Completion Percentages in GT5

  • Thread starter Lain


United States
Pasadena, TX
I personally think that in GT5, the completion percentage should also include how many cars you have, so that you need to do all the races AND get all the cars for 100% completion.
-> I think it would be a little over the top. I'd rather see a list on the races/missions that you had and haven't attained.
i dunno about the idea of PD forcing people to obtain all the cars to complete the game. It wouldnt be HARD by any means if car aquisition is anything like GT4 but I dont think it should be incorporated into the completion precentage

Maybe have a seperate statistic that displays xxxx/1000 cars collected or something like that
maybe they could have a number secundary objectives (such as getting a certain number of cars like 200 or 250, not all of them if GT5 has the same amount of cars as GT4 or more) and give you a bonus for completing them but not let them be obligatory to get 100% completion.