Well our school has that, and the internet connection is VER VER quick, i think the machines are only 433mhz average some pentium 4's!!!! around 1.4GHZ (plenty fast), no idea memory size. But because they are ALL networked around the school, they seem fast. I would say there is around 50 computers in our school. Actually recounting, there is probably well over 100 computers, 75 being roughly in one area, in the computing and admin depts.
Ok, where would i find movie on the hard drive?
I will explain why i want to disable it permanently.
I have downloaded this program that allows anyone to move the rear guns in a bomber, you can put plane into auto pilot i think, so the guns on the bomber are under your control, there are a few other things too. Now for this to work the intro movie MUST be disabled. I have got to find a way. i don't like nagging, but all i want to know is where on the hard drive would the movie be??
Thanks alot guys!