

i hate the fact that mangacars died out, and i want to try and bring them back so i am going to do a contest. i am going to make the deadline dec 31st. please bring manga cars back. you have a choice of 2 cars and here they are


  • 06-08-2004-bmwm3e301.gif
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  • post-21-1102648788.png
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sorry but I retired from them around two months go, havent touched one since.

Manga Cars opnly died out here. There are still lots of forums for them.
GIF Cars were always cooler anyways, they took no skill, and you had endless possibilities, with these, you have endless possibilities, but you have to know a thing or two about photoshop. I know lots about photoshop, but not everyone can afford a really expensive program
GIF Cars were always cooler anyways, they took no skill, and you had endless possibilities, with these, you have endless possibilities, but you have to know a thing or two about photoshop. I know lots about photoshop, but not everyone can afford a really expensive program
Managcars are supposed to be made in MS Paint.