I've been thinking about posting this for a while and sent this to a friend here on GTP a few weeks ago but been scared of posting it here, but here we go..
No need to quote or mention anything! I don't like to let the whole world know but if I'm going to say it this is the best place 👍
I've tried finding a way to post on GTP or psn chat but haven't managed to post yet so I'll start with you

I have struggled with different stuff for many years and kept my mouth shut not telling anyone. It's been up and down but always lurking. Recently I hit the wall hard and I'm struggling with (social) anxiety and depression. I can't even go to some places and am terrified of picking the phone up to call people (and receive calls), even my parents. That's why I'm not using my mic. It scares the crap out of me thinking about it! I am working on it seeing someone once a week and hoping they've got some magic dust to use on me... I'm not seeing an end of it yet but trying to keep my hopes up. I'm also negative all the time. I can't think positive anymore. Haven't been able to so that for a long time

earlier I have joined every CRAP event I could join but recently I haven't. That is because I'm prioritising myself and what I think i want for a while. I will hopefully be back again soon and sorry for not joining or reply if I get invites. It means a lot for me to get the invites so please continue sending them!
I am a quiet guy and always have been. I prefer to just listen and don't say much. Being in chat rooms is enough to feel better and forget things for a while so thanks for that when there's one to join 👍
Thanks for reading and I don't expect replies or anyone mentioning this so that's not necessary. I just felt it was time to share my "dirty little secret" and hoping it helps me somehow

my parents doesn't even know this yet because I can't talk about it... if this changes how anyone see me then so be it. I'm too tired to care.