United States
United States
After the success of my Carina trade, I am on the lookout for another standard car. This time, I am going for something quite rare: A Jaguar XFR. As usual, I would prefer it to be 0/0/0, with absolutely NO modifications as I am going to build it up myself. I will be willing to trade any premium up to 1,000,000 in return.
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Hey Firehound, I've been gone fore a while, but as my first transaction since I've returned I'd like to donate a Jaguar XFR '10 to you. It is 0/0/0, and unmodded, but I don't remember the color. If you're interested, send an FR to my Alt "AKnewB" and I'll send it sometime this evening after reset.
Sounds good. What do you want in return?

I'm good for now my friend, don't need a thing! Just pay it forward and donate something to someone sometime. 👍 I'll look for an FR to AKnewB, and send it when I can later on. Cheers!
Sorry it's late, but the vehicle has been received. Trade is now closed. Thanks Charley!