No they're two separate structures and both go through different testing like the stress strain done on wings in the R&D test labs. The Fuselage also has it's own testing obviously, but it's not done as a single unit.
The two units are bolted together to create an airplane, yes, and both fuselages and wings will have had tests done separately, but the airplane does go through two tests as one unit:
1. Wing bending test - to ensure that the as-built wing and wing-to-body interface will not break before the maximum load + factor of safety load is reached.
2. Long term fatigue testing
The wing to body join is the most critical joint of the airplane as well, and one that can only be tested once the two are assembled together.
You may think it's a sad day when the last 747 flies, but the truly sad day will be when the last 757 does. An aircraft that is labeled the "Ferrari of the sky", more efficient per passenger than some of the 737's it's being replaced by, only because the market took a hit during 9/11...
No, 757s have great performance but are actually pretty inefficient. They are, for a lot of missions, over-winged and over-engined. They had performance to the point where they were, and still are, being used for transcontinental service. The 757 may be slightly more efficient than a 737 when filled to max capacity and operating at a range that is towards the absolute max of what a 737 can do, but that requires the 757 to be put on a route that is longer than what a 737 can comfortably do and where they can fill that airplane up regularly. Hell, if you can fill a 777 to max capacity, then the per passenger block fuel would be more efficient than a 757 over the same route.
It won't it's being covered the CAA and they say no.
I cannot see the CAA not giving it an airworthiness certification if the Captains and Engineers can prove that the plane is airworthy.
I just thought this though.. if the group were to incorporate themselves in the US, would (could?) registration be done via FAA?
Type Certificates are issued by each national aviation authority or in certain situations, an international aviation authority. A Type Certificate issued by a particular aviation authority permits that particular airplane design to fly within that respective authority area's airspace, but not necessarily automatically in another aviation authority's airspace.
There are 2 primary aviation authorities in this world that issues Type Certificates: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Well, 2.5 ish if you count Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB). FAA has jurisdiction over the US, while EASA is a unified EU agency that has jurisdiction over all of European Union. Almost every other country in this world follows FAA's and EASA's lead, and will grant certification as long as those two organizations have as well.
Though CAA is still the UK's national aviation authority, it has relinquished all its certification-granting ability to EASA. Concorde was retired while it was still CAA responsibility and before EASA's existence, but for it to come back into service now, it'll require an EASA Type Certificate to even fly in European airspace. In addition, it will require a FAA Type Certificate for it to be flown to and in American airspace.
Who knows, if it does go ahead you may see Concorde with modern avionics in the form of a glass cockpit with a state of the art FMS (which I believe could be converted into use from another craft)
Glass cockpit would be cool on this thing, but really a really expensive overhaul.
That will require a supplemental type certificate to be issued, which will require a flight test program to demonstrate airworthiness before it is issued, on top of the new training program and the completely redone wiring systems that will be needed.