Comments on a closed thread, originated by Tak121..

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I am new here, and not sure why the thread was closed--but I'd like to comment-I've recently purchased GT4, and have been playing it non-stop.

No, I'm not a geek like some of the members on these forums (and for those geeks out there--please don't take offense-I mean no disrespect)--for most, it's a hobby-a contest, and a competition for several-

We may not be die hard GT4 fans, we just enjoy the game--but like i said, it's a passion-just like the ones that play Halo, Warcraft, Trekkies, Star Wars geeks (this is the category I'd fall in!), it's just what we do

I'm sure I speak for many, that we DO in fact have a life-I played sports growing up-it consumed alot of my time-but that didn't mean I didn't have a life-same thing applies to those in this forum, the geeks that play CONSTANTLY-there's not too much difference with the props to the geeks on this forum--if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have games like this! TAK121, you wouldn't have a platform to voice your opinion if it wasn't for these geeks!

I will agree with you on this--no, I do not live my life around GT4 (or any other game for that matter), but some of these guys do-but your opinion, although one-sided, is appreciated--as for banning you for having that voice and opinion I think is dumb--I think we can agree or disagree, but I think it's childish to ban someone who's opinion may differ from someone else's..
I think the fact that he used expletives, made an assumption on the sexual orientation of the game, and assumed that everyone on this forum has wasted their lives is what got him banned.

If someone has an opinion, they may speak it by all means. Having a childish tantrum, insulting members and breaking the rules of the board that he aggreed to when he signed up, will get them banned pretty sharpish.
I agree with you DQ--there are rules that should be followed-but more importantly, there are ways to voice your opinion-He just chose the immature way to voice his opinion-

Dark Elite said it best--why would one take the time to register an account on a forum if you're expected to get shafted after one post!?

not sure if this works, but RedRum-here's the original post:
I'm with DQ.

Everyone is free to express opinions here, but in one phrase, he violated AUP four times.

Be respectful to others, do not act like a child, think intelligently.

Imagine a new user arriving in GTP and say something like :"You Nazis that choose VW", "You gays that choose purple cars", "You Jewish this", "You commies that", "You latinos blablabla".

We are all players and human beings. If you want to be homossexual, persian-arab-jewish-nazist quadruple spy, fat, half-blonde/half-redhread, linux-fanboy, one-armed greenpeace activist, football hooligan, member of the NRA or a kung-fu master, that all will not make a single difference when we all play online and have fun together.

(Please note that is not my intent to be pejorative on the statement above).

"Du0u0u0hhh, 1d000=000n7 L1K3 GT4", ok then. Explain why. We'll read.
I can speak in this case as an official voice although I do so with hesitation (as I don't like to be the first to speak out of all the mods when I haven't consulted the others).

However, with that said...

Before I get banned I would just like to say that GT4 is **** it is a really gay sequel to GT3 it does not have proper handling, cars slide all over the place even when you control the throttle everyone i know says it is crap so just wandering why has everyone here wasted their lives on this really **** game?

That is the quote of "Tak's" post and thread in question.

Plain and Simple: That thread and post were unacceptable.

Many others have pointed out his violation of AUP/TOS. That is also unacceptable.

Those reasons alone are enough for closing his thread and reprimanding him.
However, notice that he hasn't actually been banned. His status is still "new member" not "banned" (as it would be if he was actually banned).

So, what's the problem? He messed up more than once and still wasn't banned.
Bottom line: Tak should learn what is acceptable, how to positively contribute to a forum, and where to contribute what is given.

On that note, this thread is in the wrong place altogether. There is no relevance to GT4 in the subject of this thread and the original posting member should not have brought this issue to the GT4 forums instead of the Feedback Forum designed for these exact instances.

Now with that said... :lol:
Thread Closed.

If there are further questions please PM me personally. :cheers:
Just wanted to add

Kent is quite right that the reason why the thread in question was closed was the approach taken by the member and not the subject.

Here at GT Planet we have had many, many discussions regarding the nature of realism in games, particularly GT4.

The link above is to one such example, discussing GT4 vs. Enthusia and the pros and cons of both physics models.

What you will notice is the difference in language used and respect given to each other. The one above is a heated, but intelligent and polite discussion, the closed thread was the 'net version of a primary school kids rant.


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