I am officially jumping the bandwagon now...Yay! Free Colored X2010
PS: you know me, I will always give something back
Hi. I want to trade my F1 2010 for a non Vettle or carbon X1.
Oh you are gonna drive yourself bat**** doing this... This hopefully won't affect your zombie killing skills...
dude.. keep practicing... cuz come tomorrow you won't even be able to handle me
That makes no sense... We're on the same team... =P
Can you get me a Carbon X2010
What would you like for a yellow X1?? I would really love a coloured X1 as all i have is the carbon. Cheers
Dude, it's free... except I'm not sure if he's giving away X1's to people who have X1's... You'll have to double check with Niandra... Although I think the OP might be a little buzzed tonight so he might not remember this thread in the morning...
Dude, it's free... except I'm not sure if he's giving away X1's to people who have X1's... You'll have to double check with Niandra... Although I think the OP might be a little buzzed tonight so he might not remember this thread in the morning...
LOL... Yeah I'm totally doing this on the spur of the moment... that's what green does on you haha. I want 100 paintchips in return mhahaha