**COMPLETED ** SNAIL Gr4-MPCC Season 1 Champions: GTR4MROD(GS)/ MrDonovan(TCR)

  • Thread starter llNovall
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I am going to be out again this month. I tried to race Sunday night but could only get through three races. Unless I can find another effective option for a gas pedal, plantar fasciitis will keep me from doing any racing for too long at a time.
I am going to be out again this month. I tried to race Sunday night but could only get through three races. Unless I can find another effective option for a gas pedal, plantar fasciitis will keep me from doing any racing for too long at a time.
I dealt with this a year or so ago...not fun. Alot of pain relievers and morning foot stretching, but finally went away after a staycation . Rest and getting off your feet for a few days went a long way. Hope it gets better.
It actually feels better after I walk, especially after playing golf. Up and down the hills provides a good stretch. Holding my foot in basically one position while racing was not working and was forcing my calf to cramp during the third race. I've been dealing with it for about a month and a half and it's much better now than it was when it first hit. I was hoping it was good enough to race but not there yet.

And to keep up the bragging, shot 79 yesterday while taking double on both par 5's on the back. Should have been 76 at worst even in the 25 mph wind.
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See you on the Senior tour one day :)

Not going to get that good in 5 years. I still have a day job. I'll be happy to shoot in the low to mid 80s most days with something in the 70s here and there.
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I dealt with this a year or so ago...not fun. Alot of pain relievers and morning foot stretching, but finally went away after a staycation . Rest and getting off your feet for a few days went a long way. Hope it gets better.

I feel ya brother I have issues in my knee from an injury I got playing paintball in my early 20s. I also get chronic gout from my kidney disease so I have lots of foot issues too. Hope ya feel better
Guys I have to say coming from iRacing I didn’t think an “arcadey console sim” would ever be so much fun but playing GTS the last couple days has taken me back to my child good days playing GT 1-4 and Forza, I’m having a lot of fun.

I got down into the low (edit) 2:11s in the Audi TT TCR car and I’m just loving turning laps.
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Guys I have to say coming from iRacing I didn’t think an “arcadey console sim” would ever be so much fun but playing GTS the last couple days has taken me back to my child good days playing GT 1-4 and Forza, I’m having a lot of fun.

I got down into the low 1:11s in the Audi TT TCR car and I’m just loving turning laps.
Thats quick. My best has been a 113.065.
Lol sorry I messaged on my phone, yes I meant 2:11, I almost busted a 10 last night but I kept clipping soil. I will probably not run so fast if I race though I am likely being a little too creative with clipping corners and hitting grass lol.

Good luck on your vaccines, I felt sick for a day or two then I was fine.
Lol sorry I messaged on my phone, yes I meant 2:11, I almost busted a 10 last night but I kept clipping soil. I will probably not run so fast if I race though I am likely being a little too creative with clipping corners and hitting grass lol.

Good luck on your vaccines, I felt sick for a day or two then I was fine.
Good times sir. Just for reference, the curbing is considered track surface....as long as 2 wheels remain on the curbing/rumble strip, it is legal. Feel free to be agressive on those corners where you can clip and straighten out the corner, but be aware to keep it legal. If a chase driver reports an oob and the replay clearly shows as such and afforded an advantage, a penalty could be issued. Really depends on how much you want to risk. ;)
Lol sorry I messaged on my phone, yes I meant 2:11, I almost busted a 10 last night but I kept clipping soil. I will probably not run so fast if I race though I am likely being a little too creative with clipping corners and hitting grass lol.

Good luck on your vaccines, I felt sick for a day or two then I was fine.
Yeah I’ve managed a few stray 2:11s, but low/mid 2:12s seem to be fastest pace for me. Looking forward to the weekend :)
MPCC Spotter guide SVG Event 11.png

Event #11

at Suzuka Circuit
Friday, May 7th, 2021
at 9pm est
Pre-Race Briefing

2 events remaining. Suzuka is expected to to exploit the strengths of all cars for this event. With the S's, the high speed corners, and the long straight aways, there is something for every car, and the racing should be very close.

Still trying to secure a full grid for tonight We have 2 absences, but both are covered...with 2 drivers tentative.

Autopolis International will present quite a challenge with its technical sequences, but should cater as well to the bigger hp cars on the straights. A few hours to go until we see how it all lands.
I'd like to remind all drivers to continue to observe rules regarding overlap, corner rights, and observing the racing lines of your opponents and your own. Lets have another clean competitive race night.

Track Boundary Clarifications:
The usual 2 wheels inside any white line/asphalt runoffs, or on the curbing.

Drivers are asked to please review or refresh themselves with the following tabs in the first post:

Tab 1.7 Start Procedure (especially GS drivers)
^^Disregard in split race rooms^^
Tab 4.2 Caution Process
**GS Drivers** Please be familiar with the start procedure for Multi-Class race start. Any questions, please ask.
For Reference:
Confirmation Reminder Post for Event #11

Driver BOP Regulation Chart

We have 2 absences so far reported for this event, one in each Class which will be covered as follows:

1.) @Stryker13 will be racing in place of @JLBowler and will be teamed up with the other available Reserve @Harry Rowley who will be covering for @stelephant for tonight's team effort.
2.) @BossyBruin /BossyBruin is currently our only other Reserve confirmed available for tonight, therefore, he will be racing in place of @nmcp1 from the GS Class as an additional TCR Class entry, and will be teamed up with @Phlano099 for the team effort if Phlano is able to race.

Tenative Drivers for tonight:
(X) @Roman_GT23 (GS)
@Phlano099 (TCR)
Tonight's grid:
GS Class Primary
@llNovall / II-NOVA-II
@TEX36 / TEX36
@Bologna_Duc / Bologna_Duc
@Noob01_lmdead / rauljimenez76
(X) @Roman_GT23 / Roman_GT23 (?)
@GTP_Guido / GTP_Guido
@IceWarden /Ice_Warden
@Harry Rowley

TCR Class Primary
@Phlano099 / Phlano_099 (?)
@MrDonovan /MrDonovan
@Stryker13 /DrSpyderPig (1st TCR Reserve)
@BossyBruin /BossyBruin (2nd TCR Reserve)

Available Reserves
Any additional Reserves to confirm available between now and race time will fill in for the next absent driver(s)
(If any positions become available up to the start of Qualifying, you will be messaged.)
The Race Room and Party Chat will be open for entries and warm up around 8:50pm est. Please be in the room no later than 9:10pm est to have your entry verified.
15 minute Open Qualifying to start at 9:15pm est.

Good luck to everyone and see you all on the grid for the green flag:cheers:
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May not make it tonight so if someone wants to sub and run in my place have at it. My brother just got home from his deployment and we haven’t seen him in a year so BBQ time. Enjoy the race everyone.
Gonna miss you tonight, but have have fun and a great weekend.
Hey guys,

Going to bail on tonight. My stomach has been killing me the past few days and don't think I'll be able to stay put for 40min without some sort of human fluids forcing their way out :ouch:
Sorry to hear it. Hope you feel better. In the event you feel up to come race time, just come on in. We have plenty of vacancies tonight...going to be a thin grid.
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