Corner exit speed tips.

  • Thread starter De_Breuk
I’m struggling with getting out of corners. In sport mode my competitors are pulling away from me when coming out of the corners.

Slow in and fast out is what I’m trying to do. And I’m using a wheel.
I use no TC (sometimes at TC1) and I try to get on the gas as soon as I can. All other aids are off. Except ABS which is on weak.
The results are either people pulling away or the rear of the car overtakes my front.

Any tips? Replays are not really helpfull because it shows no gear/speed/brake applied/etc.
7-Gears cars have a problem in 2nd and 1st Gears right now. I think the LSD is wrong.
They oversteer too easily. If you’re using them, I’d say change cars for now.
If that’s not the case, you could try coasting a little bit in a higher gear, and start accelerating a bit earlier, because you won’t have as much torque all of a sudden.
Replays are not really helpfull because it shows no gear/speed/brake applied/etc.
It should but you have to turn that option on in the replay settings first.

Have you covered the basics? Work your way back from the corner exit- if you are having to lift before you track out, you are getting on the gas too soon. Plenty of room on the outside at exit, you should be able to accelerate sooner.

I'm sure there are other tips though because I've seen replays where someone is able to remedy understeer on exit by adding even more steering. Maybe it's my line or something but I've never been able to get that to work (and it should eat tires alive during a race)...

Also, orientation has a lot to do with your exit as well- trail braking should help you get rotated towards the apex a little more efficiently.
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If its not a sharp corner, add 1/4-1/2 throttle throughout the turn and then full throttle at the apex. I have noticed in a lot of the hotlap videos it seems that there are very few moments when they aren't applying some throttle. If you have the right line try a smidge of throttle to keep your torque up.
throttle modulation, is there any middle throttle usage or are you on-off the throttle only? usually a medium amount of throttle will keep it tidy until you can get the car relatively straight before flooring it. more steering angle = more likely to spin
As long as you try to leave as little time as possible between braking and accelerating, stay close to the inside edge, and put yourself in a position where you can accelerate out as soon as you reach the should beat most other drivers through corners. Doing this consistently is the key to driving with TCS off.

Watching top 10 replays and following the cones can be helpful.
I’m struggling with getting out of corners. In sport mode my competitors are pulling away from me when coming out of the corners.

Slow in and fast out is what I’m trying to do. And I’m using a wheel.
I use no TC (sometimes at TC1) and I try to get on the gas as soon as I can. All other aids are off. Except ABS which is on weak.
The results are either people pulling away or the rear of the car overtakes my front.

Any tips? Replays are not really helpfull because it shows no gear/speed/brake applied/etc.

Regarding the replay part - when you play a replay, open the replay settings and set the display/race info to Display All (sorry if that's not the same wording as in-game but I'm at home now so can't check it out, but you will figure it out), and once you do this, start the replay and press the circle button - if done correctly you should be able to see everything - throttle / brake modulation, current gear, speed, etc.
honestly, the best and easiest way is to look at top 10 times and get as close as you can. You have your ghost to keep pushing you so you know what areas you need improvement. I am still using the controller unfortunately and can only get within about 1-2 seconds from the 10th best times on average. Use practice laps and slowly go faster than your ghost, you'll get better at it and find the best lines. From day 1 I have never used cones, I feel it helped me learn the track a lot better and paying attention to landmarks as my brake/accel points. This also made for my lines to be a bit unorthodox and some may argue that's why I am not hitting top 10 times but that's okay, I prefer learning this way :)
move your apex later in the corner, whichs means you give up a bit on entry... done right, you can hold off a hard breaking/tight entry car, and still get away on exit.
Check the 2nd example on this page...

If you're on a wheel, try modulating the throttle like Senna, keep the car on its toes without getting it out of shape.

Only found this guys channel last night. Some great tutoring and advice in a clear and well explained way.

Hope it helps