CRAP DiRT Rally Club [PS4] Racenet League Events live

I'm driving Flugzeugring between 2:41.2 and 2:41.7 in all the 2010 cars stock. That is close! I can go faster in each car but I don't have patience to it...
Report from Greece.

I think I had pretty good first two stages but then I lost control with Polo once again and crashed both 3rd and 4th stages. My crew repaired the driver for two days and then finally got him back on the road for 5th and 6th stages.
On 5th I believe I drove the best time I ever had on that stages and with that confidence boost to 6th stage...

One full roll and frontflip loosing left rear later I managed to get trough and finished the rally. Remembered to save 5th stage but got frustrated on 6th and just pressed x multiple times to get out of the car.
Well Rally Greece isn't playing nice to me. Was leading up to stage 4 but a spin mid-stage cost me dearly and I have dropped to 4th place. Oh well 2 stages left to fight back with. :nervous::lol:
I just lost the rally on stage 4 because the game decided to fix a puncture that wasn't hindering me instead of recovering me........
So you know thanks game, it's not like this was my best event so far, :censored:ing piece of 🤬. WOOOO hoooo :censored:ing 4 minutes off didn't care after the 4th stage, basically taped the gas to the floor and watched how long I lasted.
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I just lost the rally on stage 4 because the game decided to fix a puncture that wasn't hindering me instead of recovering me........
So you know thanks game, it's not like this was my best event so far, :censored:ing piece of 🤬. WOOOO hoooo :censored:ing 4 minutes off didn't care after the 4th stage, basically taped the gas to the floor and watched how long I lasted.
That's usually my story in Greece. When ever you feel comfortable in there then somehow you'll find yourself ending up sliding down the cliffs, rolling around or any other way to wreck your car.
Holy struggling with practice sessions in Greece. I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet, drive extremely cautiously so I can finish. Greece is definitely not where I'm most comfortable, that's for sure.
@Eyeseeh50 - only since you asked for feedback - Assetto Corsa' a game, it's terrible. The career mode is painfully boring. That forces you to drive cars that you'd rather not drive, and drive them well if you want to progress. That said, the driving itself is really good. I did a bunch of hotlaps at Spa in a variety of cars to see how it feels. The Ferraris' are boats, surprisingly.
There is no way to set up a private league, so you can only race on random on-line events. This, in my opinion, is the deal breaker. The driving is not so much better than say, Project CARS, that would inspire me to spend a lot time on it. Honestly, I think this will be a new dust collector. Project CARS looks better. It sounds almost as good. It drives almost as well, but the content is FAR superior. Just the line-up of cars is much better in PC...but I will give a shout out to AC's McLaren 650 S GT3 car. That's a lot of fun to drive. Until this goes on sale, if I were you, I'd save my money.
I had read in a couple of places that you could hotlap around the Isles of Man, which was the number one reason why I bought it...and you can't. There is no Isle Of Man track...which was gravely disappointing to me.
@Eyeseeh50 - only since you asked for feedback - Assetto Corsa' a game, it's terrible. The career mode is painfully boring. That forces you to drive cars that you'd rather not drive, and drive them well if you want to progress. That said, the driving itself is really good. I did a bunch of hotlaps at Spa in a variety of cars to see how it feels. The Ferraris' are boats, surprisingly.
There is no way to set up a private league, so you can only race on random on-line events. This, in my opinion, is the deal breaker. The driving is not so much better than say, Project CARS, that would inspire me to spend a lot time on it. Honestly, I think this will be a new dust collector. Project CARS looks better. It sounds almost as good. It drives almost as well, but the content is FAR superior. Just the line-up of cars is much better in PC...but I will give a shout out to AC's McLaren 650 S GT3 car. That's a lot of fun to drive. Until this goes on sale, if I were you, I'd save my money.
I had read in a couple of places that you could hotlap around the Isles of Man, which was the number one reason why I bought it...and you can't. There is no Isle Of Man track...which was gravely disappointing to me.
Wellp, I save money this year since assetto is garbage and gts won't exist yet
@Eyeseeh50 - only since you asked for feedback - Assetto Corsa' a game, it's terrible. The career mode is painfully boring. That forces you to drive cars that you'd rather not drive, and drive them well if you want to progress. That said, the driving itself is really good. I did a bunch of hotlaps at Spa in a variety of cars to see how it feels. The Ferraris' are boats, surprisingly.
There is no way to set up a private league, so you can only race on random on-line events. This, in my opinion, is the deal breaker. The driving is not so much better than say, Project CARS, that would inspire me to spend a lot time on it. Honestly, I think this will be a new dust collector. Project CARS looks better. It sounds almost as good. It drives almost as well, but the content is FAR superior. Just the line-up of cars is much better in PC...but I will give a shout out to AC's McLaren 650 S GT3 car. That's a lot of fun to drive. Until this goes on sale, if I were you, I'd save my money.
I had read in a couple of places that you could hotlap around the Isles of Man, which was the number one reason why I bought it...and you can't. There is no Isle Of Man track...which was gravely disappointing to me.
Ok thanks for the feedback! As I've read different forums this is pretty much I've read so far. It's good but has major problems to be THE game on PS4. I have already put it in cart couple of times but still managed not to buy it. Maybe I'll wait for sales then and get it when the problems are solved.

I'd still love to race with PC some time.
Sure I could try it out

'Kay...other than this weekend, let's do it. I can't this weekend, as NHL 17 is being released on Sept. 17th and my best friend and I are behind in terms games played in our season with NHL 16. We need to finish the season and at least the first two rounds of the playoffs so we'll be on time. What can I say...I'm Canadian after all and my buddy and I have been battling since '93 on the Super Nintendo :sly:

Where are you in this world? I ask just to get an idea of the time difference...
'Kay...other than this weekend, let's do it. I can't this weekend, as NHL 17 is being released on Sept. 17th and my best friend and I are behind in terms games played in our season with NHL 16. We need to finish the season and at least the first two rounds of the playoffs so we'll be on time. What can I say...I'm Canadian after all and my buddy and I have been battling since '93 on the Super Nintendo :sly:

Where are you in this world? I ask just to get an idea of the time difference...
Im from Finland. I Assume your'e from Canada so our time difference is quite big. :)
How far back from UK time are you? We're 6 hours back from London time. I'm sure we can figure something out on a weekend.

Finland? That's a beautiful country. Any time I see it, it reminds me of Northern Quebec, what with forests and lakes... And no wonder you're so fast when it comes to's in your bones!
So, it's 10PM where you are? That's kinda cool...that in two hours it'll be tomorrow for you, and I'll be leaving work at 5PM on a Friday.
Actually its UK +2. so it is 8 hours difference. So it might get tricky to play together. The landscape is actually pretty close to Canada. I was in Canada summers 2009 and 2011. Never been to Quebec though..
Really mediocre rally in Greece (it was my best last season), I went into it with no shakedown after not playing at all for a week, I really struggled with the gears too because I've been playing a game which has them in the wrong place on the controls (And unchangeable). The top guys were really quick too.
Do you guys have any tips for driving RWD cars. I have problems with hairpins and other slow corners because I spin on then every-single-time getting me pissed off. I tried with Kadett, Stratos and Lancia 037 and same problem with all of them. No matter if I'm on tarmac or gravel I spin with them all the time. Escort was the only one I could control the slide with and to me the speed doesn't matter, 30 km/h and I still spin without pressing gas. (I'm actually even worse on FWD but they are not rally cars after all.. ;)