Creating a Market for Salaried Crew Chiefs with In-Game Cash

  • Thread starter AGNT009
United States
I originally played GT5 for less than 1 month, then put it on the shelf for Star Trek Online as I waited for updates to fix the game and its horrendous shadows. I guess the jaggies are here to stay huh. Thanks alot Kaz.

Anyways, Ive also started racing online with NASCAR Racing 2003 for the PC, and I'll need to devote a good amount of time setting up my car myself. I just returned to GT5 this week (after waiting for TON of updates to DL, lol.)

For GT5, I want to be able to jump into a race or league and have a competitive setup with little to no time spent working on it. I have an average understanding of what each thing does setup wise. Ive always tuned my own cars for GT1-4. But now we have online. Now it isnt just coming up with a cookie cutter setup for beating AI.

What I want is a crew chief that has a VERY GOOD understanding of how to setup cars. All the cars. I want to be able to say, look, I want to enter this car into this series, you work on giving me a competitive setup, and I'll pay you per setup or per league entered or something.

Then I thought, maybe others want the ease of doing this too. Maybe others are willing to pay for good setups. Maybe there are good crew chiefs out there that would love the prestige of having their names alongside a winning driver in the leagues they entered. Kind of like B specing only using REAL drivers as the B-Specs. And you would get paid in game cash or cars. So while you tune a guys car for him, he pays you out and you get cars or whatever it is you want from him in return for your time spent working on a setup.

If there isnt already, Id like to see a website dedicated to Crew Chief Yellow pages, assuming there is a high demand for their services. Then players can see the rates the chiefs charge, and what kind of cars he specializes in setting up, and what are the winning statistics of the drivers that use his setups. The popular guys can start demanding top dollar, lol. Id be willing to try and setup a site like this myself as a wiki or something.

Also, is there a good comprehensive website that lists all the current GT5 leagues in operation? Without having to scroll through all the planet threads. Id like a one stop shop to find the leagues that interest me. A website where the members are the league operators and keep updated data on the leagues they are running. A good crew chief should be up on all the leagues available.

In closing, even if no one else wants a personal crew chief, Im accepting applications.

What kind of payment would a crew chief be interested in getting? Is this concept even appealing to guys really good at tuning?

Im looking for a guy who can teach me how to setup cars too, in addition to providing setups.

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