Controller setup - Can anyone make it feel like GT Sport?

  • Thread starter englishbob
Just wondered, I preferred the general feel of the controller on default settings in GT Sport than I have in Pcars2. I've spent ages in PC2 in the controller menu, and next to nothing in the GT Sport one (In fact I changed nothing at all, other than car specifics like TC and ABS).

Is anyone up for the challenge of getting the two close together in the controller feel and posting back their setups for PC2?

On controller only if you're driving carefully and don't lose the back end. When that happens and you try to counter steer the car just snaps.
With my T300 RS I have no 'feel' of anything, all I can feel is resistance on the wheel and too much of it.

IMO, PCars 2 is doing a better job than the GTS demo.
Okay, so that explains why my driving was a bit rough in the demo. On a further note, with regards to the OP, I wouldn't mind finding some settings which bring it close to how GT6 felt on a controller. I think if I can get something close I actually might start being able to extract my full potential.
If I'm not mistaken, 2.0 patch notes for PC2 say improvements to default controller settings. Why don't you just make a note of your current settings, then default the settings and give them a try? Trying to make one driving games controls feel like another games controls seems to be more than a "challenge" given different handling physics/tire models/controller filtering/input ramping and damping.
If I'm not mistaken, 2.0 patch notes for PC2 say improvements to default controller settings. Why don't you just make a note of your current settings, then default the settings and give them a try?
Yes, not only did they tweak a few of the default values, they also adjusted the Speed Sensitivity feature so it behaves differently.

The steering in 2.00 is almost as much of an improvement over 1.03 as this game was over PCARS1, but the defaults still didn't cut it for me. I calibrated the steering to offer enough damping for racing but also the right amount of countersteer for almost all of the cars I've tested so far, whether you're drifting or just need to recover from the tail stepping out.

I think I've got it reasonably close to what you could expect from a typical racing game, or as close as I can make it for a one-size-fits-all solution. Remember that you can also adjust the steering ratio in the tuning setup to adjust the steering sensitivity on a per-car basis. 👍

Steering Sensitivity:   10
Throttle Sensitivity:   45
Brake Sensitivity:      45

These sensitivities control the linearity of input from the controller.
0-49 is slower near the center/low end and faster at the end of the axis.
51-100 is faster near the center/low end and slower at the end of the axis.

Speed Sensitivity:      75
Controller Damping:     85

Speed Sensitivity controls the maximum steering lock based on your speed.
95 is the default, setting it lower = greater steering response.

Controller Damping controls the maximum rate of steering.
67 is the default, setting it lower = quicker steering response.

When countersteering, the game allows for more opposite lock to enable you to recover.
The maximum countersteer angle depends on the Speed Sensitivity setting.
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Why don't you just make a note of your current settings, then default the settings and give them a try?
I wish there was a way you could only reset the sliders and not the ENTIRE controller configuration... Oh well, done.
The new default settings of the controler with 2.0 update are really Good!
I recommend give them a try!
Personally i don't gonna touch them
Primary testing reveals that they are plausible. I did make a minor adjustment to the steering sensitivity and will continue to see how it behaves. First impressions are looking good however, my only real concern is that the steering input is still a little bit too touchy for my liking. Steering sensitivity is set to seven, not sure if lowering it further will help or if I should try something else.
Steering sensitivity is set to seven, not sure if lowering it further will help or if I should try something else.
"Sensitivity" is a poor label for what it does. That slider controls the linearity curve of the X-axis on the joystick, which is then filtered through the Speed Sensitivity and Controller Damping settings anyway. In the post above I included notes on what to expect from each slider.
In theory it should be impossible to make the two games feel close because they are running on two very different physics engines. I think the goal should be to make both feel manageable and contollable within their own environment given your individual skillset and experience level.
Yes, not only did they tweak a few of the default values, they also adjusted the Speed Sensitivity feature so it behaves differently.

The steering in 2.00 is almost as much of an improvement over 1.03 as this game was over PCARS1, but the defaults still didn't cut it for me. I calibrated the steering to offer enough damping for racing but also the right amount of countersteer for almost all of the cars I've tested so far, whether you're drifting or just need to recover from the tail stepping out.

I think I've got it reasonably close to what you could expect from a typical racing game, or as close as I can make it for a one-size-fits-all solution. Remember that you can also adjust the steering ratio in the tuning setup to adjust the steering sensitivity on a per-car basis. 👍

Steering Sensitivity:   10
Throttle Sensitivity:   45
Brake Sensitivity:      75

These sensitivities control the linearity of input from the controller.
0-49 is slower near the center/low end and faster at the end of the axis.
51-100 is faster near the center/low end and slower at the end of the axis.

Speed Sensitivity:      75
Controller Damping:     85

Speed Sensitivity controls the maximum steering lock based on your speed.
95 is the default, setting it lower = greater steering response.

Controller Damping controls the maximum rate of steering.
67 is the default, setting it lower = quicker steering response.

When countersteering, the game allows for more opposite lock to enable you to recover.
The maximum countersteer angle depends on the Speed Sensitivity setting.
These are totally different from what you had before (or am I crazy?). I’m still using your old settings and they work for me with the new patch. Maybe will give this a try anyway.
I noticed the controller felt completely different after the patch, the trick is finding that balance to make it not overly twitchy, yet still responsive. Definitely giving @Wolfe 's settings a go later (driving with pad on laptop, wheel on regular PC).
why on earth? because GT sports controller settings work well straight out of the box
Except that in the GTS demo playing with a controller was totally broken when trying to countersteer. So once again why would you want that? On top of that PC2 is a game which has much more realism and nuance in it's handling model. You will never get it to feel like GTS as it's meant to be a close match to reality rather than a hero maker. So if you are trying to play PC2 like you play the GTS Demo that is probably where the problem lies.
I honestly don't understand why people don't use the motion control/ tilt for PS4.
It should be the default controller setting. Thats what SMS should do.
Make the tilt control the standard control
I drive with a wheel.
Well all i'm saying is that for people who use the thumbsticks for the DS4, they should switch to usimg the tilt control as it behaves similar to using an actual wheel. Which can help consistency and smoothness of car movement/turning
Well all i'm saying is that for people who use the thumbsticks for the DS4, they should switch to usimg the tilt control as it behaves similar to using an actual wheel. Which can help consistency and smoothness of car movement/turning
People should use whatever they feel most comfortable with.
Well all i'm saying is that for people who use the thumbsticks for the DS4, they should switch to usimg the tilt control as it behaves similar to using an actual wheel. Which can help consistency and smoothness of car movement/turning
I don’t agree at all.
Fair enough.
Well my response is to those who struggle with the thumbstick control and sensitivity. As thats what this thread is all about
Mostly i play with the wheel.
But when i play with the controler i just play with the thumbsticks, tried several times the "sixaxis tilt system" and hate it...

I'm faster and more precise with the thumbsticks, if i would to develop a racing game i wouldn't even spend time on the implementation of the sixaxis tilt system really
These are totally different from what you had before (or am I crazy?). I’m still using your old settings and they work for me with the new patch. Maybe will give this a try anyway.
You're not crazy. :) I'm glad I could help either way.

I found I wasn't getting enough countersteer with my old settings, so I experimented with Speed Sensitivity until I narrowed it to a "Goldilocks zone", allowing just enough countersteer to recover without an unwarranted threat of overcorrection. Then I tweaked Steering Sensitivity and Controller Damping to suit the new Speed Sensitivity value.
Sorry to hijack your thread @englishbob but I'm in need of some help from controller users too.

I've had a bit of a nightmare post-patch, many hours of testing but I just can't get my responsive-but-stable setup back, massive letdown - however I think (or hope) my woes are largely due to an actual hardware or software issue.

After a while I identified that I'm reaching 100% in-game steering before the analog stick is pushed all the way, as if steering saturation has been set. It's hard to show this but if you look closely, you'll see the bottom of the stick isn't touching the lip of the controller base, even though the telemetry is showing full steering:


It doesn't look like much but at a guesstimate that's 10-20% of the stick's range that's not being used by the game. The biggest issue I've had with driving post-patch is it feels like my inputs need to be smaller to do the same things I was doing pre-patch, regardless of how I've tweaked the controller settings. That's consistent with steering saturation reducing my absolute range of input.

However, this week I think I had the exact same issue with the GT Sport demo, which suggests this is a problem with my controller rather than the game. Additionally, I tried reassigning steering to the right stick, and it works fine - 100% stick input = 100% game steering, as expected. (Yes, I have seriously considered whether I could play the game with the controller upside down, so I can steer with my left thumb on the right stick. :lol:)

Just to make sure, would any other DS4 users mind trying this out? Stop the car on track, switch to telemetry HUD, slowly move the analog stick to the left/right, and see if the HUD registers full steering before you've pushed the stick all the way. Thanks :)

@The_American , in case this is a game bug
@TRGTspecialist -- Same result here. No idea why the right stick would be different, otherwise I'd guess it's "clipping" from the Speed Sensitivity feature. If you didn't already notice, that steering indicator reflects the virtual steering rack instead of your input, so while driving at speed, 100% input on the stick will show as less than 100% steering. Since Speed Sensitivity allows more steering angle at low speeds, that would explain it resulting in full lock before 100% input.