Hi Guys, If possible can you add me to this? I though I was already a member, but just checked and my name isn't down on the list.
My PSN is night4001
If possible could you also add jamief430 PSN is jamief430
Hi Jeremy. The second one, is that yours also? If it is a friend I couldn't find the jamief430 ID on GTPlanet.
Welcome. Everything you need should be in the first post of this thread. Add everyone you see pasting in here. One you've raced with us a few times we'll add you to a chat group on PSN that is great for setting who in the group is online especially once you've added it as a favourite.
JSB (Mark)
PSN JohnSchoonsBeard
I've updated the first post.
I think it's about 4 or 5 pounds on Google Play. It's Android but not iOS.
Otherwise you can download it in on any PC and use it on that. I think that might be free but not sure about that.
Could you add me to the list? I don't race often but would like to race with clean racers.
PSN - WifeBeeter
What class you want to start with??
i rather be clean and have good fights than be on the podium
This friday:
Watkins Glenn Double Impact
2 x 30 to 45 minute race mixed lmp1/gt3 cars after the first race you have to change class,.. you sign up for bothraces!!!
starting time 2000 uk time.
grid must be divided +- 50/50 lmp/gt
If interested put your name in here!!!!!!!
(put behind your name the class you want to start with,...)
1 allstyles (lmp)
2 Hammymansel (lmp)
3 Glenalz81 (lmp)
4 Jamief430 (gt3)
5 WifeBeeter
6 Football
let me know your gamertag,.... i can send you a invite,...If anyone not gonna make the lmp class let me know...
My son cane in at 1045 pm and said he was hungry. I tried parking in pit but it didn't work.. tried finding a way to park and thought I did. Sorry if my car rolled back on track.
I had a great battle with @DIOGOPINTO121 in race 1 and forgot about the lmp's coming behind usil try upload the replay of some of it