Confession Booth

  • Thread starter ash6660
>Confession Booth
>Gets yelled at

Hell, I could be pulling a certain other GTP member who posted something much more questionable here.
Meh. Everyone has a better life because of it. Having a family (parents and siblings) doesn't mean losing your freedom.
Last night, I told my dad that my door handle fell off but I actually broke it off so the dog couldn't open up the door while guests were over.

Sorry dad, you know I'd never do such things.
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When I was 18, me and a friend were goofing around in our cars late one night (his VW Bug / my mum's Allegro) and he accidentally rear ended me and broke the lights. We then spent a good few hours looking for an identical Allegro in car parks and, when we found one, swapped the smashed lenses for good ones. My mum never found out.

I'm not proud and I hope that the powers that be can forgive that misdirected teenager from 28 years ago. I would, of course, never do it again and would attempt to dissuade anyone from copying my bad example.

Anyway, lights are mounted from the inside now... ;)
I specifically tuned in to a World's Strongest Man qualifier today to admire the men.

I'm not a homosexual by any standard but I can't help but marvel at the size and strength of those men.
When I was in primary school (about 15 years ago), I used to steal matchbox and hotwheel cars. Quite a lot of them too.

It was too easy. There werent as many cameras back then and all I would do is grab a couple of cars, pretend to walk and look around until there was a blind spot, open them up and put them in to my pencil case in my school back pack then walk out. When the girl asks to look inside the bag they dont look inside the pencil case lol
I'll admit it, I'm generally a bored loser.. then again I noticed that I'm living the life of many other 18 y/o's like me and my life is probably more exciting than theirs somehow and vise versa. Why am I thinking like this? Looking at all of the images in my computer of me with friends doing stuff I don't normally do and images of people on Instagram/FB having 'fun'.

I feel like this guy sometimes ;/

All good.

I am terrified for what the future holds for me in all honesty. I procrastinate all the time, meaning I'm too lazy to look for a job, which means I will become a parasite on society, which is a label I don't want, so I decide to look for a job... but put it off until another time. It doesn't help that I'm constantly worried about what people think of me, and as such, the idea of having co-workers puts me off even more.
Why can't an opinion be a confession?

Because it's not a big deal to say you're attracted to a certain actor or actress. If you stole a candy bar from a 7-Eleven or killed your brother's cat, that'd be a confession. It almost implies that he thinks most people dislike the way Kate Hudson looks.