Creation vs. Evolution

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Because how many of those STUPID TV evangilists are out there saying they can "heal" you. People don't believe that kind of stuff anymore unless they are right there and happens to someone they know.

But you have the medical records to prove it. Your doctor will go on the record verifying your claims. She was probably scanned a bazillion times by an awe-stricken doctor who simply couldn't believe that she'd been cured without any sort of medical help. I'd have thought he'd encourage you to go forward and he'd help substantiate your story.

He probably even brought a team of experts in when he couldn't figure out what had happened. I'd bet they even wanted to study her some more so they could figure out if they could somehow use the information to fight cancer in the future. Are you telling me that the doctor that diagnosed her didn't even write a single journal article?

What would this scientific journal include? If nothing can be proved scientifically, what would be the purpose of the journal?
But you have the medical records to prove it. Your doctor will go on the record verifying your claims. She was probably scanned a bazillion times by an awe-stricken doctor who simply couldn't believe that she'd been cured without any sort of medical help. I'd have thought he'd encourage you to go forward and he'd help substantiate your story.

He probably even brought a team of experts in when he couldn't figure out what had happened. I'd bet they even wanted to study her some more so they could figure out if they could somehow use the information to fight cancer in the future. Are you telling me that the doctor that diagnosed her didn't even write a single journal article?

Oh well I figured that it would just be chalked up as a misdiagnosis and that would be that. Much like Famine said about 100 pages ago.

I've seen and heard of a lot more things then just this happen. But people don't believe. Why? Because morons like the guys I mentioned earlier scam people out of there money. :mad:
OH well I figured that it would just be chalked up as a misdiagnosis and that would be that.

Is that what the doctor thinks?

What would this scientific journal include? If nothing can be proved scientifically, what would be the purpose of the journal?

Well, if there's solid hard evidence that she had cancer, and now it's gone I think it would make a good paper. The doctor could talk about all of the various tests and results he got when trying to figure out what happened.
No, it's not. She had a tumor. Then it was gone. Call it a day.

Hmmm. I'm surprised the Dr. didn't want to follow up then.

However, my Mom scans blood for cancer (among other things), and I happen to know that mistakes are made... often (not by her of course :)).
Hmmm. I'm surprised the Dr. didn't want to follow up then.

However, my Mom scans blood for cancer (among other things), and I happen to know that mistakes are made... often (not by her of course :)).

And this is why belief in divine healing is very scarce indeed.
With relation to danoff, Swift and Pako's discussion earlier, I'd say a couple of things about the examples Swift points to... the fact that illnesses or physical ailments can spontaneously disappear (or appear) doesn't mean that it was an Act of God...

Strangely, if someone claims a spontaneous act of curing, they are usually very quick to attribute it to God. But let's put the boot on the other foot for a second. If someone suddenly dies, or suddenly goes blind, was that also an Act of God? If so, then we start getting into morally questionable terrority, because people start to 'invent' reasons why God might have done what he has - usually with no justification or evidence whatsoever. A good example of this is Pat Robertson - he demonstrated recently with his comments about Hurricane Katrina and the New Orleans floods, that putting motives into the mind of God is a bad idea. The fact is, there is no reason to surmise that God deliberately strikes people down in some sort of cycle of divine retribution - and most people would agree with that I'd imagine. People who do think like that find themselves very unpopular, very quickly. Another example, former England footballer and head coach Glenn Hoddle made a very poor comment about his belief that handicapped people were born handicapped because God was punishing them for something that they did in a former life. He was sacked as England manager immediately. His comment illustrated perfectly the sort of 'moral judgement' that he was in absolutely no place to be making - but it was based on his (misguided) belief that illnesses and diseases are used by God to demonstrate approval, disapproval, or just that He can...

So, if like me, you think that illnesses and diseases are not dished out (either vengefully or otherwise) by God, then you should also accept that he doesn't do the reverse i.e. spontaneously cure people. AIDS, cancer, blindness etc. are all physical phenomena pertaining to the animal kingdom that simply do not require any involvement, for good or ill, from a supernatural hand. The first step in proving that someone is cured is proving that they were ill in the first place... that requires firm evidence. In addition, if someone does spontaneously recover, then it should be reported and an attempt to explain the recovery process should be made (i.e. how long did it take, what tests were done to monitor the progression of the recovery process etc.) - this also will require evidence. But, if no explanation can be found, it doesn't necessarily mean there is no other explanation than 'God made it so'... potentially there are a myriad of other, rational explanations - the problem is, the real explanation (i.e. causes) may be so subtle, that in many cases, you will simply never know what caused the reverse of the illness.

But as danoff rightly points out, in a case where a dramatic reverse of illness does occur, then it would be the prerogative of the medical/scientific community to attempt to uncover the reasons behind it, in the hope that it would reveal the process by which other people may be cured of the same illness in the future. To me, it is counter-intuitive to presume that God can and does cure AIDS, but only does so on a whim and to so few people, and usually under evidentially dubious circumstances... It also begs the question, if God can and does indeed cure AIDS when he wants to, then why did he bother creating AIDS in the first place?? Again, we enter an area where we can start second-guessing the motives of God, which (again) is probably a bad idea... and as danoff also seems to be suggesting, if you don't know how someone recovered, how can you possibly say who did it??

We should be grateful and thankful that spontaneous recoveries can and do happen, but I'd rather thank/show gratitude to the people who actually did something to help rather than 'anyone' else.

Somebody help me out with this expanding universe stuff ....

Any particular aspects specifically? In relation to the issue of Creationism, the factual observation that the universe is expanding (first made in 1929, and now easily verifiable by modern methods) is the foundation stone on which the Big Bang model of cosmology is based upon, which obviously goes contrary to the creationist point of view that the 'Heavens and the Earth' were made simulateously and 'as they are now' just 6,000 years ago. The observation of expanding universe, and even the simple fact that we can see objects further away than 6,000 light years (MUCH further away) is enough to destroy the creationist argument stone dead.

Modern science still cannot explain the processes behind how the universe is expanding - but it can explain 'how' it is expanding (i.e. we can explain the movement of objects in terms of their relative positions) and the basic fact that the universe is expanding at all... More importantly, although science cannot provide an exact explanation for the mechanism of expansion, creationist theories on the subject are largely non-existant or so completely barmy as to not warrant any further discussion.
I was thinking if the universe is expanding...and its a doppler effect type expansion ...then we should know the exact center of the universe .. If not then I was wondering what the " opposte" reaction to whatever caused the expansion is / was. just my brain saying if we know the universe is expanding we should know how / why...otherwise how can we tell ? Hey maybe its just moving around a bit .

Did I make any sense ?
Strangely, if someone claims a spontaneous act of curing, they are usually very quick to attribute it to God.

That's a good point, and the reason for that is that illness is very mystical in appearance. We can't see it (unless you have a microscope), you can't touch it. You aren't aware when you contract it or really of how it gets removed. It looks and feels like magic.

That makes it a lot easier to attribute to the supernatural.
I was thinking if the universe is expanding...and its a doppler effect type expansion ...then we should know the exact center of the universe .. If not then I was wondering what the " opposte" reaction to whatever caused the expansion is / was. just my brain saying if we know the universe is expanding we should know how / why...otherwise how can we tell ? Hey maybe its just moving around a bit .

Did I make any sense ?

In theory, yes. But that depends on the universe's expansion being uniform and omnidirectional. Which it probably isn't due to, amongst other things, things and light.
I was thinking if the universe is expanding...and its a doppler effect type expansion ...then we should know the exact center of the universe .. If not then I was wondering what the " opposte" reaction to whatever caused the expansion is / was. just my brain saying if we know the universe is expanding we should know how / why...otherwise how can we tell ? Hey maybe its just moving around a bit .

Did I make any sense ?
I would like to go into this in more depth, but for two reasons... 1) it's not hugely relevant to the thread and 2) I don't know all that much more about it than a Google Search would tell you anyway. Suffice it to say that it is easy to tell that the universe is expanding, as the motions and distances of celestial bodies can be accurately observed and measured these days. But what is causing the expansion is still largely a moot point.

That makes it a lot easier to attribute to the supernatural.
Another good point.... it is infinitely easier to attribute anything to the supernatural... that's why scientists scoff at Creationism in the first place, because it is such a massive cop-out to suggest that the entire history of human evolution can be explained in just three words... "God did it". Although, that said, atleast it is an attempt at an explanation, it's just not a very satisfactory or detailed one.

:lol: No I did not. I said that particular thing happens. Not "just happens". I didn't offer a reason why it might have happened, just that it does occasionally happen (for quite a few reasons). "Just happens" implies that it happens for no reason.
:lol: No I did not. I said that particular thing happens. Not "just happens". I didn't offer a reason why it might have happened, just that it does occasionally happen (for quite a few reasons). "Just happens" implies that it happens for no reason.

Fair enough, but you would agree in the example you noted that it was a "natural" occurence?
Ok so then we can alter Pako's original statement to say:

Isn't just an easy of a cop-out to say that nature happened?
Ok so then we can alter Pako's original statement to say:

Isn't just an easy of a cop-out to say that nature happened?

No. Becuase (now that we've dropped the "just") science is limited to what we have evidence to support. And we have evidence to support the fact that nature happened (I'm talking origins of the universe here). Refusing to say why or how isn't a cop-out, it's an admission of ignorance - something religion simply does not tolerate.

You are as correct as you are wrong in that statement. The two cancel each other out leaving you with nothing, zero, a null value...which is something, because we now know that with the absence anything is nothing and that's when things just 'happen' because they must. After all, it's the forces of nature. If there is nothing, then something MUST exist.
The two cancel each other out leaving you with nothing, zero, a null value...which is something, because we now know that with the absence anything is nothing and that's when things just 'happen' because they must. After all, it's the forces of nature. If there is nothing, then something MUST exist.

Science never said that something MUST exist. I said I thought eventually the answer would come in that form. But for now, science doesn't claim that the forces of nature exist because they must. It claims that they exist and that it doesn't know why. That's it.

Please separate my own predictions for what the answer will be from our current state of knowledge. I don't claim that I know the answer, and neither does science. Only religion claims to know all the answers.
Making that distinction between your own predictions and what we 'know' is difficult at times. I will try to be more careful and less liberal with my summarizations, but after all this is the opinion's forum. We all draw our own 'predictions' or opinions from different (and in some cases the same) information.

Science defines the "how", God defines the "who" and sometimes the "why". Man tries to define himself.
Making that distinction between your own predictions and what we 'know' is difficult at times.

Ah, sorry if I caused any miscommunication.

Science defines the "how", God defines the "who" and sometimes the "why". Man tries to define himself.

Science defines the how, who and why in many situations. Take evolution, for example. Science defines how it happens, who it applies to, and why it happens (note that in this case there is no philosphical meaning to "why", only a physical "why"... like "why did the ball come back down after I threw it in the air").

Areas where science is silent, like what caused the laws of nature to exist, or reality at all, have always existed and have always decreased in number with time. Despite what some people say, human knoweldge increases with time. There is no reason to think (given the various track records) that science will never be able to explain what cases reality to exist, or that religion can explain it properly.
Science says that we MUST exist because we DO exist - but not that there is a theoretical NECESSITY for us to exist.
I... cant... believe... this is actually still on topic!?
Good job guys, keep it up 👍
Hey... everyone here has the quality posts badge. 👍

Science does NOT say we MUST exist. We just know as a fact that (obviously) we DO exist.
Wait... yeah, what Duke said. We DO exist, as we are all aware, but there was no reason for us to exist in the first place. We could have just stayed as monkeys and we wouldnt be here now.
Whatever... Buddhism says that we're just one of many thousands of parallel universes anyway...

Anyway... Ive caused you enough confusion... carry on with your highly intelligent posts that I dont really get...
Isn't just an easy of a cop-out to say that nature just happened?

Yes and no. It is a cop-out to say that 'nature just happened', but that is not what we are saying. It is helpful to keep the discussion relevant to human evolution, and not concern ourselves overly much with more complex issues such as the origins of the universe, the origins of matter, and the processes by which biological molecules came to exist on this planet. No scientists/evolutionists claim to know exactly how or why life exists on Earth, but what we do know, beyond doubt, is that it has existed for billions of years (in atleast some form or another) and that human beings were certainly not here from the beginning, but that their presence on Earth now is a result of evolution.

By focusing on the issue of human evolution, one does not need to question the role of God in creating Earth in the first place - since that (in my view) is a separate issue altogether... The main reason that evolutionists have a problem with Creationism is because the creationist view that all living things were created at the same time, human beings included, is factually incorrect (extremely), and verifiably so.

So, to answer the original contention directly, yes it is a cop-out to say that 'nature just happened', but it is completely not a cop-out to explain how human beings came to exist by the process of evolution - in order to do that, we needed to (and do) have hundreds of years of good science, a myriad of amazing discoveries, countless detailed observations of the natural world, and mountains of credible, reproducible and scientifically valid evidence... in as much as collecting, studying and understanding the evidence supporting evolution is not a cop-out, dismissing, ignoring or otherwise subverting that evidence is a major cop-out.

To deny that human beings are a result of evolution is, IMO, an affront to the intelligence of the entire human race - but similarly, to claim that we understand why (or even how) the process began in the first place would (at this point in time) be a lie...
the only question I have about humans evolving is.....drumroll....... why are we so damn smart? we're the only creature that we know of, that thinks about it's existence in the long run. and examines the universe...and contemplates our own existance... why is there nothing else even remotly close?we built cars, and houses out of steel, that we made out of rocks, and build fires, on purpose, but put them out..we argue about things that don't matter, like how long our species has existed....why?

and, as you say there is proof we havent been here for as long as everything else, you're never going to convince somebody who believes the direct opposite otherwise, without them seeing the evidence firsthand. You can't just tell them what other people found to be true, that's not the way the human mind works.

TM - not that I disagree with you about evo, BUT, If a group of scientists found the same level of proof, that humans DID in fact, inhabit the earth for all of it's existance, would you change your mind? even though other groups of scientists disagreed? I'm sure you'd want to see and hear all the details, at LEAST, before you even considered changing your mind, and that's not even your religion, that's just knowledge you've aquired.

P.S. frankly, most people arent smart enough to understand all the things necessary to realize wether or not these things are real or false as well.