Create Your Own Simpson Caricature/Avatar

This is the closest I could get to what I look like

Please! Post pics of your "Simpsonized" self!

This site is bit tricky, and you will need a good, close-up photo of yourself.

This is me, getting a ice cold beverage from my local Kwik-E-Mart. :D
This is one dodgy website :dunce:

I uploaded a pic of mine and it came out with some random kid which i have never heard of or seen :dunce:
Merged a6m5's thread into this one. I know its 2 different sites, but they both do essentially the same thing.

Bert - Hadn't seen your attempt at me before. Love the T-shirt! My hair isn't that grey, is it? :D
Thanks, daan. I had a feeling a thread like this already existed, but I was using "simpsonized" as the main search term, so I didn't see the other one.
I see they added glasses and a few other extra options including a link to upload your pics to 👍

Pretty close to me. My hairline's not that far back and it's a very ambiguous shade of sandy brown, but other than that, it's me.
I wonder if they'll let me use this on my drivers license or passport?

Poison....poison.....poison....ah, TASTYFISH!