I've been smoking for a little while now. I don't know why I do it, at first I kinda just wanted to do it every now and then, but it's becoming an issue.
Here are the main details, I've hid them so you can choose to read them or not.
I started off buying a pack of Djarum Blacks (my friend gave me one, I liked it, although they seem a bit girly) and had one every week or two, then I gave it to my friend to wait till my birthday. I had only had three but my goal was to try and only have one every month, yeah right. I got them back on my birthday and I had let my friend have nine so I had eight left. It started alright, had one on my birthday, but from there it got bad. I found reasons to have one just about every other day last week. Monday came and I set apart time to have one in a private place like I was doing before I picked up my sister, but today I found myself parked to pick up my sister and deciding to go for a small drive and have one in my car (Absolute no-no for me). I've been a bit down over something really stupid lately and tonight I just snapped. I went for an hour walk in the rain and had two right after each other. I don't want to do this anymore, it's just ridiculous. I don't even really get any enjoyment out of it, the nicotine rush knocks me out of the park and I end up feeling like complete crap for a good 20 minutes afterward. I only have two left, but I'm too reluctant to throw them away. If I keep them I'll probably end up having them tomorrow, and if I give them to my friend for a while I'm just going to feel the same way later on. I know the general opinion will be to throw them away and stop, and I agree, but I also don't want to stop. I have terrible self control, I'm such an idiot.