Colour Settings In Photoshop

I'm having problems getting consistent colours when I upload my photos onto the web. I'm current using the North America Web settings which uses a sRGB profile. This seems to work ok for websites like Photobucket, but when i upload a photo onto flickr, the saturation is reduced. I would expect a sRGB 6.1something to be consistent but i just cant get it to work.

So if anyone uses photoshop and flickr, it would be nice to know what kind of colour settings you use and if you get consistent colours when uploading online.

Ive had so many problems with this, its so annoying.

Thank you
I'd imagine it has to do with how Flickr resizes photos for their thumbnails. Only thing I can think of.

My previous issues with colors was when I was working in the CMYK preview but saving in sRGB. Since I've resolved that issue I've not had many issues with color changes when I upload.

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