Combat flight sim 3

Hold on! I'm still making the list.

My school has mostly 1GHz Pentium III, 256 megs of ram running with Windows 2000 with their fourteen T-1 connections. :eek: You think they would be fast, but they load them up with garbage software like LAN applications made to spy on students, anti-virus software, and it loads the school's webpage on the desktop and it has some poorly written Java Script buttons that slow the computers way down.

The intro movie can be skipped by pressing enter, ESC, or clicking on it. I can't remember though. Or, you could just delete it from your hard drive and it will skip it.
Well our school has that, and the internet connection is VER VER quick, i think the machines are only 433mhz average some pentium 4's!!!! around 1.4GHZ (plenty fast), no idea memory size. But because they are ALL networked around the school, they seem fast. I would say there is around 50 computers in our school. Actually recounting, there is probably well over 100 computers, 75 being roughly in one area, in the computing and admin depts.

Ok, where would i find movie on the hard drive?
I will explain why i want to disable it permanently.
I have downloaded this program that allows anyone to move the rear guns in a bomber, you can put plane into auto pilot i think, so the guns on the bomber are under your control, there are a few other things too. Now for this to work the intro movie MUST be disabled. I have got to find a way. i don't like nagging, but all i want to know is where on the hard drive would the movie be??
Thanks alot guys!
- Discreet GMAX - Allows you to design and edit 3D models and export them to numerous games like Quake III, FS2002, C&C, Train Simulator, etc. It also allows you to import .DXF and .3DS files.

- FS Panel Studio - Allows you to design, redesign, and edit FS panels and gauges. This is the only program compatible with FS2002's .XML coded gauges.

- Adobe Photoshop - Photo editing software. Use this to design and edit aircraft .BMP textures.

- Jasc Paintshop Pro - Photo editing software. Use this to design and edit aircraft .BMP textures.

- Sonic Foundry Sound Forge - Sound editing Software. Use this to edit aircraft .WAV sounds.

GMAX and FS Panel Studio are the only programs that you NEED to use. The other programs are just suggestions. Plus, if you really want to make a plane, you need to get as much information about that plane that you can. Blueprints, layouts, specifications, pictures, and even seeing the plane in person if you can. I recommend checking out the Avsim forums for help and how to get started building planes.

You can skip the CFS movie by just clicking on the left mouse button. I just installed it and all I had to do was click the mouse button.
ok here it is. I need to eradicate its file because the only way this gunner software is gonna work is if, there is no intro movie that comes up at all, just going strait into the main menu.
And when i click to disable the intro movie, the PC freezes up, and says close program. And my system is getting duffed up.
So i may just Re-install the game and use custom install instead of the standard install.
I have actually decided to get Combat flight sim3 is now and wait for the superb looking IL-2 sturmovik: The forgotten battles, the original IL-2 sturmovik is not compatible to my PC.
Why is IL-2 not compatable with your PC?

Right now there are some add-ons for CFS3. Missions and repaints of the default aircraft.
i now have problems with the game CFS3, i know you said this already, but it says that CFS3 cannot be supported on my vidoe driver, what should i do, i spent a total of £70 to have all its ket ready, joystick and stuff and i am VERY angry. Do i need to install DirectX 9.0?
Please offer some help.
If you have a video card from nVidia, like the GeForce, then update your drivers to the newest Detenator version, 41.09.
Well, Flight Simulator 2002 has real time weather and ever since Flight Simulator 5.1 (late 80's) had real time.

Combat Flight Simulator 3 is just straight combat, weather isn't important. Thought, it might have real time weather, I'm not sure because I don't have a copy. You might be talking about IL-2?
Ok does anyone know when the Version 1.1 is coming out? I home it fixes the problem with the Motherboard drivers and stops my game freezing after 20-40 mins