Coming back after a bit.

  • Thread starter kdryan
You have to progress through the game to get cars anyway and the other game modes are pretty much useless if you don’t have any cars. I don’t think you or the people you’re racing against would have much fun in Sport Mode if you can’t even get through the menus so it makes sense to lock Sport Mode behind progress.
You think not having access to things like Scapes and multiplayer lobbies from the get go makes for a better game? Odd.

Again, I’m not saying “everything” should be unlocked from the beginning. Locking content like cars and circuits behind progress can work great, but every game mode and feature should be accessible from the get go. Forcing players to complete Menu Books to enjoy the full game is bizarre.
I don't think it's bizarre at all - I think it's pretty typical and what I would expect from most computer games. My main issue was that the more I achieved, the less I unlocked.
How long does it take to complete most of the main cafe menus?
It felt more like a tutorial to me than a campaign and it didn't feel long to unlock most of the game..

I appreciate the order wasn't great and if an experienced player buys it to play online in a lobby with friends it is annoying.
Polyphony Digitial perhaps should have just added an option to skip the cafe and unlock the game, and allow users to go back and do the cafe later to gain cars and tickets etc.
How long does it take to complete most of the main cafe menus?
It doesn't take that long and like I said before in this thread, you get many cool cars and of course credits to buy other cars by doing them, GT is not worth much if you don't have any credits, no cars to race with or take pictures of, so I don't see the problem with have to do some cafe menus before open up features in GT7, only 2 things testing my patience in GT7 and that is the Legend Car Dealer and the invitations to buy the selected few cars.
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It doesn't take that long and like I said before in this thread, you get many cool cars and of course credits to buy other cars by doing them, GT is not worth much if you don't have any credits, no cars to race with or take pictures of, so I don't see the problem with have to do some cafe menus before open up features in GT7, only 2 things testing my patience in GT7 and that is the Legend Car Dealer and the invitations to buy the selected few cars.
Menu Book events aren’t the only way to earn credits.
No, its not, but in my opinion, the best place to start building your car collection and earn credits at the same time.
The only place really, might I add.
Because of the way the early stages of the game are structured, obviously. Things could have been more open and sandbox-esque if players could go straight to modes likes Missions or Circuit Experience. But nope, first you have to go through several Menu Books. Logical how?

GT wasn’t about linearity in the past, but GT7 is extremely linear. There’s even a compass guiding every button press throughout the “campaign”. The open-ended structure and strategic element of older GT games is one of the reasons the series got popular in the first place.
The fact that I couldn’t modify my cars freely till around 15-20% of the way through the campaign was deeply frustrating. I tend to get very slow/underpowered cars and slowly build them up till they can beat events, I didn’t even really have that option till around halfway into the campaign due to how it forced you to jump around car types so much and not actually pick which events you do when.

In past games you sort of built a garage based on what you could afford to enter or races you wanted to try out, and it kind of let you organically figure out and try all the features when and where you want. GT7 forced you to try enter almost every feature as little mini tutorials constantly after completing one or two tasks in the cafe, it was deeply frustrating, I felt like I could rarely do what I want, and then the campaign ended and it didn’t seem like there was any reason to do anything else.

There isn’t much they can do to “fix” this aspect of the game, only add more community features and events (TT’s, shuffle matchmaking, rolling credit multipliers on events, etc) to give someone a reason to tune in. I can only hope they take a more open ended approach for the campaign in the next game like it was in the last ~6 games.
What they can do is add more events.

GT5 had 52 series with an average of 6 events per series
GT Sport has 45 series with an average of 6 events per series
GT7 has 31 series with an average of 3 events per series

I did have the total events somewhere but can't find them at the moment but GT7 has by far the fewest
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