians because in the movie, their heads flapped around, and they made fart jokes. Besides, South Park is bad reference given it shoots jokes at any and everything in the world, including the US.
ledhed! I was actually looking forward to your reply :)

Well, the unsaid subtitle to the thread could be: "or at least the right wing neo-con-nazis do"


Like I said a bunch of idiots . along with the left wing koolaid drinking neo punks.
I only hate Canadians when they drive 10mph under the speed limit; It's a common sight here. Seriously, it makes me wonder how someone like Gilles Villeneuve came from your country.

Otherwise, I pretty much think of it as East Alaska.

You see you are what makes us hate USA on different aspects.

East Alaska?

Well to me you guys are a bunch of rednecks riding gaz guzzling SUVs and are full of themselves when they think their gaz prices are high...woah, look around. Atleast when we go to USA, we try to speak english, you guys just come here and act as if you owned the place, totally, going around, not even TRYING to speak french. You guys live in a world of fear, I've was stunned when I went in the USA and turned on the TV. Religious channels advertising guns shops, paid publicities everywhere, news channel that are so biased I just kept on laughing, fear was everywhere.

Hell, I met a GERMAN that was more welcoming than you.

While being very generic, it's what your tourists send as an image to all the world when they go on vacation.
You see you are what makes us hate USA on different aspects.
Pupik is right. While I'm surprised that he's seen this in Florida, it is a problem. Near the Canadian border, it is not uncommon to see drivers from British Columbia going 35 mph down I-5. It's perplexing that they can't immediately figure out why people are blowing by them left and right. What's even worse is that there are insulting signs just north of the Canadian border that say "Think metric! 100 km/h was 60 mph." Hypocrites.
Div is back
Well to me you guys are a bunch of rednecks riding gaz guzzling SUVs and are full of themselves
Why thank you! *farts....takes a big whiff*
Div is back
Atleast when we go to USA, we try to speak english
That must be a challenge, since only 85% of Canadians speak English.
Div is back
you guys just come here and act as if you owned the place, totally, going around, not even TRYING to speak french.
I took 4 years of French in high school. Should I ever go to Quebec, I'll give it a shot. If the Quebecois are too stuck up to appreciate my effort, I'll tell them where they can put English.
Div is back
You guys live in a world of fear
That might have something to do with terrorists always trying to blow up our airplanes and buildings.
Div is back
Hell, I met a GERMAN that was more welcoming than you.
And I've met Canadians that were more welcoming than you. Good thing, too.

But isn't it our own duty as well to protect our country from terrorists entering? Does the US really hate Canada because of this? Does what a bunch of newscasters' opinions say really count for our whole country?

But worst of all...
Does this mean that Edwin and I can't be friends anymore? :nervous:


Div, most of your post isn't true. We at least have things like emissions and safety laws, which most of Europe lacks. We also are not rednecks, unless you went somewhere in the midwest, in which case I can't speak for them.

Also, a hell of a lot more Canadians know English than Americans know French, about 1/8 of my school classes learned French, while 1/3 learned Spanish and the rest, Latin.

As Carl said, I don't see any terrorists trying to kill your country. Sure, maybe it's partially our fault for pissing them off, and the majority of Americans think President Bush is an idiot and should be blamed, but they already were going to do it anyway.

I don't see why I should speak French in Canada, since most of you know English, but if necessary I will.

On a different note, Toronto rocks.
Oh wait, I'm french, I guess that explains everything.


As I said earlier, it was a generic view of what Quebecois thinks of you guys because of the image american tourists send when they come here.
As I said earlier, it was a generic view of what Quebecois thinks of you guys because of the image american tourists send when they come here.
It doesn't matter. You can't throw every American under the bus just because you met a couple of fat, arrogant jackasses. Guess what...most people who "travel the world" are wealthy, disconnected folk who would be just as arrogant if they were American, Canadian, German, French, or whatever.

Why don't you come down here and meet "real" Americans? I have a feeling that many people are afraid to visit the United States, because of the way the international media portrays the country. It's not violent, it's not dirty, and we don't lynch foreigners and drag their bodies through the streets. I've said it before and I'll say it again: as a whole, Americans are no different than anyone else. To consider us somehow inferior is ignorant and just plain insulting. Almost everyone I've met who has visited the U.S. from afar has loved America. The people I met in school who moved here from places like China, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and Egypt....they all love it here and consider the U.S. incomparably better than the places from which they came.
Peronally, I though what Pupik said was an harmless joke...

And of course, people from Quebec will drive slowly in Florida, half of our geriatric population migrate there each winter... The rest are students on spring break or families going to Disney. Cops are getting a significant income out of speeding tickets over here as well.
This thread is going downhill pretty fast. Too much generalisation being given out, and too many people who can and will take offense to it.

Regardless of language or colour, many people do not know where the boundaries of racism are. Saying all French-Canadians are stuck-up is just as bad as saying all black people are gang-members. There is no difference, as Carl highlighted.

I've never had to say it, but this thread should be closed.
Pupik is right. While I'm surprised that he's seen this in Florida, it is a problem. Near the Canadian border, it is not uncommon to see drivers from British Columbia going 35 mph down I-5. It's perplexing that they can't immediately figure out why people are blowing by them left and right. What's even worse is that there are insulting signs just north of the Canadian border that say "Think metric! 100 km/h was 60 mph." Hypocrites.

Ah, that would be a famed 'BC Senior'. It's okay to hate them, we do to. (Or at least I do, but mabye that's because my town has the highest percentage of seniors of any town or city in Canada).

I think that the only reason we're having this whole conversation is that in America, all your idiots get airtime. And too much of it. I will admit that I have a slight bias against your country, but it by no means applies to everyone in it. It's based upon the actions and reactions that I've seen coming out of the US, and that's about it.
I think that we can all agree that any country-phobic remark made in the media can be disregarded as total BS. It's unfortunate that idiots get airtime, but that's the way it is. Just don't come in here and post it as fact; that's all we Yankees ask. Bill O'Reilly does not speak for the other 299,999,999 of us.
thats incredibly racist.i have many black canadian freinds and hardly any do crimes, my only black freinds that do crimes are graffiti related.

And this thread is closed. ’Twas doomed from the start.
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