Ninners 7,068 UK May 22, 2014 #181 Guess what...I'm attending next week!!! Back into the land of pit manoeuvres and cars facing the wrong way in a heap of tyre smoke.
Guess what...I'm attending next week!!! Back into the land of pit manoeuvres and cars facing the wrong way in a heap of tyre smoke.
the_proffs 27 Göteborg the_proffs May 26, 2014 #182 Me and attrapp will not be attending the race this Tuesday, we'll be off eating wedding cake
I iwasere 92 runcorn I-was-ere May 26, 2014 #183 early congratulations to you both, have a wonderful day and wish you all the best
cwis667 17 cambs cwis667 May 27, 2014 #184 any room for more races wat time things start #7 matte black my psn is same as here
TDZdave 8,169 Hindmarsh Island TDZ-4-12-14-88 XBOX_is_GAY!!!! May 27, 2014 #185 cwis667 any room for more races wat time things start #7 matte black my psn is same as here Click to expand... 8PM BST I believe,
cwis667 any room for more races wat time things start #7 matte black my psn is same as here Click to expand... 8PM BST I believe,
I iwasere 92 runcorn I-was-ere May 27, 2014 #186 @cwis667, #7 is taken, please check op for available numbers, black is fine, lobby will be open in 2-2 1\2 hours from now
@cwis667, #7 is taken, please check op for available numbers, black is fine, lobby will be open in 2-2 1\2 hours from now
Glenalz81 1,442 Scotland Glen-Alz-81 May 27, 2014 #187 Not gonna manage tonight mate, i'm double to get practice with nifty when i can as he's not on often...might make race 2 though..👍
Not gonna manage tonight mate, i'm double to get practice with nifty when i can as he's not on often...might make race 2 though..👍
attrapp 33 Göteborg attrapp Jun 10, 2014 #189 Probably won't make it home in time for the race tonight, but if you allow it I'll try to sneak in before race two. Promise to be super super quiet
Probably won't make it home in time for the race tonight, but if you allow it I'll try to sneak in before race two. Promise to be super super quiet
I iwasere 92 runcorn I-was-ere Jun 10, 2014 #190 no problem at all attrapp, 2nd races are usually the better one to be in lol
P1K3Y_M1k3Y Made for Racing (M4R) CORE N24 team Premium 2,577 East Sussex P1K3Y_M1K3Y Jun 10, 2014 #192 Damn how long until Race 1?
I iwasere 92 runcorn I-was-ere Jun 10, 2014 #193 Half an hr till race start, lobby opened early for once lol
Roflwaffle 3,894 Somewhere Roflwaffle16 Jun 10, 2014 #194 Internet conked out. Give me a shout when R2 begins.