
  • Thread starter Shannon
Jaw-Dropping. 10/10. The only thing is, you need a permanent menu, give it it's own frame or something.

And give me a linkback button and I'll give you one. I would gladly link to you on my site. That truly is a work of art Shannon.

Edit: Damn you! I was gonna use film for one of my pages!
Originally posted by KosmikFool
Jaw-Dropping. 10/10. The only thing is, you need a permanent menu, give it it's own frame or something.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I might add a drop down menu on each page.

And give me a linkback button and I'll give you one. I would gladly link to you on my site. That truly is a work of art Shannon.
Done! :) I think I got the URL right...

Edit: Damn you! I was gonna use film for one of my pages! [/B]
Vedy, vedy nice! :)👍

My suggestions:
  • As KF said, give it a permanent nav bar... also, considering the way you have it designed, you might want to add overline to your a:hover property... it might make it look better
  • The lack of borders on the left and right sides doesn't make sense-- I think you should complete the border to finish up the boxed look.
  • I noticed that your "Home" link is linked to index1.html... why index1? It gets redirected straight back to index.html...
  • In the "Links" section, when you click on a link, it opens in the same frame... not good. Definitely make it open in a new windows or in the same window but breaking out of the frame.

Okay, I think that's all... fantastic job!
Originally posted by Sage
Vedy, vedy nice! :)👍

My suggestions:
  • As KF said, give it a permanent nav bar... also, considering the way you have it designed, you might want to add overline to your a:hover property... it might make it look better
  • The lack of borders on the left and right sides doesn't make sense-- I think you should complete the border to finish up the boxed look.
  • I noticed that your "Home" link is linked to index1.html... why index1? It gets redirected straight back to index.html...
  • In the "Links" section, when you click on a link, it opens in the same frame... not good. Definitely make it open in a new windows or in the same window but breaking out of the frame.

Okay, I think that's all... fantastic job!
Lack of borders? It looks boxed on my screen. What resolution are you viewing it at?

Well, index.htm is a layout. Where all the content is, is an IFrame. index1.htm is the home page that has been loaded inside the IFrame on index.htm. Have a look at the source code.
Originally posted by Shannon
Lack of borders? It looks boxed on my screen.
Ah, it must be a standards issue or something... IE displays it with borders, but Safari doesn't (and I know that IE's standards support is pretty bad compared to Safari's KHTML engine)

Well, index.htm is a layout. Where all the content is, is an IFrame. index1.htm is the home page that has been loaded inside the IFrame on index.htm. Have a look at the source code.
Ah, I see. :)
Originally posted by Sage
Ah, it must be a standards issue or something... IE displays it with borders, but Safari doesn't (and I know that IE's standards support is pretty bad compared to Safari's KHTML engine)
Awesome! One suggestion though... you might want to consider putting the menu on all your pages or like others who have already posted said. Something like that.
Whats this The Sum of All Feards (PC) game? Nice work Shannon and get that nav bar, navigation is an essential to anyweb site!
You'll all be glad to know I added a navigation menu to each page. I couldn't be bothered fiddling around with dropdown menus, so I decided just to copy the existing menu code and paste it on each page. :D

Originally posted by ALPHA
Whats this The Sum of All Feards (PC) game? Nice work Shannon and get that nav bar, navigation is an essential to anyweb site!
:grumpy: It's supposed to be The Sum of All Fears. And it's an anti-terrorism game based on a Tom Clancy novel.
I like the way you put the wallpaper in, it's looks great...👍 Well done.
I assume you've made it 1024x768 only?

I had to change to 1024x768 to see the menu in some pages, but other then that, very nice.
Originally posted by Cobraboy
I assume you've made it 1024x768 only?

I had to change to 1024x768 to see the menu in some pages, but other then that, very nice.
Well, I used a CSS code to remove the scrollbar when it wasn't needed. I forgot that some resolutions wouldn't be able to see it then. :embarrassed:

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