*COMPLETED* SNAIL-Porsche GT3 SuperCup Challenge: Congrats to our Season 3 Champ, fruitloop31!!

  • Thread starter llNovall

Who's open to moving this Series to ACC after this season in Sept. '22?

  • I have a PS5 and a copy of ACC and am ready to race for next season.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • I have a PS5, and would purchase ACC to continue racing the Porsche Cup

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • I am getting PS5 soon and would purchase ACC to be ready to race in Sept. '22

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • I plan to get the PS5, but won't have it by September.

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • I have no plans to get the PS5 in the short term.

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
Not open for further replies.
Iracing has all but abandoned clutch users. Can still smoke dope, though.
Ya, with how iRacing treats the clutch, I set up my iRacing settings as tho I don’t have one. This is saying something substantial because I love using my clutch. Still looking for your manual series.
I pass on your second mentioned option but the way some hit me, I can believe some do.
Ya, with how iRacing treats the clutch, I set up my iRacing settings as tho I don’t have one. This is saying something substantial because I love using my clutch. Still looking for your manual series.
I pass on your second mentioned option but the way some hit me, I can believe some do.
I'll revisit the shifter series idea in the fall. I have a few ideas and need to do a bunch of testing but I think if folks wanted an outlet to race with others having the same experience there would be some great racing. GT7 is much more forgiving with the clutch and shifter than GTS, and I don't find myself inexplicably missing shifts. As a result, some cars are actually faster even if you are dancing with the clutch and brake, which is really cool. This year has gotten away from me between work and now I'm about to start the rush part of real race season. I'm actually coming off a bit of a break as I haven't raced since June, but I'll be at Lime Rock four out of the next six weekends; and it doesn't slow down again until after mid-October. So if something is going to come together I would be looking toward that time.

And yeah, there are definitely a bunch of dope smokers on iracing. That track list, though. Just like GT, I mostly drive alone.
GT7 Season 3
Porsche GT3 Supercup Challenge
Event #11
at Lago Maggiore GP
Friday, August 5th, 2022
at 9:00pm est
Confirmation Reminder Post

Alright Gentlemen,
2 Events to go before our Season 3 comes to a close. This Friday, we are at Lago Maggiore for the large GP layout.
I'd ask that all drivers please continue to carefully review the Interim Race and Start Procedures Link to re-familiarize yourselves with the qualifying procedures and the 2x2 rolling start. See the specific start point and details within the Confirmation Reminder in the tab below.
Please confirm your status by posting here in the thread or via PSN message that you "will" or "will not" be racing by 5pm Thursday (day before race night) to secure your grid spot and/or to adhere to the absentee policy.
Below are links for easy reference for policies, procedures, and series information for anyone who needs them.

1st Post of Thread (All series information can be found here)

Confirmation and Absentee Policy

Reserve Driver Process and Information

Be sure to check your specs:
Next Event Ballast and Weight Chart

Event Details:
Track: Lago Maggiore GP
Conditions: preset, late morning, SO7
Laps: 21 laps
(1 formation/start lap, then 20 laps to equal 40 minutes +)
Car: '16 Porsche 911 GT3RS
(See bottom of first post for "Quick Link" for a build list of required parts)
Tuning: Permitted
ABS: Allowed/NO other aids

Rolling Start Point
The lead row may start/accelerate at the bridge at the "Lago Maggiore Bridge/banner after the S's on the downhill straightaway.. Drivers may warm tires by gently weaving up to turn 6 (entrance of first S sequence) , and everyone should begin getting into 2x2 formation between turns 8 to 9.

Screenshot_20220802-073148_Samsung Internet.jpg

-All drivers following must NOT jump the start...wait for the driver in front of you to accelerate or be sure to time it properly.
-the race start will be reviewed after every race. Any Drivers deemed to have jumped the start, gaining a significant advantage or causing incident will be issued a minimum 10 point penalty assessed against their overall score for the night.
-In the event of a major incident, drivers involved are asked to type or come over the mic and request a Restart Caution. The Race Director will instruct, over the mic, for all drivers to regroup in order of current placement when the Restart Caution is ordered (not qualifying order), and which side odd and even places are to form up. Drivers may warm tires, but must be in 2x2 formation by the start/finish line. Lead driver will set and hold the pace at 50mph, and will restart at the predetermined start point noted above.
-If an incident occurs again, drivers are to resume racing and the restart will be reviewed post event.
-This is the only circumstance for a Caution to be issued in this series.

A reminder to the Reserve Drivers:
-open/available grid spot priority on race night is given to the Reserve drivers who confirm their availability first. Whether you confirmed early, or after the Confirmation Reminder Post is posted, your confirmation of availability date and time will be referenced for priority on race night. Confirm early to give you the best chances to race if abcense(s) occurs.

Anyone with a 👍 has been confirmed and noted to be present for Friday, August 5th. Everyone else, please confirm, here in the thread or via PSN message, that you "will" or "will not" make it no later than 5pm est Thursday (day before race night)
Please reply either way

Looking forward to our next race at:
See Above^^^
<<(Link has all Race Night Information to set up for practice.) See you all on track.:cheers:
👍= will be present
(X)= notified of absence
(?)= Questionable

👍 @llNovall /II-NOVA-II (Platinum)
👍 @Phlano099 /@Phlano_099 (Platinum)
👍 @Roman_GT23 /Roman_GT23 (Platinum)
@MrDonovan /MrDonovan (Gold)
👍 @Yugofan /Yugofan (Platinum)
👍 @Harry Rowley /Harry_Rowley_10 (Platinum)
👍 @Noob01_lmdead /rauljimenez76 (Platinum)
👍 @socalnatv /Sand_68 (Platinum) 2nd
👍 @fruitloop31 / fruitloop31 (Platinum)
@JDMKING13 / jdmking13 (Gold)
👍 @Rob Brown /no1needs2perish (Platinum)
👍 @Trickybrewer/ Trickybrewer (Platinum)
(X) @Kgffy / kgffty (Platinum) 1st
👍 @Xradkins/ Xrad-11 (Platinum)
👍 @Bologna_Duc / Bologna_Duc (Platinum)
👍 @Valex /Valex997 (Platinum)
Reserve Drivers (no specific priority order)
@MikeGrove / (Platinum)
@aedenmaddok /aedonmaddok (Gold)
@Kermit_2142 /Kermit_2142 (Platinum)
@SydViscus / Sydviscus (Gold)
@ruggermole / ruggermole (Gold)
@rsrgse / rsrgse (Platinum)
@Track_King47 / (Gold)
@CRC_Tony / Tony_Crays (Gold)

I plan to have a few late afternoon practices this week after work...between 4-5pm est.. Hope to see some of you then.

To all the Reserve Drivers:
At least 2 drivers are currently needed for this event. Please reply if you are availableand interested in racing this Friday at Monza.

See you all on track.👍
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I’m sorry Nova but I’m in only if you need a body. I get no enjoyment from GT7 any longer. I don’t know if I’ve become used to another sim but can barely keep the car on the track. It feels like driving on perpetually wet pavement, getting loose in 5th and 6th gear for fk sakes. I saw @Phlano099 suggestion that updated physics seems stickier but I’m not feeling it. Feels more like a burr on my scrotum….

I’ve been hanging on solely out of respect to you and the efforts you put into the league. That and it used to be soooo much fun in GTS but I’ve had it with GT7. I love racing with you guys so I’ll show up and take my lumps if you need bodies for the grid but feel free to offer a spot to our reserves. Sorry….
I’m sorry Nova but I’m in only if you need a body. I get no enjoyment from GT7 any longer. I don’t know if I’ve become used to another sim but can barely keep the car on the track. It feels like driving on perpetually wet pavement, getting loose in 5th and 6th gear for fk sakes. I saw @Phlano099 suggestion that updated physics seems stickier but I’m not feeling it. Feels more like a burr on my scrotum….

I’ve been hanging on solely out of respect to you and the efforts you put into the league. That and it used to be soooo much fun in GTS but I’ve had it with GT7. I love racing with you guys so I’ll show up and take my lumps if you need bodies for the grid but feel free to offer a spot to our reserves. Sorry….
No worries sir. I too have been struggling to find the interest to put laps in on GT7....espe ially with ACC having me hooked as of late. So much more immersive and raw. It's made it harder and harder to come back to GT7. I know Sand has had it as well, but I was hoping we could finish the season strong, but I'm not going to hold anyone hostage to it. I wholly regret and wish I would have forged on to finish on GTSport. But, so much anticipation and excitement couldn't hold us back from moving on to GT7....only to be let down on the expectations we had for it. The Porsche series is nearing us close, and will likely be shelved in regards to running on GT7 until PD decides to get the pollish on it. I will continue the Michelin Pilot GT4 Cup Challenge as long as the numbers hold strong, at least 12 on the grid at Qualifying, but as I said in another post, if it does start to fade, I'll kill it off before it runs out a slow death.
Once the Porsche Season is complete, we will be onto the next chapter in the Porsche Cup racing. I know you're on PC, but if there is ever the chance you pick up a ps5, pick up acc and join us. Good numbers so far.
I’m sorry Nova but I’m in only if you need a body. I get no enjoyment from GT7 any longer. I don’t know if I’ve become used to another sim but can barely keep the car on the track. It feels like driving on perpetually wet pavement, getting loose in 5th and 6th gear for fk sakes. I saw @Phlano099 suggestion that updated physics seems stickier but I’m not feeling it. Feels more like a burr on my scrotum….

I’ve been hanging on solely out of respect to you and the efforts you put into the league. That and it used to be soooo much fun in GTS but I’ve had it with GT7. I love racing with you guys so I’ll show up and take my lumps if you need bodies for the grid but feel free to offer a spot to our reserves. Sorry….
Best line ever: Feels more like a burr on my scrotum….:lol::lol::lol: :cheers:

Just come race the last two races, don't be a Gary, Gary

GT7 Season 3
Porsche GT3 Supercup Challenge
Event #11
at Lago Maggiore GP
Friday, August 5th, 2022
at 9:00pm est
Confirmation Reminder Post

Alright Gentlemen,
2 Events to go before our Season 3 comes to a close. This Friday, we are at Lago Maggiore for the large GP layout.
I'd ask that all drivers please continue to carefully review the Interim Race and Start Procedures Link to re-familiarize yourselves with the qualifying procedures and the 2x2 rolling start. See the specific start point and details within the Confirmation Reminder in the tab below.
Please confirm your status by posting here in the thread or via PSN message that you "will" or "will not" be racing by 5pm Thursday (day before race night) to secure your grid spot and/or to adhere to the absentee policy.
Below are links for easy reference for policies, procedures, and series information for anyone who needs them.

1st Post of Thread (All series information can be found here)

Confirmation and Absentee Policy

Reserve Driver Process and Information

Be sure to check your specs:
Next Event Ballast and Weight Chart

Event Details:
Track: Lago Maggiore GP
Conditions: preset, late morning, SO7
Laps: 21 laps
(1 formation/start lap, then 20 laps to equal 40 minutes +)
Car: '16 Porsche 911 GT3RS
(See bottom of first post for "Quick Link" for a build list of required parts)
Tuning: Permitted
ABS: Allowed/NO other aids

Rolling Start Point
The lead row may start/accelerate at the bridge at the "Lago Maggiore Bridge/banner after the S's on the downhill straightaway.. Drivers may warm tires by gently weaving up to turn 6 (entrance of first S sequence) , and everyone should begin getting into 2x2 formation between turns 8 to 9.

View attachment 1180003

-All drivers following must NOT jump the start...wait for the driver in front of you to accelerate or be sure to time it properly.
-the race start will be reviewed after every race. Any Drivers deemed to have jumped the start, gaining a significant advantage or causing incident will be issued a minimum 10 point penalty assessed against their overall score for the night.
-In the event of a major incident, drivers involved are asked to type or come over the mic and request a Restart Caution. The Race Director will instruct, over the mic, for all drivers to regroup in order of current placement when the Restart Caution is ordered (not qualifying order), and which side odd and even places are to form up. Drivers may warm tires, but must be in 2x2 formation by the start/finish line. Lead driver will set and hold the pace at 50mph, and will restart at the predetermined start point noted above.
-If an incident occurs again, drivers are to resume racing and the restart will be reviewed post event.
-This is the only circumstance for a Caution to be issued in this series.

A reminder to the Reserve Drivers:
-open/available grid spot priority on race night is given to the Reserve drivers who confirm their availability first. Whether you confirmed early, or after the Confirmation Reminder Post is posted, your confirmation of availability date and time will be referenced for priority on race night. Confirm early to give you the best chances to race if abcense(s) occurs.

Anyone with a 👍 has been confirmed and noted to be present for Friday, August 5th. Everyone else, please confirm, here in the thread or via PSN message, that you "will" or "will not" make it no later than 5pm est Thursday (day before race night)
Please reply either way

Looking forward to our next race at:
See Above^^^
<<(Link has all Race Night Information to set up for practice.) See you all on track.:cheers:
👍= will be present
(X)= notified of absence
(?)= Questionable

👍 @llNovall /II-NOVA-II (Platinum)
👍 @Phlano099 /@Phlano_099 (Platinum)
👍 @Roman_GT23 /Roman_GT23 (Platinum)
@MrDonovan /MrDonovan (Gold)
@Yugofan /Yugofan (Platinum)
👍 @Harry Rowley /Harry_Rowley_10 (Platinum)
@Noob01_lmdead /rauljimenez76 (Platinum)
(X) @socalnatv /Sand_68 (Platinum) 2nd
👍 @fruitloop31 / fruitloop31 (Platinum)
@JDMKING13 / jdmking13 (Gold)
@Rob Brown /no1needs2perish (Platinum)
@Trickybrewer/ Trickybrewer (Platinum)
(X) @Kgffy / kgffty (Platinum) 1st
👍 @Xradkins/ Xrad-11 (Platinum)
👍 @Bologna_Duc / Bologna_Duc (Platinum)
@Valex /Valex997 (Platinum)
Reserve Drivers (no specific priority order)
@MikeGrove / (Platinum)
@aedenmaddok /aedonmaddok (Gold)
@Kermit_2142 /Kermit_2142 (Platinum)
@SydViscus / Sydviscus (Gold)
@ruggermole / ruggermole (Gold)
@rsrgse / rsrgse (Platinum)
@Track_King47 / (Gold)
@CRC_Tony / Tony_Crays (Gold)

I plan to have a few late afternoon practices this week after work...between 4-5pm est.. Hope to see some of you then.

To all the Reserve Drivers:
At least 2 drivers are currently needed for this event. Please reply if you are availableand interested in racing this Friday at Monza.

See you all on track.👍
I confirmo
I’m planning on being there and probably a back marker. I also am chest deep in PC sim racing. 7 bass transducers, throttle and brake vibration motors, simhub running it all. Really cool. I’ve been doing a lot of iRacing but I occasionally go to Assetto Corsa (PC) with street cars. In my opinion, AC (not ACC) BY FAR, IS THE MOST REALISTIC SIM. It came out 2014. You can get it on Steam for $20 if you catch on sale! iRacing has me for $565 after 3 months and every night I want to spend another $100 (whopping 15% discount with purchase of six items). If you consider iRacing, be ready to throw down $1000 for all [road] tracks and 20 decent cars. The oval, dirt oval and dirt road are really incredible. Go ahead and apply for the loan though.
I’m planning on being there and probably a back marker. I also am chest deep in PC sim racing. 7 bass transducers, throttle and brake vibration motors, simhub running it all. Really cool. I’ve been doing a lot of iRacing but I occasionally go to Assetto Corsa (PC) with street cars. In my opinion, AC (not ACC) BY FAR, IS THE MOST REALISTIC SIM. It came out 2014. You can get it on Steam for $20 if you catch on sale! iRacing has me for $565 after 3 months and every night I want to spend another $100 (whopping 15% discount with purchase of six items). If you consider iRacing, be ready to throw down $1000 for all [road] tracks and 20 decent cars. The oval, dirt oval and dirt road are really incredible. Go ahead and apply for the loan though.
Exactly why I didn't go the PC/iRacing route...way too expensive for my taste. Considering a decent PC starts at around $1300, PS5 is a bargain at $400-500 and has the built in community. And, with the majority of our community and friends residing on Playstation, I couldn't see moving on to PC to try and start from scratch. Moving our racing community from one title to another is difficult enough, but a complete reboot seemed near impossible. I am hopeful we can get a strong roster for ACC and that it has the pull, interest, and and competitiveness we've had before. Time will tell. See ya Friday.
Another tag of the following primary drivers to please confirm your status for this Friday. If any Reserves are interested in racing Friday, we do have at least 2 openings, possibly 3 or more available depending on the remaining Primary drivers yet to confirm.

A reminder, I am requiring that we have at least 12 drivers on the grid for qualifying. Any less than 12 drivers, and Event #11 will be cancelled and we will try again for our final event at LeMans.

Though my interest has cooled on GT7, I am happy to complete and finish out the final two events of this season, but the numbers will need to be there to justify committing the time and efforts to it. Hoping we hit the mark we need to run on Friday.

@Harry Rowley

@MikeGrove / (Platinum)
@aedenmaddok /aedonmaddok (Gold)
@Kermit_2142 /Kermit_2142 (Platinum)
@SydViscus / Sydviscus (Gold)
@ruggermole / ruggermole (Gold)
@rsrgse / rsrgse (Platinum)
@Track_King47 / (Gold)
@CRC_Tony / Tony_Crays (Gold)
It’s disappointing to say that I noted at the start to carry on with GTS. There were those who wanted to switch, and I question that those who wanted to jump? Have you been on average supporting both series after the initial stir you created? Had we finished the Porsche on GTS, we all know we would’ve had a balanced and worthy way to wrap up the 12 month investment. That investment and fun would’ve been more enjoyable to myself, and frankly many more, even if GT7 had have not been a release bomb. Driving a car that some of you had been familiar with for nearly two years would’ve still exhibited a high level of competitiveness. The switch mixed up and sabotaged the racing for many, but left some who weren’t regulars on better ground. It’s not a matter of me noting I told you so, but more of a driving bomb occurred on both series, because I can’t see those that we’re eager to switch being as supportive as the crew who’d been racing for 18 plus months as regulars. Even if GT7 had been delayed, I tell ya that the Porsche and Michelin series would still be flying higher and truly more enjoyable to those even with a smaller grid. There are only a few drivers whom on average have a better performance or balanced across both racing series on GT7, yet it’s driving 6-10 out. I see that as fact! My enthusiasm will adapt to GT7, if/or frankly we pick a car that doesn’t lose traction when you turn right after going left at 60 mph. I’d be way more interested in a one design car that you can drive near the limit without in depth tuning. I have ACC, but have little or no time to practice to get to the level needed with the distraction of still needing GT7 for the Michelin series. I personally need multiple racing to be across the same platform to keep some interest. The backwards and forwards between discs or even worse systems turns me off like current US politics. It’s truly irrelevant what my approach is, or contribution is to the group, but as someone who was pretty competitive, seemingly has lost even the fun of turning a Sony device on. Your racing Chris brings me in from doing all my sporting hobbies outside, or deflects me from flipping houses. I hope coming inside for a gaming hobby continues somehow… I miss the group and banter more than sitting lazily eating and drinking at a rig but, that fun is starting to evaporate.
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It’s disappointing to say that I noted at the start to carry on with GTS. There were those who wanted to switch, and I question that those who wanted to jump? Have you been on average supporting both series after the initial stir you created? Had we finished the Porsche on GTS, we all know we would’ve had a balanced and worthy way to wrap up the 12 month investment. That investment and fun would’ve been more enjoyable to myself, and frankly many more, even if GT7 had have not been a release bomb. Driving a car that some of you had been familiar with for nearly two years would’ve still exhibited a high level of competitiveness. The switch mixed up and sabotaged the racing for many, but left some who weren’t regulars on better ground. It’s not a matter of me noting I told you so, but more of a driving bomb occurred on both series, because I can’t see those that we’re eager to switch being as supportive as the crew who’d been racing for 18 plus months as regulars. Even if GT7 had been delayed, I tell ya that the Porsche and Michelin series would still be flying higher and truly more enjoyable to those even with a smaller grid. There are only a few drivers whom on average have a better performance or balanced across both racing series on GT7, yet it’s driving 6-10 out. I see that as fact! My enthusiasm will adapt to GT7, if/or frankly we pick a car that doesn’t lose traction when you turn right after going left at 60 mph. I’d be way more interested in a one design car that you can drive near the limit without in depth tuning. I have ACC, but have little or no time to practice to get to the level needed with the distraction of still needing GT7 for the Michelin series. I personally need multiple racing to be across the same platform to keep some interest. The backwards and forwards between discs or even worse systems turns me off like current US politics. It’s truly irrelevant what my approach is, or contribution is to the group, but as someone who was pretty competitive, seemingly has lost even the fun of turning a Sony device on. Your racing Chris brings me in from doing all my sporting hobbies outside, or deflects me from flipping houses. I hope coming inside for a gaming hobby continues somehow… I miss the group and banter more than sitting lazily eating and drinking at a rig but, that fun is starting to evaporate.
I appreciate your input and feeling on the matter Harry. And I'd have to agree. Sadly, GT7 has completely dropped the ball and for me, has failed on our expectations on every aspect except maybe the graphics. Unfortunately, our migration attempt to GT7 has had to overcome so many hurdles that I believe overall interest has just trailed off. Not sure we can get back that magic formula of the parity racing we had with GTSport on this title. Harder to adjust, and even harder to gauge how each driver from before can adapt. The Michelin series does still have some hope since we time trialed and manipulated the cars and drivers to the best that we could to establish parity within the limits afforded us on GT7. Hopefully that series can endure, but based on last event's attendance, I'm less than optimistic.
With all this said, maybe it is one of those instances where all good things must come to an end. But, that's where I'm trying to push a direction for our next chapter...albeit maybe not with GT7. I do want to keep as much of our group together. These parity series were designed to accept and make everyone of every skillset nearly equal in pace...and it worked for the most part. But overall, most of our driving group has gotten faster, more consistent, less mistake prone, and more comfortable in traffic situations. It may very well be time for us to move onto a more realistic sim platform. I am moving forwaed for the Porsche GT3 Supercup to run on ACC, and for now will continue the GT4 series on GT7 pending attendance. In the event attendance does fail the series and it does close prematurely, I will be considering a move to ACC for a GT4 Challenge on ACC, assuming the Porsche series is holding strong and enough interest is there to support a second ACC series. PD delt these cards, and here we are. It is ashame.
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Looks like @Bologna_Duc is packing his fancy rig for................nothing 💀. I'm guessing the current count is 9?

Maybe if this falls through to maybe switch to ACC that night for some fun. I drove the cup car a few laps but not to the point throwing a setup and squeezing the most out of the car.
Looks like @Bologna_Duc is packing his fancy rig for................nothing 💀. I'm guessing the current count is 9?

Maybe if this falls through to maybe switch to ACC that night for some fun. I drove the cup car a few laps but not to the point throwing a setup and squeezing the most out of the car.
We won't let the night go to waste for those who are available. 😉
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Kurt Vonnegut:

“And a step backward, after making a wrong turn, is a step in the right direction.”​

GT Sport??

Looks like @Bologna_Duc is packing his fancy rig for................nothing 💀. I'm guessing the current count is 9?
Sometimes sitting in the chair is a form of mental sanity. But that too starts to fade without some competition. Hope to see some some of you on Friday somewhere in the internet.
View attachment 1156902
Pre-Race Drivers Briefing
Event #11
at Lago Maggiore GP
August 5th, 2022

Back at Lago Maggiore on the GP Circuit. Many great battles over previous seasons have been had. I'm certain we'll have another.
I'd like to ask all drivers to be ultra-aware of and respectful to the racing lines and to avoid contact if at all possible. GT7's proximity sensing and multiplayer lag in lobbies have shown it difficult to judge, and has made close racing even more difficult and challenging than it was before. Give that extra little bit of room if you can.

As always mentioned, patience, especially in turn 1, the opening laps, and busy race traffic....minimal mistakes, and great lap consistency yields the best results. Hold your lines and observe your opponent's corner rights when in close battles. Lets continue to uphold the standards that Snail is best known for.
Good luck to all drivers attending tonight's event.
Event #11 Race Details and Confirmation Post

2 wheels on or inside the white line on runoff areas, or on the checkered curbing at all times.
(Corners can be clipped aggressively, but keep it legal)
The white line on the exit of the S's are the only exception. Drivers may run wide at this section, though I don't expect this to beneficial to overall pace. Either way, going over the white line at this point is legal.

Screenshot_20220802-073148_Samsung Internet.jpg
Fuel could be a factor for this event, so adjust accordingly.

As a reminder to all drivers, please verify your weight, and apply any issued and required success ballast based on the chart HERE.
See the bottom of the 1st Post for "Quick Links" for car build details, new regulation announcements, and especially the new Rolling Start Procedure

Rolling Start Point
The lead row may start/accelerate at the bridge at the "Lago Maggiore Bridge/banner after the S's on the downhill straightaway.. Drivers may warm tires by gently weaving up to turn 6 (entrance of first S sequence) , and everyone should begin getting into 2x2 formation between turns 8 to 9.

Also, drivers are reminded that this series implements a success ballast and class graduating structure. Be sure to secure as many points as you can, even if its towards the back side of the grid....They add up over the 2 races in the event night.
See Tab 2.3 in the first post if you haven't already for Success Ballast details.

-Race Room opens for entry and warmup at 9pm est. Please verify you are on the correct tires, specs, and in the correct livery.
-All entries must be in before the start of Race 1. Specs will not be reviewed by the Race Director prior to the opening Race, but will be review post event. BE SURE EVRYTHING IS CORRECT.
(Primary Party Chat will be opened just before the room creation)

@llNovall /II-NOVA-II (Platinum)
@Phlano099 /@Phlano_099 (Platinum)
@Roman_GT23 /Roman_GT23 (Platinum)
(?) @MrDonovan /MrDonovan (Gold)
@Yugofan /Yugofan (Platinum)
@Harry Rowley /Harry_Rowley_10 (Platinum)
@Noob01_lmdead /rauljimenez76 (Platinum)
@socalnatv /Sand_68 (Platinum)
@fruitloop31 / fruitloop31 (Platinum)
(?) @JDMKING13 / jdmking13 (Gold)
@Rob Brown /no1needs2perish (Platinum)
@Trickybrewer/ Trickybrewer (Platinum) 2nd
@Kgffy / kgffty (Platinum) 1st
@Xradkins/ Xrad-11 (Platinum)
@Bologna_Duc / Bologna_Duc (Platinum)
@Valex /Valex997 (Platinum)
Reserve Drivers (no specific priority order)
@MikeGrove / (Platinum)
@aedenmaddok /aedonmaddok (Gold)
@Kermit_2142 /Kermit_2142 (Platinum)
@SydViscus / Sydviscus (Gold)
@ruggermole / ruggermole (Gold)
@rsrgse / rsrgse (Platinum)
@Track_King47 / (Gold)
@CRC_Tony / Tony_Crays (Gold)

2 Reserve Drivers are currently needed for tonights race. And 2 more if @MrDonovan and @JDMKING13 cannot attend.

Any additional Reserves or Snail members that are available, please reply if interested in Racing tonight and begin preparing a "Cup" car based on the Car Build Quick Link.

@Rob Brown / no1needs2perish will be our Host for tonight.
Lets have a clean and competitive race night typical of our Snail standards, and good luck to all drivers on the grid tonighy for Event #11

Added Note:
For those who purchased Assetto Corsa Competizione, I will be hosting a Porsche Cup lobby post Race. Stick around to join us.
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