Cockpit view: In shots and video, Seat too far back....not really useful?

  • Thread starter nafai23
EDIT: I am pleased with the demo seat positions for the most part.

Anyone else look at the screens and think that while you can see the pretty dash it pretty much looks like you are driving from the backseat. How often can you see a large portion of the roof while you are driving.
I know they want to show off the cockpit but after the novelty wears off is this view like playing with a blocked view.
Any way to move the seat up? :)
I seriously doubt it. Do you have any idea how much time that would take to code that? And how much code it would probably take?

In fact, it wouldn't. Test Drive Unlimited (X360) had it done in great way - since it is "just" a camera POW. Making it "movable" on X and Z axis isn't a problem at all. I guess it it just few lines of code.

In TDU you can adjust both height of the seat and distance from the wheel. And it's pretty neat and useful feature since you can alter the POW in extremes - from such represented on GT5:P screens to something almost as F355 Challenge POW.
I hope at least in the final GT5(whenever that may be released...)PD have an option to adjust the driving position in car + or - 6 inches or so.
PC has to bring this scenario to GT player:

Pause the game. Completely set the camera position, no matter if incar or external view, then freely set the angle of view from 180° to anything and then freely set the direction of sight to decide what will be in the view. Then save the defined view into one of the 99 view banks. Then unpause the game, continue driving and be able to change between view banks by the change view button. One problem of GT series will be completely solved.
If logic introduced by PD in TT game should be considered, then you'd input your height and weight and game would calculate your POW position dour to those numbers.

If further logic would go up to PD standard, you'd have a chance to alter the seats as in real-life road car.

In race cars you'd have ony one pre-made seat postiton, and only the people under 180 cm should be able to drive F1 cars :D.
If logic introduced by PD in TT game should be considered, then you'd input your height and weight and game would calculate your POW position dour to those numbers.

I see...:)

has anyone placed the juiced demo for the ps3? the in car camera position SUCKS they put you right above the steering wheel so u see half the wheel and then the guages, it's really awkward to play with. the cars sound good thoughh
i really didnt care for juiced 2. The damage in juiced 2 is lame. the physics are lame. the car models look too cartoony. I played the drift challange level and it was like driving around an ice rink.

I would tell anyone to go ahead and download it thought, just so you would appreciate GT that much more.
I seriously doubt it. Do you have any idea how much time that would take to code that? And how much code it would probably take?

If you don't like the in-car view, don't use it.

GTR2 has the ability to adjust the seat forward and back, as well as up and down and it was made over a year ago. Seems like it is not that difficult at all.

I'm happy to finally see a proper cockpit view in the game. Now, if only they'd fire their sound guy...
The reason is simple. You need to see both the road and the gauges on the dash. In a real car, your view is limited to either/or, as evidenced by the fact that you have to take your eyes off the road in order to see your gauges. In a game, you have to see both. And let's not leave out the rearview mirror. In PGR and Test Drive, you have to rotate the camera in order to see your mirrors properly. That's why the view is never "exact" to real life, because a camera doesn't have the ability to see things the way we do with our eyes.

I used to think that I'd never use cockpit view because it would limit your field of vision of the track. But I use it exclusively in every game I have that supports it (PGR, TDU, GT5). It's much more immersive and surprisingly gives you a better idea of what the car is doing than even the bumper-cam does.
Isn't it so you can see the side and rear view mirrors? :dopey:

has anyone placed the juiced demo for the ps3? the in car camera position SUCKS they put you right above the steering wheel so u see half the wheel and then the guages, it's really awkward to play with. the cars sound good thoughh

In it's defense it is a import car game. xD
I'm usually not too big on little things, but I think it would be very neat if PD fixed the angle of the mirror opposite of the driver so when you use the D-Pad on the DFP to look to your opposite side you can see what's behind you on that side. Currently the mirror's angle is not adjusted right to give you an optimal view of what is on your blind side
I really like the cockpit view, despite the smaller amount of vision. It puts you higher than the bumper cam so you can see more of the track up ahead.
The immersion factor is huge! I absolutely love it... my only complaint was the left hand side mirror... maybe its just my demo but that mirror had horrible graphics... the ceiling mounted rear mirror looked great but the side one sucked... and i hope in the full version your dude will shift... sorta like in dirt, but done better...
The immersion factor is huge! I absolutely love it... my only complaint was the left hand side mirror... maybe its just my demo but that mirror had horrible graphics... the ceiling mounted rear mirror looked great but the side one sucked... and i hope in the full version your dude will shift... sorta like in dirt, but done better...

I thk pd got it pretty spot on...... the height is just right.... u can judge the apex..... yr view of the track is not particularly obstructed... and the seat of the pantz feeling is good. Considering how much screen they have to play with u have to get the balance of incar vs out of car.... and i think it's just right....

if u sit in yr own car and look straight ahead u can see vision in yr peripherals which includes the roofline, dash, door etc..... everything u see in the incar view :)

yep the side mirror detail is dodgy.... but the rear view is good and u can see everything behind u and even on yr blind spot too ;)

my only gripe is the darkness of the interior... the full version should have a brightness adjustment (let's hope) but it is far too dark for mine!! i want to be able to see the dials clearly.... and also remove some of the HUD stuff..
Absolutely love the in car view and will use it exclusively. Takes some getting used to as the perspective is a lot different then the bumper cam i'm used to, but i agree with The Cheef on the immersion factor and i feel the perspective of the track is much better to achieving better lines through the corners. Can't wait for the GTR when it's released!
It still trips me out when i drive the evo and other right hand drive cars from the first person view... after playing dirt and just driving in real life on the left hand side, i almost feel disoriented when i play inside with the right hand drive cars... i still love it though! Absolutely amazing....
if u sit in yr own car and look straight ahead u can see vision in yr peripherals which includes the roofline, dash, door etc..... everything u see in the incar view :)

When I sit at home playing GT all I see in my peripheral vision is my low-line cabinet, cd/dvd racks, floor and ceiling. :lol:
Anyone else look at the screens and think that while you can see the pretty dash it pretty much looks like you are driving from the backseat. How often can you see a large portion of the roof while you are driving.
I know they want to show off the cockpit but after the novelty wears off is this view like playing with a blocked view.
Any way to move the seat up? :)

Drive the Lexus, you can't see any of the roof. It's just a different perspective from a different car
Drive the Lexus, you can't see any of the roof. It's just a different perspective from a different car

yep the lexus waistline is definately higher that's for sure..... but the view is still usable :) as long as u can see the apex ok (which u can!)

I have been in a friends IS250 (same car but 2.5ltr) and the higher dash is also noticeable ;)

the attention to detail is superb!
the only 2 areas's that upset me are

1. screen tearing in the showroom
2. the really dark setting

but everything else 👍
You can't see any mirrors in the Lex or the Mazda, though. mega-lame.
I like the view, although I agree it could be improved. I'm playing on a projector screen and it feels pretty good. Having driven both left and right hand drive cars in real life I found it gave me the same feeling in the game.

Adjustable seats would be a nice addition of course!
I seriously doubt it. Do you have any idea how much time that would take to code that? And how much code it would probably take?

If you don't like the in-car view, don't use it.

I don't think it would be hard to code at all.. like others said, it's just a differnte POV position for the camera.

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