Watching the replays, I noticed my car is somewhat erratic at one or more points during the night. I'm a bit new to messing with any of this stuff as I've been out of it for quite a while, and also that I rarely saved replays in the past; though I've noticed the same moments appear at least slightly different in different replays. So I guess I'm not sure if I'm appearing to lag on other's screens, or if this is a case of the game's replay fidelity been poor. As an example, looking at this section of Rob Brown's replay, my car almost appears as if I hit the wall on the inside leaving Mercedes Arena. While I turned the car to avoid doing just that, it looks quite a bit more violent in Rob's replay than mine. And even less so in my screen capture from the race. Is this just how the replays normally?
The moment in question is the right hander leaving the arena in this clip, which is from Rob's replay;
It appears much smoother from the same view but taken from my saved replay;
And smoother yet again from my in car on my saved replay;
And lastly, this is the full race from my PS4 capture, in which the moment referenced above occurs about 3:10 into the video.
As I figured after watching the first two, the real time race capture during the race reflects most accurately what I saw through my screen, but I'm not necessarily sure if that is true for others or if cars are often jerking round like that in replays. I hadn't watched many on GTSport previously, and certainly not closely. Another thing I noticed between even the PS4 capture and the replay from my view above, is that not only is the car smoother in the capture but it doesn't seem as loaded up, and even the sounds from scrubbing are slightly different like the game almost assumes things when replaying the race.
That isn't to ignore that I probably deserve a point each for failure to leave racing room to Rob in the outside of the arena, or going out of bounds exiting the arena.

That's just the clip where I noticed the difference in fidelity/input resolution/whatever that seems to cause the moment to look slightly different in the most pronounced way during the race. Not sure if this is abnormal or if that's just how the replays always are on there.
Other than that, fun driving and a very challenging race. Great driving by stryker13 to the race win, and a nice fast lap in there. Some 3-4 wide happenings, all sorts of excitement! Like I said in the lobby, not sure if I owe just about everyone an apology or what.