Create your own track!

  • Thread starter sicbeing
Nice idea...but if you give a game too much replay value then why woudl anyon eever want to buy the next version.
You half-right. If you like the game, you play it. When the new "IMPROVED, MEGA, EXTRA" game is released you just have to get it.

Just look at Super Mario, you can play it for ages, without getting sick of it. Still they sell millions and millions of Mario game's every year.
I think it would be an AWSOME installment for GT5 to give a try, I would love to make my own track, maybe race with it online against others, who knows? 👍 :drool:
It's a big ask in terms of graphics and processor power. It would be no small feat creating a mode like that. It would probably take up an entire disc and a memory card.
Myself I probably would prefer there to not be a track creator as part of gt4, as with most things that allow everyday people to make custom tracks/environments they usually end up being crap!

What would be better is to have new tracks downloadable / have additional downloadable cars. Allow updates to the AI of the game. This would always be to a point otherwise there would be longer periods in between releases.

Just my 2 cents worth.
Do you think Expansion Packs should be implemented for the next GT game if we don't have a network connection? Imagine being able to download from PS3 CDs of content being able to add on more to our copies of the next GT. Then too, if this was implemented, it would be the first Expansion Pack deal for the Gran Turismo franchise.

As I stated earlier, you can try to make new tracks, but I don't think it's going to happen. Hell, I seen tracks designed in 3D Studio Max. To make everything real distinguishable and all, tracks can be designed from wireframes to complete texturized tracks in the matter of many months, even a few years. Moto Racer 2 was perhaps the best track editor game, but was very indistinguishable from one another. The tracks didn't really offer much in the way of off-course area, pits, or anything like that. That's the one fatal flaw of a track editor. You can make it as tough as possible, but it can be very tough to make a track that actually STANDS OUT from what PD designs in house. So on the basis of game design and on making user-created tracks shine, I don't think this is going to happen. Pray all you want, but I don't think it will happen.

The ONLY way we're getting a track editor is if we can make our own Autocross course. At least then, we can make our own track and be able to race it. I suggest you read about Autocross tracks and what makes each one unique from one another. Set up some cones, drive around them precisely, boom. Your own race track. I think this would the least time-consuming method of making your own track. You won't make your own Bathurst or Spa-Francorchamps, but at least you have a competitive race track you can use for racing. Then you can make it a good time trial session for you and either AI or human racers. But again, that's the ONLY chance I see a Track Editor happen in a GT game.
It's a cool idea (a track editor), but reading all of the "I don't think it will happen" post's, I too don't think it will happen. But I do have about 20 track's I've drawn out as map's, I'd love to see them come to life.
Here is a interesting thought, if they start to release tracks to download we could make our ones on PC and transfer them to the PS3 HD.
I think if you could be able to buy or freely download tracks from the PC to your PS3, I think many of us will surely be shopping for those USB memory drives. Shoot, I'm thinking about a certain Memory thing to download GT4 photos to it and upload it to my PC, in case I want to show off any pictures of mine. I know there's a GT4 -> Photo and Video Galleries thread on Photo Storage options, but I don't think your idea (talking to G25RJ) would likely work. It seems interesting, but I'm 50/50 on this actually working.
Now there's an answer. We could go on and on about the technical capabilitys of an unreleased system, and how an undeveloped game could make use of them; but if commandatore-san doesn't want it, it won't happen.
Well, I've looked at it from a technical standpoint. Personally, the only reason why create-a-track was implemented in past games was that most of the courses don't have much to REALLY differentiate themselves from one another outside of track configuration. In something like "Sim Golf," you could build your own golf course because each golf course is different. But in something like Gran Turismo, you simply cannot build your own track and make it better than anything PD's ever come up with.

A game would have to be purely simplistic and dull to make your own track. And like I said, if such a create-a-track idea really came true, it would be restricted to Autocross. Arrange some cones any way you wish and build a track you can be proud of. That's the ONLY way I see a Create-a-Track feature working. Just ask the SCCA people about Autocross and Solo events.
Just a point:

If you have it like some PC online scaletrix games you pic a section which may be a straight with a pit in lane on the side etc and it works basically it would be a great and easy addition
It would be great if you good make the lay-out of a track.
Then you can choose what kind of scenery you like and the PS renders the complete course
it would b a nice add on after gt5 but sorting out the rubbish a.i and more cars on track and better car sounds are more important but this if it came to fruitition would be something great
i agree fix whats broken rather than adding to the problems.

i guess everyone heres to young to remember the good old days of "racing destruction set" where you could build your own tracks on the Commodore 64 and race them!

Yes, my family built over 20 tracks and I still remember the names to most of them, we raced them so much. Great game!:)
Anyone remember the old PC game called Stuntman ( Atleast I think it was called that). I still have it hiding around my house. The track editor on that game was sweet. Though it maybe an old MS-Dos, PC game, it still can be similar to a track editor for GT5. The PS3s have that ability to get that type of hardware or use the information from a normal computer.
Maybee there could be an add-on creator/editor for the PC (for ease of use), then you copy the finished track to the PS3 (via USB).
Anyone remember the old PC game called Stuntman ( Atleast I think it was called that). I still have it hiding around my house. The track editor on that game was sweet. Though it maybe an old MS-Dos, PC game, it still can be similar to a track editor for GT5. The PS3s have that ability to get that type of hardware or use the information from a normal computer.
I think it was called Stunts.

Your right, the track editor was the best part of the game. I can hardly remember it having it's own tracks - I just remember spending hours building tracks and then jumping those cars...

And yes, if I look in the closet I think I'll find it back there somewhere - a single 1.44MB disk from memory! :crazy:

Ahhh, those were the days. :)
When graphics weren't quite so advanced it was probably easier to include an option for creating your own course or track. In the ancient PC golf game called "Mean 18" you could actually use something like a paintbrush to paint the size and shapes of fairways and greens, etc., while choosing from a decent selection of trees and shrubs to drop in wherever you wanted. I don't recall if the surrounding scenery could be modified, but it was fun to make a putting green that was 200 yards across and put 50 trees on it.

Nowadays, there are complex stand-alone programs called "terrain editors" that people use to create their own virtual worlds. It might be a bit tough to imbed a similar terrain editing engine into GT5 that would offer the same kind of flexibility, freedom, variety and, most importantly, enjoyment.

Of course, I'm not a video game programmer, so maybe it wouldn't be so tough to do. I'd love to see this feature at some point, though.
Wouldn't mind it...but I just don't quite think it would be all that possible. Like others I'd rather see more effort put into other aspects of the game. Besides...there's bound to be people who get stupid with the idea of create-your-own-tracks. Which would take away the feel of GT even if those people wouldn't care.

Wouldn't mind seeing Complex String back though...
Besides...there's bound to be people who get stupid with the idea of create-your-own-tracks.

That's what makes it fun, though, right? Test out the traction of those R5 tires by including a 45-degree climb in the track :sly:
That is the best idea ever, I mean a Gran Turismo game with a track editor feature, I can't wait to see what kind of design I come up with.
i think this is would be a good feature to have, however, think about modelling the landscape around the track, this would take too long and would turn out to be awkward i think.
Anyone who has played THPS 3,4 ect. knows all about park editing. It was really cool because you couold do what ever you wanted on whatever you wanted. Why not have the people from activision help em' out with it?
Well, if you could just pick bits and sections of already existing tracks, that would make it easier. Sure, elevationchanges are hard to put together, but not impossible. Like this: Parabolica (Monza), Spoon corner (Suzuka), Eau Rouge (Spa Francorchamps), Corkscrew (Laguna Seca), Nouvelle chicane (Monaco), and so on.
But this feature is highly unlikely, although I would like it alot if it was there.
Well, if you could just pick bits and sections of already existing tracks, that would make it easier. Sure, elevationchanges are hard to put together, but not impossible. Like this: Parabolica (Monza), Spoon corner (Suzuka), Eau Rouge (Spa Francorchamps), Corkscrew (Laguna Seca), Nouvelle chicane (Monaco), and so on.
But this feature is highly unlikely, although I would like it alot if it was there.

All those corners that you mentioned and the high banks of Daytona, Talladega, and Twin Ring Motegi Super Speedway.
I dont know very much about how the tracks are modelled and stuff, but i would have thought that it could be possible for the people at PD to create large ares of land with trees, houses, lakes and all the hills, crests and dips etc, and then the player could just create the track around this from an overhead view. This way you would get track layouts near to what you would like, plus good scenery grahics and detail. I say this because i read an article on how they recreated the nurburgring so well, and it turned aout that they mapped the whole track in 15mm squares. So designing your own track from scratch to a decent levels of detail would be far beyond the reach of most gamers.
I do think that track editors in many racing games is inevitable. While I would like to see it in GT5, maybe if implementing it is a headache considering all the other things Polyphony has to deal with, it should wait till GT6, or as a downloadable patch. But yes, when it's ready, I think that would be great.