Coughing, Headaches and dizziness

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2.2L Camry
Xbox??? Who is this Xbox??
I've been feeling dizzy, having many headaches and coughing lately. I'm quite healthy and medium built. Since Christmas time, I've been feeling dizzy. For example, sometimes I'm like "Woah! Did I just do this?" or, I'll sit and then suddenly stand up and go up the stairs and I'll feel dizzy. Then, a couple of days ago, I've started having a cough and now headaches whenever I do something (walk etc.) Is this normal for 14 year old boys?
PS: I've never done drugs or drank alcohol or smoked.
[Generic GTP response to medical question]
Go and see a doctor
[/Generic GTP response to medical question]

I'm no doctor and don't wish to worry you, but I get that (without the coughing) and I have issues with an irregular heartbeat. Drugs keep me alive though. Mostly.
Go see a doctor.

The coughs and headaches could be completely unrelated. The dizzyness is possibly heart related. I had an ex girlfriend who had some valve issue, she'd faint fairly regularly at times, then come back round again as soon as she was on the floor/horizontal. Scary stuff.
Ok so you're not a blonde.... Like daan i'm also not a doctor, but coughing aside, it sounds like symptoms of having low blood pressure. Your doctor's surgery would be a better place to ask this question then a games forum would be.
Take the advice above, GO SEE A DOCTOR! If you are having dizzy spells you really need to get help. This sounds to me like a classic case of walking pneumonia all of your symptoms could be caused by such an infection, or you could have a more serious problem that needs attention, again GO SEE A DOCTOR. I had my first heart attack at the age of eighteen, I got light headed and passed out during a football game(american) my coach insisted that I go to the emergency room and get checked out. That is where they put me on an EKG machine and realized I had a heart attack. I was never allowed to play ball again after that day, but i'm still alive and have a wonderful family by my side today so GO SEE A DOCTOR. I'm not yelling to be a jerk, it's just that good of advice.;)
Go see a doctor like above.

Me opinion is that it's probably not serious like suggested above. A mate of mine had something like what you said (but without the coughing) when he was 12 itwas something called glandular fever he saw a doctor and It went awayafter about 6 months. This cough could just be a normal cough with nothing to do withthe dizzyness.
Or what your experiancIng could just be some growth related thing where your heart hadn't grown ad much as the rest of your body yet so struggles to supply your brain with oxygen when you stand up and therefore giving you these headrushes.
However that is only my opinion I'm only a 14 year old male like you so you should definatly see a doctor about it. But don't worry the likelyhood is itsnot that serious.

Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks all you guys. My coughing has stopped and my headaches are getting less severe. But, I'm still a bit dizzy.
You can always check out the symptoms here. Though it's always best to visit the doctor for more information.
I went to the doc's today and she told me its upper neck problems (i doubt it). She told me to take some Advil liquid gels and give it a few days. Also , the dizziness has seemed to disappear....
That's because your head is CONNECTED to your neck, so if you have neck troubles, the pain WILL shoot up into your brain and give you that headache and dizzy spells.

Or, you could have squaids........I'm just saying. :sly:

Knew a kid in middle school who had chronic headaches (baaaaad ones) and it turned out to be a pinched nerve in his neck. Something like that is probably your problem too.
Of course neck problems can cause headaches, dumbass!

I suspect the cough is unrelated and the dizziness may well be a sign of hypotension. Or it could just be hormonal, you are 14 after all :)
Head ache caused by neck issues....ummmm .....sounds like spondylosis to me.
My HEAD hurts and she thinks its a NECK problem.

As others have pointed out, your head is attached to your neck.

Doctors tend to know more about how your body works than you do. Just keep that in mind, along with their 8+ years of school and then training on top of that.
I'm 14 and I'm having the same issues. I'm takin tylenol and ibuphrofen. Its getting worse accept now I'm puking.
I ask my parents to go to a doctor and they say its nothing. Its been 4 freakin days. I'm so sick I can't even sleep
Do you happen to live near or walk by an industrial facility or done something with chemicals?
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I'm 14 and I'm having the same issues. I'm takin tylenol and ibuphrofen. Its getting worse accept now I'm puking.
I ask my parents to go to a doctor and they say its nothing. Its been 4 freakin days. I'm so sick I can't even sleep
Take a hint from the posts from 4 years ago...

[Generic GTP response to medical question]
Go and see a doctor
[/Generic GTP response to medical question]

Go see a doctor.

Your doctor's surgery would be a better place to ask this question then a games forum would be.

Take the advice above, GO SEE A DOCTOR!

Go see a doctor like above.

Definitely go see a doctor.
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