Forza Horizon 4 - Colour Creation Database (CONSTANT WORK IN PROGRESS) *READ FIRST POST*

  • Thread starter Mitcho2001

McLaren Cerberus Pearl: Which Version Should be Added to the Spreadsheet?

  • JaCor653: Base - 0.72 L, 0.71 L, 0.97 R/Highlight - 0.11 L, 1.00 R, 0.96 R (Two-Tone Polished)

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Mitcho2001: Base - 0.63 R, 0.65 L, 0.98 R/Highlight - 0.08 R, 1.00 R, 0.99 L (Two-Tone Polished)

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I feel like I have to defend myself here as JaCor is pushing a narrative that did not happen despite me explaining it to him in DMs.

The story so far:

  • I knew this chart for a while, and believed (wrongly) that it was abandoned.
  • I wanted it to continue, so I copied it and started adding colors with the help of other members of the OPTN community. That was more or less last fall.
  • Since then, in my branch of the chart, we added between 150-200 colors, made changes to the layout to improve readability and make it easier on the eyes. I also added a “read me” tab at the bottom with credits to Mitcho2001 and other people I believed also worked on it. I NEVER tried to pass the whole thing as my own work. I did the exact opposite of that.
  • Yesterday JaCor contacted me on Discord about me copying the chart and claiming it as my own. I didn’t see the message immediately. He then made the post here saying I stole everything and “claimed it as my own”. A few hours after that, I explained everything to him in a DM on Discord. I’ve put an emphasis that I didn’t claim that the work was made by myself, quite the opposite. He ignored me before commenting again here. I made my branch private until I hear either from JaCor or Mitcho.
  • I managed to talk to Mitcho2001 this morning, to whom I explained the situation for the first time. He was very understanding and we had a good talk. I’ve sent him screen shots of the changes I made, including the credits part since the chart was made private and he couldn’t see it himself. We discussed if my branch will continue and I also proposed to transfer all the changes I did to him if he wanted them. We’re still talking about it and how ultimately it will be resolved. If he decides he doesn’t like the fact that there’s a branch of his project, I’ll kill it.

To be fair with JaCor, I should have asked permission before branching it. He’s 100% right about that and I would have likely been told that the original version of the chart was still updated so my version didn’t need to be.

But I never claimed I did any work on that chart I didn’t as he said. I don’t understand why Jacor keep repeating that as he has seen the credit page I added.

I apologize to the people who contributed to the chart here.
I am sorry that I accused you of stealing or copying our spreadsheet. That is not what you did, and although that is what it seemed like at first, I realize now that I was wrong in perceiving that. This thread (and by extension, our spreadsheet) has not been as active as it was a couple of years ago. However, I would like to believe that it is not abandoned. I understand why you thought it was, but it is not. I did see the messages you sent me, but I wish you had taken a more straightforward approach as you did in your post here. I would also like to say something about your credits page. Just because you credit someone for their work does not give you permission to use it or change it. Also, while you did credit Mitcho, the creator of the current version of the FCS, you should have also credited @MadaraxUchiha and me, as the three of us contributed 98% of the colors that are currently on the sheet.

I appreciate the fact that you realized that you should have asked for permission before making a copy of the spreadsheet. I would say that you and I have both learned a lesson here, and I would like to think we are better because of it. Maybe you could create a new color spreadsheet that only shows the colors you added to the copy you made, and share the link here. I am curious as to which colors you've added and/or improved.
Acura - Long Beach Blue Pearl (B554P) (need help)
Note: Not the Long Beach Blue Pearl already on the chart. That has a different paint code under B510P.

I figured I'd have a crack at making it (just to keep my skills sharp) but I ended up feeling more confused than ever over it.

Am I picking the wrong reference picture or have I hit one of the game's limitations, or worst of all, got it wrong?

Forza Horizon 5 5_16_2023 11_44_55 PM.png
Acura - Long Beach Blue Pearl (B554P) (need help)
Note: Not the Long Beach Blue Pearl already on the chart. That has a different paint code under B510P.

I figured I'd have a crack at making it (just to keep my skills sharp) but I ended up feeling more confused than ever over it.

Am I picking the wrong reference picture or have I hit one of the game's limitations, or worst of all, got it wrong?

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It's these sorts of colours I'm not a fan of recreating for this exact reason. Sure, the colour itself looks fine, but recreating them can be a real pain. To me, it's almost as if the colours for the base and flake are nearly identical in colour, or the flake is another shade and isn't as notable as you'd expect it to be. I remember when I did BMW's Yas Marina Blue and Chevrolet's Sebring Orange Tintcoat, I made both of them standard colours before it was brought to my attention they were both metallic.
The overall finish for Metal Flake that we have just seems to be suited more for colours that have a notable difference of both the base and flake. These finer metallic colours just don't come out as well, which is a shame.
It's these sorts of colours I'm not a fan of recreating for this exact reason. Sure, the colour itself looks fine, but recreating them can be a real pain. To me, it's almost as if the colours for the base and flake are nearly identical in colour, or the flake is another shade and isn't as notable as you'd expect it to be. I remember when I did BMW's Yas Marina Blue and Chevrolet's Sebring Orange Tintcoat, I made both of them standard colours before it was brought to my attention they were both metallic.
The overall finish for Metal Flake that we have just seems to be suited more for colours that have a notable difference of both the base and flake. These finer metallic colours just don't come out as well, which is a shame.
I think you would need to use the reverse brightness trick to make this color look right in the game compared to how it looks in real life. Make the lowlight color accurately bright, but make the highlight color much darker. That way, the metallicness will be much less pronounced. I wish the devs would add a pearlescent paint material; GT Sport and GT7 have one, and it would work much better for colors like this.

Here's my attempt at the color.

Long Beach Blue Pearl (Acura)

Paint Material:
Metal Flake
  • Lowlight: 0.59R, 0.94L, 1.00R
  • Highlight: 0.61L, 0.99R, 0.45L

Paint code B554P

Forza Horizon 5 (10).png

It's not perfect, but it's pretty close.
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I think you would need to use the reverse brightness trick to make this color look right in the game compared to how it looks in real life. Make the lowlight color accurately bright, but make the highlight color much darker. That way, the metallicness will be much less pronounced. I wish the devs would add a pearlescent paint material; GT Sport and GT7 have one, and it would work much better for colors like this.
Far out, it's been a long time since I last heard about reversing the values for the lowlight and highlight. This may be one of those times where this is put into play because there would be no other way to accurately replicate it, as far as I'm aware.
As for another paint type, I have to agree that it would be quite useful as what we have in terms f paint types that can be fine-tuned is relatively minimalistic. That and I just find the flake to be quite large and notable at times, which does bug me more than it probably should.
I think you would need to use the reverse brightness trick to make this color look right in the game compared to how it looks in real life. Make the lowlight color accurately bright, but make the highlight color much darker. That way, the metallicness will be much less pronounced. I wish the devs would add a pearlescent paint material; GT Sport and GT7 have one, and it would work much better for colors like this.
Adding a pearlescent... that's adding ceramic particles instead of metal flakes, no?

(link to Suggestions Hub post here on the Forza Forums, regarding adding more paint types)

Here's my attempt at the color.

Long Beach Blue Pearl (Acura)

Paint Material:
Metal Flake
  • Lowlight: 0.59R, 0.94L, 1.00R
  • Highlight: 0.61L, 0.99R, 0.45L

Paint code B554P

It's not perfect, but it's pretty close.
It's never going to be perfect, but at the end of the day, this is just a video game.
I appreciate that you've made an attempt at it - thanks JaCor :)
@JaCor653 @Mitcho2001 Wow. I come back and find out someone was pilfering our work and not giving any credit whatsoever. I was never contacted either about asking if our colors could be used for another chart or anything. My honest guess is they did it for some weird Reddit clout or whatever but that’s pathetic if that’s the case. Who even cares about fake internet points that don’t mean a damn thing in the grand scheme of things? But yeah, we have made tons of colors and the fact that someone just took them, redid them (wrong mind you) and didn’t credit us is honestly ******.

Myself and the others have spent countless hours adding colors and stuff and for someone to just come and take our work like that? Shameful. Absolutely shameful and dishonest.

@03Void I personally never gave you any permission whatsoever to use any of the tons of colors I’ve personally added to the chart. They’re all things I used my own personal time to make and replicate. I would appreciate it if you didn’t use any of the colors I have made, or please remove your chart. I feel like my work was bastardized.

I don’t understand honestly why another chart was even needed since we have the best one around. We have the single biggest chart around for Forza car colors. Bar none.

I’d also like to say that the chart isn’t dead because I do go in and edit colors from time to time, so it’s still being kept up and maintained. I occasionally check in here as well if I get a notification via email.
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@JaCor653 @Mitcho2001 Wow. I come back and find out someone was pilfering our work and not giving any credit whatsoever. I was never contacted either about asking if our colors could be used for another chart or anything. My honest guess is they did it for some weird Reddit clout or whatever but that’s pathetic if that’s the case. Who even cares about fake internet points that don’t mean a damn thing in the grand scheme of things? But yeah, we have made tons of colors and the fact that someone just took them, redid them (wrong mind you) and didn’t credit us is honestly ******.

Myself and the others have spent countless hours adding colors and stuff and for someone to just come and take our work like that? Shameful. Absolutely shameful and dishonest.

@03Void I personally never gave you any permission whatsoever to use any of the tons of colors I’ve personally added to the chart. They’re all things I used my own personal time to make and replicate. I would appreciate it if you didn’t use any of the colors I have made, or please remove your chart. I feel like my work was bastardized.

I don’t understand honestly why another chart was even needed since we have the best one around. We have the single biggest chart around for Forza car colors. Bar none.

I’d also like to say that the chart isn’t dead because I do go in and edit colors from time to time, so it’s still being kept up and maintained. I occasionally check in here as well if I get a notification via email.
Mitcho, Void and I have straightened things out. Yes, the way Void went about making the copy was wrong, but they admitted it. The things that I said and did after I found out about it were wrong, but I apologized. Void's explanation on the previous page explains a lot, but it alone does not completely solve the problem. Void said they understand why I did what I did, and that they would have done the same thing in my position. I did tell Void that they should have reached out to us and gotten permission from all three of us before making the copy, and they agreed with me. Void said in a PM that it is water under the bridge, but that was only referring to Void, Mitcho and me. Of course, you've just found out about it, so you probably don't feel the same way Mitcho and I do. Void did private the copy of the spreadsheet, so it is not publicly available anywhere. Interestingly, I am the only person from our thread who has seen it in its entirety. I think Void showed Mitcho some screenshots, but I was able to view the entire file before it was made private.
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Mitcho, Void and I have straightened things out. Yes, the way Void went about making the copy was wrong, but they admitted it. The things that I said and did after I found out about it were wrong, but I apologized. Void's explanation on the previous page explains a lot, but it alone does not completely solve the problem. Void said they understand why I did what I did, and that they would have done the same thing in my position. I did tell Void that they should have reached out to us and gotten permission from all three of us before making the copy, and they agreed with me. Void said in a PM that it is water under the bridge, but that was only referrimg to Void, Mitcho and me. Of course, you've just found out about it, so you probably don't feel the same way Mitcho and I do.
Of course I don’t feel the same way because I have contributed a lot to the chart like you guys, and I wasn’t messaged or asked if the colors could be used on another chart or anything. That’s not right. Our work was pretty much stolen no matter how you choose to look at it. It makes me wonder if there are other copycats out there taking our chart, copying it, and claiming it as their own. If one person has done it, I’m sure others have as well.

My question is, has that chart been taken down? If not, I’d like it to be until all the work that we have done has been taken off of it. I won’t let someone else profit off of what we’ve done.
Of course I don’t feel the same way because I have contributed a lot to the chart like you guys, and I wasn’t messaged or asked if the colors could be used on another chart or anything. That’s not right. Our work was pretty much stolen no matter how you choose to look at it. It makes me wonder if there are other copycats out there taking our chart, copying it, and claiming it as their own. If one person has done it, I’m sure others have as well.

My question is, has that chart been taken down? If not, I’d like it to be until all the work that we have done has been taken off of it. I won’t let someone else profit off of what we’ve done.
Void privated the copy of the spreadsheet. I said that in my previous post, but it was when I edited the post. I forgot to mention that when initially writing the post. You just quoted the post before I edited it and added the other information.
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Void privated the copy of the spreadsheet. I said that in my previous post, but it was when I edited the post. I forgot to mention that when initially writing the post. You just quoted the post before I edited it and added the other information.
So it’s private, but people can still use it if he lets them? Yeah, I don’t like the sound of that. Our colors are still probably on there.
So it’s private, but people can still use it if he lets them? Yeah, I don’t like the sound of that. Our colors are still probably on there.
I don't know who in the OPTN community has/had access to it. You'd have to talk to Void about that. What I do know is that currently, no one who doesn't have access can view the file. Void even removed the link to it from the OPTN Discord server. I get the feeling Void understands how wrong this is, because they even removed the paint color creation channel from the server. After this incident, I get the feeling Void wants to distance the OPTN community from the practice of color creation and focus on tuning. Of course, that's just speculation; if you want to know more, you'll have to message Void.
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I don't know who in the OPTN community has/had access to it. You'd have to talk to Void about that. What I do know is that currently, no one who doesn't have access can view the file. Void even removed the link to it from the OPTN Discord server. I get the feeling Void understands how wrong this is, because they even removed the paint color creation channel from the server. After this incident, I get the feeling Void wants to distance the OPTN community from the practice of color creation and focus on tuning. Of course, that's just speculation; if you want to know more, you'll have to message Void.
Well, that sounds more reassuring. Hopefully that’s the end of that :)
I just made a amazing color that you guys would like.

CUPRA (Bronzes)

Aluminum Semigloss

H- 0.06
B- 0.48
S- 0.65

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Is this a real color, with a paint code? If not, then it does not belong here. This thread is for MANUFACTURER PAINT COLORS ONLY. No custom colors or colors that just look good. Also, why have you simply taken a picture of your TV screen? It's 2023. Learn how to take a damn screenshot. On Xbox, press the Xbox button, and then press Y to take a screenshot. DO NOT TAKE A PICTURE OF YOUR TV SCREEN!!!!! It's not 2009 anymore. Get with it.

EDIT: If, for some reason, you think you NEED to take a picture of your TV screen, at least aim the phone camera so that the TV screen is framed well in the image. No one wants a picture where a quarter of it is just the background of what's behind the TV.
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Is this a real color, with a paint code? If not, then it does not belong here. This thread is for MANUFACTURER PAINT COLORS ONLY. No custom colors or colors that just look good. Also, why have you simply taken a picture of your TV screen? It's 2023. Learn how to take a damn screenshot. On Xbox, press the Xbox button, and then press Y to take a screenshot. DO NOT TAKE A PICTURE OF YOUR TV SCREEN!!!!! It's not 2009 anymore. Get with it.

EDIT: If, for some reason, you think you NEED to take a picture of your TV screen, at least aim the phone camera so that the TV screen is framed well in the image. No one wants a picture where a quarter of it is just the background of what's behind the TV.

Then I will just go to my post and work on more colors on there and not post here anymore since you are being very rude.
Then I will just go to my post and work on more colors on there and not post here anymore since you are being very rude.
To be fair to them. They worked hard on this spreadsheet and you came in and starting redoing colors that you didn't think looked right. They called you out on it before and you continued to do it. It isn't them being rude, it's them being frustrated with people stealing and/or redoing all of their work.
To be fair to them. They worked hard on this spreadsheet and you came in and starting redoing colors that you didn't think looked right. They called you out on it before and you continued to do it. It isn't them being rude, it's them being frustrated with people stealing and/or redoing all of their work.
Thank you for pointing this out :) This is exactly what’s been happening, and it honestly is very frustrating and irritating because we’ve put so much time and effort into this and for people to just come in and sometimes be demanding, unreasonable or outright take stuff and claim they made it is just wrong. None of us are getting paid to do this and it’s all coming out of our own personal time. That fact alone should garner at least some respect and understanding :( We do the best we can here.
Hello, I would like to ask if anyone can redo McLaren’s Ventura Orange since the one on the spreadsheet is a gloss color, whereas it is actually a metallic color. Here is a picture I have taken of our McL and you can see the metal flakes. I would really appreciate it if anyone can redo it :)
Hello, I would like to ask if anyone can redo McLaren’s Ventura Orange since the one on the spreadsheet is a gloss color, whereas it is actually a metallic color. Here is a picture I have taken of our McL and you can see the metal flakes. I would really appreciate it if anyone can redo it :)
View attachment 1265137
Take a picture of the WHOLE car in direct, afternoon sunlight for the best lighting. This way, the paint color is shown properly and enough of the car is visible to get a good idea of what the color should look like.
Take a picture of the WHOLE car in direct, afternoon sunlight for the best lighting. This way, the paint color is shown properly and enough of the car is visible to get a good idea of what the color should look like.
Sorry I can’t drive the car around much because it’s for sale so this is the only proper picture I have but it’s not in direct sunlight.

I have looked on the internet and maybe these pictures can help you.



I gotta request this blue paint for the rims for the Upcoming Huayra R. Its the same colour found on the Huayra Tricolor. I'll try and have a crack at it when it comes out. Results may vary because you lot can do a better job than I.

Guys can someone please make yosemite blue and magno yosemite blue they are colors on the mercedes amg gtr and sls black series
Got a request/remake request here, about the Yachting Blue Metallic on Porsches PTS colours. I feel like its overcoat is way to shiny and i couldn’t really get it right. Left a couple pictures below in different lighting.


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